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I am interested in all our convergence settings- I play around with these a LOT and cant settle on an optimum so I am curious

Ill start with mine- EDITED

.303/.50cal (hurricane/p51)

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I am interested in all our convergence settings- I play around with these a LOT and cant settle on an optimum so I am curious

Ill start with mine

.303/.50cal (hurricane/p51) 20mm wing(spitfire/fw190) 20mm nose(me109) others (30mm and slow rate of fire)

(me109 and zero)

250m 600m 800m :huh:? (cant hit shit)

Dave, if I am reading this right, you put your MG at 250m, and your 30mm at 850m?

I played around with these a while ago (going from as little as 200m to I think 600-700m), but I settled down to 300m for both MG and cannons eventually across the board. I really don't mess with them now. Not sure if that the best set-up, but was not convinced others were any better.

I settled on 300m for a couple of reasons. One, it was close enough that I thought the hitting power of the MG's would remain significant. Two, it seemed a good compromise as far as range. If someone is keeping out of .30, then its still close enough to take a shot at .40 or at .50 (if they are showing alot of surface).

As far as the cannon goes, left it the same because if I get to 300m for my MG shot, I might as well put the cannon in as well. Plus, I have a hard enough time dealing with the drop at that range.

I don't think my problem is convergence, but stick control and targeting. I am getting better, but I am a little ham-fisted with the stick, and my leading is erratic. I also need to take less dead six shots.


everything at 250

primarily finding that im trying to stop using gunsight view at all, i just stick on normal view all the time

i actually got this from watching a track by Psycho

i think trying to aim zoomed means you are getting too fidgety with precise gunnery rather than getting the reticule in the right general area and concentrating on your flying

also situation awareness has improved tenfold as has my ability to track

so thanks Psycho!

sorry, rambled on there- but this has been a greater change to my gunnery than convergance. and its against a habit that i had for 2 1/2 years of IL2

edit: also the main thing is that not using gunsight view means im getting closer before i fire, and thats maybe the real factor



silly formatting ok here goes

.303/.50 250m

20mm wing 600m

20mm nose 800m

30mm/ slow ROF :huh: tried everything and cant hit shit

interesting point about views Dazza- yum-yum told me to only use widest view as this helps with SA even in combat - but I find myself using normal view to shoot to - gunsight is too close and jerky I find but thats probably my poor flying


silly formatting ok here goes

.303/.50 250m

20mm wing 600m

20mm nose 800m

30mm/ slow ROF :huh: tried everything and cant hit shit

interesting point about views Dazza- yum-yum told me to only use widest view as this helps with SA even in combat - but I find myself using normal view to shoot to - gunsight is too close and jerky I find but thats probably my poor flying

The gunsight issue is interesting, because I almost always switch to gunsight when I am getting close to a shot. The only exception is when I am setting up for a snap-shot (when I can tell he's gonna race across my nose). Its not the first time I have read to avoid it, but I keeping relying on it, maybe to my detriment.

I am really surprised at your cannon settings, Dave. Why so long range? I understand they retain hitting power better because of the explosive, but doesn't that make it very hard to hit? Last night, when I was in the P-39Q with that damn nose howitzer, I was damn close to a 109 (<.30), took some time to lob shots, and I don't think I hit him once with it. It seems like ranges >500 would be downright pointless unless your pointing at something huge.

Of course, maybe if I hit more I could talk more...


I was the same glenn, finding it really hard to wean myself off the gunsight- but im resisting the tempation and really seeing the benefit

i think as well the distorted sense of how close you are is an issue. its clear in gunsight view that you are still pretty damn far even at .40 but you would swear it was a decent time to shoot

normal view holds you back until the target fills your screen hartman style, wide view im not liking since the slight fisheye lense effect upsets my immersion using TIR

I was the same glenn, finding it really hard to wean myself off the gunsight- but im resisting the tempation and really seeing the benefit

i think as well the distorted sense of how close you are is an issue. its clear in gunsight view that you are still pretty damn far even at .40 but you would swear it was a decent time to shoot

normal view holds you back until the target fills your screen hartman style, wide view im not liking since the slight fisheye lense effect upsets my immersion using TIR

I will check this, because I believe the way my controls are set-up, I normally only switch between wide and gun-sight. Maybe normal view is a good compromise. Thanks, Dazza!


My settings are as a result of a mix-match of advice and what Iv found kinda works-

I used to have them always at 300m for both-the longer ranges started following advice from 2 of the better scorers on warclouds AD and yum-yum. they recommended using 1000m

however they are better shots than I am and yum-yum flys the FW190s very fast - 700kmph on firing runs typically so maybe needs the longer range to fire sooner to offset closure rates?!?

the nose cannons shouldnt have as much problem as wing cannon and like you said the only issue is drop- if you set them to converge longer then I dont think they have as much drop factored in-this does not seem to apply to 30mm as bullet is heavier and is kind of lobbed anyway so you need a shorter convergence - probable 200m is about right.

wing cannon like spit and FW are at mid range as it kind of is a balance between my SLOW response time to aiming on a moving target and not wanting to get too close as I was having a lot of air-to-air collissions due to packet loss and lagg on line

so all a bit wooly- I have tried many settings on QMB and none seem to be optimum


I use 250 m convergence for both, and fly wide view (sometimes in gunsight, sometimes outside, depending if the view is appreciably better or not), and fight in normal view.


300m on the machine guns

250m on the cannon for air to air and 800m on the cannon for ground attack.

My logic is as follows; The items that do the most damage to an enemy aircraft are obviously the cannons, but you also are limited ammo wise. I attempt to fire my machine guns to determine if my lead is correct, and then open up with the cannon if everything looks good. Of course if I bounce someone and they don't see me, then they get the full money shot!

I try to wait to fire until 300m and 9 times out of 10, I'm closing on my target, so my cannons will be most effective at this range. The method tends to work fairly well, but sometimes I'm a bit slow to pull the trigger on the cannon and may miss a good opportunity.


It's always an interesting discussion to hear the various theories and see what the snipers are using. I'm almost embarrassed that my aerial gunnery is so bad as Uncle Sam taught me how to shoot and I never shot any lower then Sharpshooter, always just missing Expert. Here's a little something from the book I'm reading.

Douglas Bader wrote that after experience the RAF recommended setting during the BoB was 250 yards (228m) and that the experienced and successful pilots used 200 yards (183m). These were found to be the optimum range for maximizing the .303's power. Axis MG's would fit into this theory quite nicely if you take Sir Douglas's advice.

Been playing the "Hurricane Season" campaign and it has made a difference shooting at bombers. I almost never use anything over 250m even with cannon as a lot are low velocity and will start dropping even in that distance. The only exception is nose mounted guns I'll set out longer as the convergence for a concentration of power is not as important.


Got me cannons @ 300m

and them MGs @ 400m

Open up with a short burst around 450 - 350 to check the angle, them let them have it.

I fly and shoot with wide view and only zoom in when I am ground pounding and searching the horizon for bogeys


I'm at 250 for both the MGs and cannons. I've tried playing around with the distances some, but my gunnery is poor enough that I never saw an advantage either way. I suppose what I need to do is set up a QMB with some friendly bombers or something and do a proper test, but 250 seems to work pretty well for me, so I've not really moved it around much.

I usually give a MG burst at around 350-300 to check deflection and then open up with cannons (if equipped) as I close to 250-200. Well, in theory... that's what I strive for anyway. More often than I'd like, it's more like - I slam both triggers at 450 hoping for a lucky hit and smoke - then close so fast that I collide with my opponent... :oops:

I almost exclusively fly in wide view and then switch to normal in combat. I also use the zoom to find ground targets, and occasionally on large aerial targets if I'm trying to disable a certain engine or get my shots at the wing root, etc.


I set mine at:

Machine guns-----150 meters

Cannon------------200 meters

Rockets------------500 meters

These are generally seen as too short, but I don't even think about pulling the trigger most of the time until I'm under 100 meters. I usully try to be between 10 and 50 meters before I really let 'er rip. I seem to remember trying to set the MGs at 100 once, but the game wouldn't allow it. That may have changed in the patches since.

As for views, I usually shoot in wide view air to air and normal air to ground. This prolly explains my abysmal ground kill record.

Also, it's fun playing "Dodge The Debris" when you obliterate an He111 at 25 meters :twisted:


All of mine are always set to 200m. Always. I've read too many accounts like Bader's that this is about the best if you subscibe to the theory of letting the target fill you gunsight (some say you whole windscreen). Any farther and Im gonna waste my ammo, though therre are exceptions, like when you fly a P-39 with that 37mm-low velocity it is, but most of your firepower is centrally located anyway.


My settings for both are 250m, I used to play with the settings on 300/350, but switched down....

The 300/350 is before I had Tir, and was flying normal mode in combat, wide mode cruising...

Since I have Tir, I cannot fly other then wide mode, to have a good sense on what's going on around me, and must admit, I'm kinda used to the rearview mirror Spittie gives me (kinda lost whitout it), but occasionally zoom in, to look for ground targets....

I'm still getting used to the shorter distance, some days its like I can't hit a barn door, and was tempted to change the settings back many times...

When I'm in a distance of .3, I'll open fire with 1 sec bursts, both canon and mg.....


I'm up close and personal at 200/200. Its the 'Jaws' effect. It goes quiet whilst I close in then bullets start flying past yer pit. I never said I was accurate!!!! :)

I prefer to see more of the target that go for the long shot. I used to have em at 150 until they change the verocity of the explosions.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Mine are set at: MG:150 & Can:350 & Roc:700....why?

I figure MG are only going to really be effective up close, Cannons because most others I've seen set them

near this distance. Rockets

Thats what I have now, probably change them after reading what others use.


Jeepers, just noticed I was promoted to Lt. Col., drinks on me at the " O " Club.


I have been watching this thread closely and have come to a conclusion which may be totally incorrect.

I am beginning to think that joystick settings may be a lot more important than convergence. The convergence settings from y'all are all over the ff'in place and you can't all be right ( or maybe it doesn't really matter and you are all correct).

I have been practising using Crazy Ivan's JOYSTICK settings and shooting much better without changing convergence.

But WTF do I know? I have been wrong before.


Roll: 27 38 52 63 69 75 83 88 93 100

Pitch: 28 44 55 62 70 79 88 93 96 100

Yaw: 29 40 48 57 66 76 86 93 95 100 plus 7 deadband.

are crazyivans settings- I used these with my old joystick and X-45 and liked them but then started mucking around- I might go back to these again and see if I like them again :shock:

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