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Obit in one of our national newspapers...RCAF Ace passes

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Great story...poor guy shot down twice in error by friendly fire.


Shot down by 'friendly fire' in two wars, ace fighter pilot still loved his job

Even two years of harsh treatment in a Chinese prison couldn't break his spirit


Special to The Globe and Mail

October 20, 2009

OTTAWA -- Sitting in a Chinese prison cell for 24 months during a harsh and lonely captivity, Andy MacKenzie of the Royal Canadian Air Force had plenty of time to think about what had gone wrong on Dec. 5, 1952.

Mr. Mackenzie, a highly experienced fighter pilot on exchange with the United States Air Force in Korea, had been flying an F-86 Sabre jet when he was shot down by a comrade. It was the second time, in two wars, that he'd been shot down by American so-called friendly fire.

Flying at 42,000 feet along the western coast of Korea over the Yellow Sea toward the mouth of the Yalu River, Mr. MacKenzie, one of 22 RCAF pilots to fly in combat during the Korean War, had spotted two enemy MiG-15 jets. Informing his flight leader that he was going after them, he peeled off in pursuit.

Unfortunately, Major Jack Saunders of the 139th Fighter Interceptor Squadron, 51st Interceptor Wing, didn't hear him and headed in the opposite direction after his own targets. Breaking off his attack - it was strictly forbidden to attack without cover - Mr. MacKenzie was climbing to rejoin his leader when another Sabre raked his jet with fire. Since Sabres and MiG-15s both featured swept-back wings, they were sometimes mistaken for each other in the heat of battle.

Print Edition - Section Front

Section S Front


Damn. That's a helluva guy. Our guys managed to blast him twice, but IFF was kinda bad back then. I am very sorry for that.....kinda embarrassing.

Sad about his mother.

The only thing worse than commie vermin (that are still dangerous as hell btw) are the politico morons who would penalize a guy that suffered like that for his country while still bleeding the enemy.


As if anyone would take such a satirical "confession" seriously.


happened a lot I'm afraid.

One of our greatest pilots, James "Stocky" Edwards, among (if not the top) scoring allied aces in Africa, never made it past Wingco in his post-war career because of garbage politics.

And don't even get me started on Buzz Beurling.


The problem is that Politicians seldom know the first thing about brave men, having never experienced bravery for themselves, so all they can do is make-believe and judge from their armchairs.

(In retrospect I would like to say that not all politicians are mealy mouthed cowards, it's just that honest men of integrity are seldom cut out for the trade. Much like used car salesmen.)


Ditto BA. I won't mention politicos who answer desperate calls for re-enforcement with "we'll make that decision in a few weeks.......(maybe)."

I'm glad these guys weren't always able to COMPLETELY get in the way for short periods during WW2 or during the Pusan Pocket and Khe Sahn.. They always come back though.

Fighter pilots seem to really piss off politicos. They use any excuse to "punish" them for having the temerity to be so non PC. Same kinda crap kept Yeager from advancing pass brigadier, and Robin Olds and........ etc. I think it started with Billy Mitchell after WW1.

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