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[This is my point, that the interested and passionate public have to lobby and cajole to get anything meaningful and significant done at this present time. We should not have to be doing it to the extent that we do and this is one of many issues that add to my frustration with those in elected positions of responsibility that should be acknowledging these national heros on our behalf. There is nothing complicated in doing this, although it is plainly difficult due to the current thinking of those that obviously don't think outside of their compulsory box of modern ideas.


I have read this thread with a variety of emotions, but I'm left with only sadness. I would have little hope for this world, even if I had not read the end of the book. I'm afraid that the main problem our world faces today is an overwhelming self-centered apathy with the vast majority of the planet's population unable to stop listening to the noise in their heads for long enough to give even their own fate a thought.

I find the idea that education can fix the worlds problems quite amusing, as I should think that educated people would realize what a bunch of fools most of their peers are and rethink that one. Alas, I'm not so well edumicated so I probably just don't understand the problems (they're so very complicated)


You're wrong BA, education is the answer, just not the kind we're all thinking of.

Who can blame the youth of today?

All they've ever seen are relatively good times and that breeds self-indulgence. I couldn't appreciate the sacrifices of others till I had to do a little of my own, and they're no different than we were at their age.

I feel sorry for them, their school of hard knocks won't have much to look to as an example, not many elders left to learn from.

The affluent of the planet are in for some tough times in the next couple of decades as their way of life becomes prohibitively expensive, or what we would call tough times till we're more on par with the living standard of the rest of the planet.

A nature with new fury fed by climate change will deal her blows on a cash strapped society used to throwing previously unlimited money at the problems of "controlling" nature.

State of emergency means nothing if there's nobody to come to help.

And that's without the "new wars" on the horizon, Israel isn't too happy with Iran's nuke program and has already shown her willingness to act.

Pakistan is about to be taken over by the Taliban and that frankly has me more than concerned, worried more like.

This generation will have her own heroes that will be forgotten by the next one.

And for the record ... Hugh Dowding would be a more fitting hero to remember than Park but even W.W."wrong way" Feldman deserves more mention than the trash they have on display there.


"Planners initially argued that a statue of the pilot would have an 'adverse impact' on its surroundings."

Apparently the surroundings are full of ex-Luftwaffe pilot tourists, who prefer not be reminded of you-know-what...

Fawlty Towers | Germans

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