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LOOK who came to my repressed town (send ball and chain from room with good lie)

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Well, the biggest thing to hit backwater repressed Rome Ga. hit here this weekend, and yes I dropped by for a few min with my camera........................


this was Most controversy since the locals learned that the city govt didn't actually take down the capitoline wolf statue that Benito gave us in 36, melt it down into bullets (yeah, bronze bullets-these folks aint to bright) and shoot it back at him in 42.


I took a few more of these rather bold chix and a little vid to. I know one of them.


I hope nobody thought I was referring to the church folks as rats, as I actually got along wiht them just fine. They seem to enjoy talking about such. It was the local phony balony lawyer politico that I was referring to; we go back a long way.


LOL, I never thought you were calling me a rat, you smutmonger. (I thought I should say something nice about you) :P

Seriously, I'm of a mind that Christians should be Salt and Light in the world (you know, like the Boss said) and most of these protests tend to bring more heat than light.


Yeah, they provided the best possible advertising for this place and the GGW franchise, but I couldn't talk anyone into going to the state capitol or even the local court house and protest some OUTRAGEOUS and dangerous crap that opens a WIDE door to them being regulated by govt and even abolished.

I used this to establish a common ground with these folks and show them that I was not thier enemy, after telling them how proud I was of people with the guts to use their 1st Amendment rights, like the GGW and bar owners were doing.


Damn JP, I thought our courts couldn't be outdone as far abuse and insanity in their rulings. I'd last about thirty seconds in Canada I guess, as I've pissed off the Ga. Taliban so badly that (in the past 15 yrs) I've had considerable threats and vandalism, my favorite husky was poisoned wiht anti-freeze, shots fired over my house, etc. These morons (in support of these nazis) must've been getting inspiration from Canada. You have my sympathies. I bet Canadian WW2 vets do not approve.

And these stupid courts in this state (and many eslewhere) along wiht the state legislature, have ordered that the Constitution be printed on all toilet paper used in state buildings.

Poor Troy Tanier (google him) has been on death row 2 decades for killing an Atlanta police officer. Now nearly all the witnesses against him have come forward over the yrs admitting that the reason they testified against him was because of combined threats from a prosecuter and the actual murderer. Now they STILL wanna fry the guy without delay, and the state is fighting tooth and nail against a new trial. The state says htey may consider reducing it to a life sentence. The arrogance of that is beyond description.


I guess this has something to do with "Red Dawn" becoming my favorite movie.

You know it's gotta be bad when I would rather stay outside trying to convince people that they should be protesting a REAL threat,


Damn. Amazing how in both countries, some morons can do any damn thing they want, but you can get into legal trouble (or just get harassed like hell by govt sponsored Arse openings) for challenging them verbally or in print.

And they don't see it. I feel like the main character of hte 60s TV show "The Invaders" trying to reveal an alien invasion, or like Rowdy Roddy PFiffer trying the same thing in "They live".


The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield and government to gain ground.

Thomas Jefferson

This one's even better and explains the first perfectly:

Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of liberty.

Thomas Jefferson

I love the internet.

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