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I too have managed to download said patch (a 500Mb 'patch' - more like a whole new game.) and am just installng a new, clean version of the game as I type. Thanks again to all involved.


P.S. *** Dumb Question Alert ***


I'm going to do mine again a'la Beebop's instructions.

When I copied a version of my 4.08m and deleted all of my mods (which should have brought it to 4.08m clean), I patched 4.09 over it.

  • 1. DDz Quorum
Which file are all my control mappings held in?

you will find them in the users folder.

there will be a folder with your pilots surname i.e mine is called new dd_friar sst (done when i set up my x52) so the folder is called sst

you will also have to copy all.ini and default.ini

  • 2. Administrators

Thanks FT & Friar, just in the, ahem, Nick of time as I've just completed patching 4.08 to 4.09


P.S. This may be getting out of hand as I now have SIX separate installations of the game sat on my HDD

  • 2. Administrators

There's definitely a word to describe people like you FT ol' pal. Six is plenty for the likes of a simpleton such as I.

It does work though, so that's nice. Although I seem to have lost the furry end from my headset mike


If I were you Tribunus, I would copy and paste your 4.08m version. Rename one of them to 4.08m clean so you don't lose track of what it is. Then install the4.09m patch to the other 4.08m.


  • 2. Administrators

Alternatively, right-click il2fb.exe in your 4.09 game folder, select 'send to' from the drop-down menu, then select 'desktop (create shortcut)' - you will then have an icon on your desktop called 'Shortcut to il2fb.exe'. Double-clck that and you're away. If you wish, you can then remane the icon IL2 - 4.09 or something else meaningful, so you can keep track of the different versions. That will have no effect on il2fb.exe as you're only renaming the icon not the file it points to.

This is what mine looks like (as an example, nothing more). As you can see, I have three installations in use now, the SAS-modded version (using the AAA switcher), the normal AAA version for use on co-op or seow nights, plus (now) a 4.09 version of the game, but no switcher, so it's the old icon

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Someone had better take the newer members aside and explain what a Psycho is or what it does and how it acts and when not to go by it.... I hope that was really it/him



I wrote a little, true-ish, short story about one mission in one of our previous SEOW campaigns that illustrates what flying with Psycho is like.

So if those luckier members of our squad who haven't flown with/against Psycho want to know what he's like, check this out...


  • 1. DDz Quorum

Hey Psycho,

Get your self back here mate, we all miss you (and the wife has been asking after you as well, you made quite an impression over diner in New York....


WTF? Your back finally start hurting or something? Damn man. I've heard of R&R, but really.

BTW, we could use another cold blooded killer in the Luftwaffe as we take Malta. I can always use a good gunner again in my 110.

Now get off your arse and get your flight gear on.

That account of him in the Eastern front cmpn is being made into a movie as I understand. They're paroling Chuck Manson to play the lead.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

~S~ James baby !!

Would be great to fly with you again bud , come on in the waters lovely !

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