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As some of you know I really enjoy ponds. We have the perfect property for them with gravel hills and some swamp land where the water from the gravel hills flows. There are lots of natural springs. So far, we have 5 ponds; four of which were dug by me using a Case 590 Turbo back hoe. Right now, I am working on the 6th pond which looks like it may turn out to be the mother of all ponds. For those of you who are interested, I thought I would post some pictures of my pond digging and periodically update the thread with progress reports and pictures on pond 6 (still to be named). If there is one thing I have found out in digging ponds, they never quite turn out the way you plan them. You just have to take advantage of the terrain and the limitations of the equipment.

The first picture is a pond I dug last year.


This is how the pond looks now once it filled with water.


The next pictures are a couple of shots where the new pond will be dug. This a very swampy area and I had to construct roads through the swamp using material I took out of pond 5. The material around pond 5 was clay but this new site consists of rich black material that goes down 7 ft. It has the consistency of jelly and if I tried to drive the hoe over it, the hoe would sink quickly. But if I lay 4ft of clay over the top, it will support the weight of the back hoe....... I think!

My plan is to leave an island in the middle of the pond for wildlife to nest on etc. The material that comes out of the pond will be used to form a berm perhaps 7ft high around the area. Hopefully I can dig down 7 or 8 ft and get 14 ft of water when the pond fills. That's the plan but as I said before..........?


Note the roads have been expanded in the next phot taken a couple of weeks ago.


And of course you have to burn as you go!


This is part of water source for the new pond. It is the overflow from pond 2 which is fed by springs. There are also many springs where I am digging now on pond 6. I did all the stonework building steps down past the outlet.


I'll update with more pictures in the next few days.



Man, I want to live where you live........Are there still such places? Does it cost a lot?

Nice pics, you remind me of an old Belgian joke....

When they find a forrest here, they cut it in half with a road, so they have two forrests, and so on and so on, Belgium is becoming a real jungle.....

Q?...don't you disturb the layers to much, filtering the water, sustaining special fauna/flora? <= don't wanna sound green, but I kinda let the nature of things in my garden go it's way...

  • 1. DDz Quorum

~S~ Jim, like ponds do we sir ........Like your surroundings moist do we ...............

Bloody hell mate, "large" just isnt a long enough word is it !! lol

How about naming one of your ponds "Painless puddle " :huh: LMAO

~S~ Pondless

  • 1. DDz Quorum

how about "friors folly"

perhaps i could "bless" it for you?

"all water has been passed by the management"


Hmmmmm.....you could sure hide alot of bodies in those things. I think somebody should

call Fox mulder and Skully on this guy. :idea:

You dont need anyone rubbed out do ya? I work real cheap.

And are there any fish in those things?


To hell with ponds, they just attract frogs, and who wants a bunch of French people hanging around?

Now what your house really needs is a moat and a drawbridge. Or maybe a little motte and bailey action. It what every country gentleman really needs.


Beautiful part of the world you've there Jim. Stone steps look great. Diggers big fun too. If you fully raise the front bucket,

hold the pedal flat out in reverse, then bang it in forward, you can do great wheelies. Use back bucket as wheelie-bar and slew brakes to steer. I got sacked 15 years ago for doing just that. :D

  • 1. DDz Quorum

~S~ BG sir,

is that a "Clark" growing in your garden :huh: :? LOL

He's shorter than I imagined ,but happy looking !!

~S~ Charmless


ok, a few things here:

BG - nice pics. That top soil looks great. Ship some out for my garden. What are the names of the other ponds - and where are the dogs?

Everyone: you thought I was just joking about BG's immense land holdings, eh? Well, nyah, nyah, nyah...it is true.

Arsenal: yup - moat and drawbrige is needed. We don't need no stinkin' ponds.

DT: BG already has an airstrip on his land. It's just past the Par 3 golf course.

And to the comment about hiding bodies: where do you think Luckyboy disappeared to? He insults BG on the forums one day, and the next he disappears. Coincidence? Maybe...


Thanks for the kind comments guys. I thought you might find it interesting. I have learned a lot about building ponds those last few years but there is so much more to it than I will ever fathom.

The dark soil is very rich Kelly. I just had a sample chemically analyzed ($20 at the local farmers fertilizer depot) and all that is missing is nitrogen and potash. I thought it would be very acidic but the ph factor is 7.5 which is neutral. I have talked to a guy with a big screener and he will come in and screen it for me. I get what I need for free and he takes the rest. The whole swamp is full of it. I keep thinking I am going to unearth something. Maybe a crashed aircraft or an old car. But nothing so far. Not even a bone.

Never a dull moment around here Rog.

  • 1. DDz Quorum
which we use for swimming because of the clear water

BG skinny dipping by moonlight......now there's a sight to....no..no...

  • 1 year later...
  • 1. DDz Quorum

Now that I have all but finished mine, i thought that i should post a couple of pics.




The area of liner where the water spills from one pond to the other will have a stainless steel plate on it.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Now that I have all but finished mine, i thought that i should post a couple of pics.




The area of liner where the water spills from one pond to the other will have a stainless steel plate on it.

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