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Salute guys

Lately, my dogfighting ability has just gone in the dumper. I mean I just can hit a thing. Its like I'm shooting blanks or something. Now it seems to be mostly when I am on a public server, but even in single player I seem to get flamed all too often.

Long story short, is there anyone out there that would take pity on an Old fart, and meet up with me on say the dogs server and give me some lessons?

Maybe it is partly game settings or something as well as me just being a bad shot.




Thanks T_O_A_D,

Tuesday would work, just let me know (PM me) when you might be available. I will download the TP missions.


The one thing you have to accept about all online games is the level of proficiency some people will have.

Do you notice when you go to play online there are the same 6 or 8 names there? ALL the time.

How many hours a week can you put in? 5? 10? 30?

Some of them are putting in 30 hrs a week and more. Kids off school? Double that.

The stability of your internet speed has some function too. Faster speed today and you lead the target less. Learn to shoot offline and you relearn when online. I'm not nearly good enough to get right in the cockpit with the other guy before shooting but that is the best way to deal with the lag.

In my opinion the biggest assets that the Dogs have aren't being used. Teamwork and patience.

Mature folks have patience and judgment that only comes from experience.

The Dogs don't spend any time developing the teamwork skills that would give them a huge advantage over any single opponent.

That isn't intended as an insult in any way, just saying that my own gunnery and general performance is directly related to the time I spend on an opponents tail.

We have the potential to even that up simply by starting with some very simple guidelines.

1. Fly with a buddy, line abreast, about 1 km apart.

2. If one is engaged or shooting the other does nothing but watch and report.

That's all, simple. It becomes second nature.

We do that for 6 months and we'll end up going home for fuel or ammo most of the time.


Thanks Perfesser, good advice. It would be great to learn to fly as a team. Your right about the same names always being online. I unfortunitly have to work for a living. LOL!


That work thing really screws up my flying too.

We don't fly enough with one person to really get involved with the wingman tactics but just one or two simple guidelines at a time won't be like working at it.

It will be like having fun, with style.


Remember to get close when you shoot, as I like to try to fill at least half hte sight with the enemy. Practice wth Vet and average ai enemy of comparative performance (but different types).

Pay attention to stuff that may be a bit differnt in the planes you fly, like the k13 site in some american


Will do AP, My target practice is online, You host it yourself, and it has enough aircraft to induce its own lag.

Set ammo to unlimited shoot only short burst practice same appoach till efficient, than try other angles on them.


As the older hands will tell you my shooting sucks.

I have worked on this for a while.

there is info posted in the vault - the RAF gunnery guide


here are some other training missions I use


there is also darts video and over at simhq aircraft library there are articles by andy bush

What professer asays about ping is key - a low ping will improve you a lot , but learn to lead that extra 1/2 ring online

Here is what helps me

1) Get close - 300m max , 200m optimum

2) set your convergence low - 200m

3) If the plane in front is turning, dont pull on the stick to follow, you will always fire behind it. Reposition your plane to get a lower angle off then fire.

4) have patience. the guy has made a mistaske allowing you to get in a firing position, dont blow your position trying desperatly for a shot. Fly smart and keep you r E up and the gun position will come again. Fly stupid and you will , stall/ overshoot/ bleed E and suddenly you are on the defensive and even madder with yourself

5) record tracks and view from externals and from the enemy plane and see how far your bullets miss.

6) good suggestion about using the P-51 gyro gunsight , this really shows you how much lead you need. But remember this is for .50 cals. For 20mm you will need to lead more and for 30mm more still.

hope this helps



~S~ All

Some great info above. The K-9 Vault is rich and about to get richer from .ntrks and recordings from Boomer's training sessions that have been happening on a few Mondays. Next is the final Wingman session this Monday, August 24 at 8:00 EDT. See:


May I make a couple of suggestions not covered above:

1) Know the corner speed for your ride---IL-2 Compare is a fountain of info on your crate and how to get the best performance in climb speed, turn rate, stall speeds, etc. Put your ride up against a few of the enemy craft you're most likely to run into. You don't have much time flying co-ops to consult it but learning the data for a few of the more popularly flown birds (especially your favorites) when offline is an advantage in making those split-second decisions in a dogfight. A corollary to "Know thine enemy as well as thyself." Know his numbers, too and you won't try turning with a Zero in a TB3---lol.

2) Get used to doing manoevers at the edge of stall, remembering you can induce a stall at any speed. Know the feel of your crate when approaching a stall and let off a bit just short of it, continuing your desired manoever if it's still a good idea.If not, do something else. You gotta get your plane around quicker than the other guy or he's going to kill you!

3) Read all you can, watch all the tracks, practice on the AI, but there is no substitute for getting out there and doing it with someone who can point out mistakes in strategy or demonstrate manoevers for you to practice, practice, practice. Did I say practice? Then do it online with another kind soul who will tell you things you've not heard before about the same strategies and manoevers---everyone has info that doesn't get discussed very often but if you keep your ears open, you'll learn a lot at co-ops.

4) Fly smart. Don't go 1 v 4 unless you have a decidedly superior ride and know how to use it. Even then it's not so smart. Know when to bug out! You can always come back to exact your revenge after you have got enough E to have the advantage

5) If you can, take the courses at Joint Ops Virtual Flight School---the Advanced Fighter series is challenging and just plain fun (pun intended).

Hope that helps a bit, m8!




I found the P51 gyro sight a great teaching aid, amazing how much just a few G's will do.

In a fight where you're not staying on the bad guys 6 I'll often pull my nose through his flight path and let off a stream for him to fly through.

It doesn't get the quick kills that sure gunnery does but it does get a few damaging hits.


Wow, thanks to all of you for you most welcome input! What a wealth of info. I have downloaded the recommended practice, missions, and cant wait to get started.

T_O_A_D, about your practice missions, should I start a server and fly them online? I think that is what you recommend is that correct?

Thanks to you Delta 7 and Strider, for the great suggestions. I am not familiar with how to use the tracks or actually how to start them. Maybe you could enlighten me on how to start/stop them.

Wish I could be there for the wingman training but I have a meeting on Mondays at 8:pm.

I have been fooling around with the joystick sliders in game settings using an article I think I found it at M4 today called A Nuggets Guide. It says a lot about the in game joystick profiles. I have always just used the defaults.

Perfessor, your right, it is a good teaching aid, I have tried using that gyro sight, It does let you see why its so easy to miss!

So thanks very much to all of you for your help, it is much appreciated! Playing on line at Skies of Valor has become a big frustration for me of late.



Yes, my missions are meant to be played in coop mode.

Just host them for yourself, others can join, and if they can help you by watching from outside views.

Tracks, have to be dropped in the records folder in your IL2 root folder.

Then played via the game from the Main menu screen, you can find the button bottom left.


LOL, A.P. the one thing that keeps mankind from reaching his full potential is: Meetings. You'll do fine with these guy's help.


Thanks Delta7,

It helps indeed. I have just never felt a need to use the track feature until now. So I never learned how to set it up .

The advice I have gotten from everyone has helped a lot and I appreciate it.


OK, AP I have my rig running I flew tonight in Boomers Training session, and my machine is running IL2 full tilt.

What time tomorrow will you be available. I'm off work tomorrow so Unless the wife enlist me, I should be available any time.


Hi T_O_A_D

I hope I can be here around 7pm EST ( I am in Michigan) My girlfriend and I are going to Portland Oregon on Thursday and she us wants to go a buy some luggage today. I will try hard to be back from our shopping spree ( she loves to shop) in time.

I hope thats not too late for you.

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