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I joined BadAim's server today (Wednesday night) and while flying coop, discovered an infallible way to avoid the notorious P-39 spin problem...

The technique is quite simple - get well above your target, and dive towards him. Ignore the shuddering, and start praying. As you exceed VNE, bits will start to fall off. Ideally, you will then lose one elevator, and one aileron. As you approach your target, ensure your shot counts, as you are strictly TnB now. Having destroyed your target (I got a Ju 88, honest), head for home. Do not engage enemy fighters, as your roll rate is about as good as the average oil tanker's, while elevator response is if anything worse. You can put in any control input whatever, with no chance of spinning, or indeed carrying out any manouvre that a fully loaded refuse cart couldn't. I didn't actually get to land as the server died on us, but I think it would have been possible, if not very elegant. There is a slight flaw in this tactic, in that you may lose other control surfaces instead, or indeed break up in the air, but the unorthodoxy of the manouvre, should you get away with it, is well worth the risk, just for entertainment value. ;)

Seriously though guys, I had a great time. Thanks to BadAim for running the server, and to you all for putting up with the antics of a noob without laughing too much, and look forward to next time.


Edit --- 'TnB' above should clearly read 'ZnB' - I'm getting my TLA's all mixed up again :(


LOL, good one.

All joking aside, I like the P-39 as it has a nice punch but the only guy I've seen fly it to its full potential is our own DoubleTap. I clearly remember him seriously pissing me off with that plane on a DDz DF server two years ago...


The 39 is one of my favourites.

When pushed too far one wing will stall and snap roll then into a spin.

As soon as it drops a wing I give a hard stab at opposite rudder, chop throttle. Most important is the rudder though.

If you let it develop into a full spin(where the nose is bobbing up and down) it's usually too late.


I joined BadAim's server today (Wednesday night) and while flying coop, discovered an infallible way to avoid the notorious P-39 spin problem...

The technique is quite simple - get well above your target, and dive towards him. Ignore the shuddering, and start praying. As you exceed VNE, bits will start to fall off. Ideally, you will then lose one elevator, and one aileron. As you approach your target, ensure your shot counts, as you are strictly TnB now. Having destroyed your target (I got a Ju 88, honest), head for home. Do not engage enemy fighters, as your roll rate is about as good as the average oil tanker's, while elevator response is if anything worse. You can put in any control input whatever, with no chance of spinning, or indeed carrying out any manouvre that a fully loaded refuse cart couldn't. I didn't actually get to land as the server died on us, but I think it would have been possible, if not very elegant. There is a slight flaw in this tactic, in that you may lose other control surfaces instead, or indeed break up in the air, but the unorthodoxy of the manouvre, should you get away with it, is well worth the risk, just for entertainment value. ;)

Seriously though guys, I had a great time. Thanks to BadAim for running the server, and to you all for putting up with the antics of a noob without laughing too much, and look forward to next time.


Edit --- 'TnB' above should clearly read 'ZnB' - I'm getting my TLA's all mixed up again :(

Actually, if I *had* to choose between your technique and the death spin, I'll take yours.

There is nothing worse than that 'spinning tea-cup' spiral of doom in a P-39, particulary since at height it takes for damn ever.


Well, it was different anyway. ;)

I was going to suggest that you at least bail out, to enjoy the view on the way down. Unfortunately, as I've just remembered, this doesn't work. You leave the aircraft in the normal way (some sort of matter transporter that moves you through the aircraft skin with the door shut), and drop below it as you fall away - then your parachute opens, the P-39 catches up with you, and collapses your parachute..... :icon_eek:

On a more serious note I seem to recall actually getting a late-model P-39 out of a flat spin once, by pumping the elevator up and down. I'll try to reproduce this, and provide a track.

Edit ------

Took 3 attempts, but I did it (in a P39D-1 I think)

Download of .ntrk available here: http://www.datafilehost.com/download-6c955243.html



I've learned a trick to get out of a spin with a P39 at Joint-Ops. Try it a few times and you will see that it works:

1. Bring thruttle to 0% and apply opposite rudder;

2. Deploy flaps to landing (don't worry about braking up);

3. Push stick forward to same direction of spînning;

4. When the aircraft nose is down release the rudder and stick when you reach the speed of about 280 kmh, retract flaps all the way then pull up and apply thuttle.

It will take a bit of practice but you will see how easy it is.

I have made a Il2 video hoping it will be helpfull. Just click on the link to download it.


Hope this helps!!


I can't remember if that this the way Bojan told me one day online as I was spiraling towards the sea, but as I was about to die, he told me what to do and it work.


From watching his track, MadTrooper's way of getting out of the spin looks far simpler than mine. From in-cockpit view, it looks like the stick is actually left in neutral until recovery, which has got to beat the mad stick-pumping I was doing. Quite why deploying flaps works I don't know, but next time, I'll try it.

Does this work on a P-40 too? That can catch you out as well, though I think it is a little easier to recover - I'll have to try it and see...


Standard spin recovery for most every plane is

Full opposite rudder

Controls neutral

Engine to idle

when the spin stops, allow some airspeed to build so you don't start a secondary spin, throttle up and level out.

Only a very few have special requirements.

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