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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Parish Newsletter

September 2006

Well hello again, I thought that as there have been some new people move into this little community of ours recently, that I would put my jottings on show once again.

For those that don’t know, I came to this community as a representative of the Priory of St Oleg, a non-denominational retreat based high up a mountain in Lichtenstein. The Priory’s aims and views are quite modern. We believe that women who have fallen from the straight and narrow should be looked after and their undoubted skills put to good use. They are abducted (Ed’s Note change to “inductedâ€

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Bloody hell Chaplian, another classic!

I'm going to have to find all of these gems of yours and stick them out on the main village notice board :)

  • 1. DDz Quorum

:angel11: Put me down for a ticket Frior, see you on the Sabbath.


superb colin - Im with roger these deserve a dedicated section in the website

:lol: Now we definitely need to build you a church! Tell me more about the Novices; Are they "experts" by the time they are let g-, er, venture back into the world?


Well done Frior. Truly a credit to squadron chaplains everywhere.

I agree with your earlier suggestion that the newsletter should be twice a month. Look forward to the next one in a few weeks.

What, you don't remember the offer? It was the night you were dipping into the communion wine I think.


Um, I can do the photography of the novices, for security purposes of course. In the interest of accurate ID, they should be, um, dressed rather sparingly (if at all), as I will post the results so we can make sure we have no infiltrators among us. I can then assist in the training regimin as well. And I don't give a damn if I mispelled any of this.

They should be not quite so well dressed as this:


The sacrifices I make for the squadrons.


The following is a ver-batim quote from the only time my late grandmother made the incredibly inadvisable mistake of asking my late step-grandfather to say the blessing at the unique American holiday of Thanksgiving:

"(Ahem).....Good food, good meat, good God, let's eat. Amen."

It was at this point (circa 1969) that I discovered that older Christian ladies were

possesed of a rather extensive profanity vocabulary.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Many thanks for your kind words about my jottings.

@enforcer - I see you have meet Sister Wendy, one of our success stories indeed. She left the Priory and started her own Company. If I remember correctly she said that she was now a "Businessman's Leisure Time Activity Consultant". She seems to be doing rather well.

@jensenpark - I am working on the next one at the moment. I dont want to publish to often. There can only be so much good will extended towards me from the community before the well starts to drain dry!

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