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Everywhere I look I see people saying "these sounds are porked" and all the rest of the gamut that I'm too lazy to write down. ;) I just thought I'd throw in another aspect that may clarify or confuse. Heh heh.

I was stood on my balcony one fine day when I heard a low but unmistakable sound coming from up the coast. Merlins! Pretty soon I could see the source of the sound - two aircraft, one large, one small, and I recognised a Lancaster and a Hurricane flying line astern towards me. When they were practically overhead the wings came down and they executed a steeply-banked turn right over us and returned the way they had come, back over Dawlish. The Hurri stayed so tight it was as if he was rigidly attached to the old bomber, and aurally it was like standing outside through a tropical shower. Incredible, like an orgasm even. (Or so I'm told ;))

Compare that description with an actual recording of a Lancaster in flight then, but taken from inside the same plane.

Turn the volume way up, you may even hear a Merlin.

B :dog:


LOL!!! Sounds just like my old van! It's really a matter of personal taste/perception in the end. The sound files in UI1.2, from what I've read, are specifically designed to be easily replaced to the user's liking. One of the nice things about Ultrapack, besides the AWESOME engine sounds is that the aircraft actually rattles and creaks, especially when you push it.


Was that vid taken on the occasion of the recreation of a dambuster raid?

Interesting point about the sound!! Very surprising, living in Toronto I have heard the Lancaster based in Hamilton fly above and it has that rich deep sound... nothing like the vid!


It's not quite a recreation CG, more a sort of low-level flight over the English countryside, to commemorate the 65th anniversary of the raids, or the 70th since the commencement of WW2 maybe. It's a recent clip anyway.

I posted it because, for me, it points up the enormous difference that you and BA have picked up on. "It sounds like my old van" really resonated for me, if you'll pardon the pun. Did you pick up the bit, about five minutes in, when they are passed by the jet fighter? No sound at all until the plane is past them?

I guess it's because I get a bit pissed at all the "sounds like a lawnmower" comments that I read on the forums that I posted the link. There is a huge difference between in-plane sound and what the ground-based observer hears - I was just pleased to find such a good example of it ;)

B :dog:


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the "lawnmower" sound the wind?

I don't think that the video is giving us just the engine sounds in their pure glory.


I suppose the real lesson here is they're all different. Even planes that have the same engine EG; the Hellcat, Corsair, and P-47 will have very different sounds, both inside and outside because of the hugely different variables of each plane. I'll bet in the Lanc that you hear the engines much more clearly from the pilots seat than from 20 feet in front of the engines where the film was done. This is why I try to be generous with my appraisals of the mods, 'cause a lot of this stuff is sooooooo subjective. I think there might be some real modulation problems in 1.2, but that is already being worked on, and it will be easy enough to fix for those who care. Cool vid btw, Brando. I'm so thankful for the people that put their time and money into keeping these birds in the air.


In this case it's the UK taxpayer and a very dedicated group of RAF aircrew, BA, that keeps the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight in the air. It is indeed a worthy cause.

I'm not really taking a dig at either the mods or the official sounds. My point is more about the erroneous impression that some people have about in-plane sound.

B :dog:

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