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Well, with all the security measures , any day now people travel by plane with minimal cloths on only, and even that will b a prob...

f**** terro###ts


That would never happen in the US. First all the passengers would have a fit that no work was getting done, then security would come and drag them all off to jail.

We've forgotten how to have fun


Well what hit's me when I see this, besides all the Airport security questions.

Is all but three songs were in English, and of all those, only one I was not able to decide if it was American origin.

All the people in the world, dog us for promoting only English here, and apparently we have the most fun Christmas songs to boot. (although I personally agree, multy lingual is better)

The shame of being an arrogant infidel American these days.

Other than that it was quite fun to watch, Thanks


Well what hit's me when I see this, besides all the Airport security questions.

Is all but three songs were in English, and of all those, only one I was not able to decide if it was American origin.

All the people in the world, dog us for promoting only English here, and apparently we have the most fun Christmas songs to boot. (although I personally agree, multy lingual is better)

The shame of being an arrogant infidel American these days.

Other than that it was quite fun to watch, Thanks


this is an International Airport, and English is the main language to all international airports.

Although English is much spoken in the world, Portuguese is the fifth


Thanks I didn't know English was required in the airport, I knew the Pilots and air traffic controllers are required to use it.

I've never left my country so I really have no clue, but it still amazes me to see how our culture, no matter no matter how often we here negatives of it. We see it being used, and imitated globally.

Is it that the negative carries louder and longer than the good?

Again sorry for the Hijack


I doubt that you Europeans would understand my sentiment, but with the US, it's a whole package. The bad comes with the good, and your hero Obama seeks to destroy all of it. I pray he does not succeed, but fear he will.


Ummm, how did a funny dancegroup in a Portuguese airport become a political question? I thought those were funny BTW. :drunken_smilie:


Easy there, Wyatt. I appreciate the support mate, but I wasn't really arguing for anyone to like Americans, our country is pretty screwed up, and while past generations of hardy souls have hard won the position the the US has in the world, the present has not. The average American has little interest in the heritage of liberty our founding fathers tried their best to leave us, and it shows. The US is now now weighed down and floundering under a socialist bureaucracy and the apathetic greed of her people, and swamped with debt. Our new Marxist leader is just the rock on which she may finally be wrecked, and the world will cheer. Then they will tremble.

Don't get me wrong, I love my country, but I don't really care about a few idiots trowing rocks from the outside. It's the rot within that keeps me awake at night.


Ummm, how did a funny dancegroup in a Portuguese airport become a political question? I thought those were funny BTW. :drunken_smilie:

It boils just under the surface and you never know where it might brew up.


It sure boils. I can see that. I like a good political discussion myself but tolerance and objectiveness are must-haves from all sides before I participate. I don't like pointing fingers and throwing stones.


Easy there, Wyatt. I appreciate the support mate, but I wasn't really arguing for anyone to like Americans, our country is pretty screwed up, and while past generations of hardy souls have hard won the position the the US has in the world, the present has not. The average American has little interest in the heritage of liberty our founding fathers tried their best to leave us, and it shows. The US is now now weighed down and floundering under a socialist bureaucracy and the apathetic greed of her people, and swamped with debt. Our new Marxist leader is just the rock on which she may finally be wrecked, and the world will cheer. Then they will tremble.

Don't get me wrong, I love my country, but I don't really care about a few idiots trowing rocks from the outside. It's the rot within that keeps me awake at night.

I said this was not a political issue and it remains, and a appreciated your points of view BA, (even when u cal me an idiot rock thrower), cause that's why the would has billions of people with different culture's, languages, political systems, point of view etc.


i have to say that there are some posts before Asas-ez that are more upsetting. but that's about all i'm going to say about the subject.


Asas, where did you get the idea that I called you an idiot rock thrower?

Do you guys even bother to read my posts?

I understand that English isn't every ones first language here but really, at least make an attempt.

If I had any point to make it's a lament of the decline of my own country.

Not more than a handfull here understands squat about how I think.

I won't bother to try to engage in adult conversation around here anymore.


I have a little advice: don't eat yellow snow...no thats not it...now what was it?....never ever engage in a topic about either politics or religion as both will end in slagging matches by which I mean pointless opinionated posts that will upset some elements/characters of our great squad.

We all have an opinions about everything and I have learned that opinions are fine BUT personal and individual and although mine might be important to myself, others might not give a rats ass (a great Americanism) about mine at all.

Peace out!



I have a little advice: don't eat yellow snow...no thats not it...now what was it?....never ever engage in a topic about either politics or religion as both will end in slagging matches by which I mean pointless opinionated posts that will upset some elements/characters of our great squad...

Zooly, you forgot the greatest advice ever given from the movie The Princess Bride:

"Ha ha! You fool! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders! The most famous is "Never get involved in a land war in Asia," but only slightly less well known is this: "Never go in against a Sicilian when death

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