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I've re-built the system but cant seem to get voice to work for Teamspeak.

I've plugged my mic into the front panel connectors (yes they are connected inside the box)


First off, have you tried another mike? If it's a headset type, are you hearing sounds through the headphones?

Second, can you set the audio manager to synch with with the Windows audio controller? You should then be able to open up the Audio Properties using the little speaker icon in the systray.

Try those things out first, let's know how you get on

  • 2. Administrators

Have you got a webcam or something like that plugged in Andrew. I ask because on my system the webcam mike is the default, and overrides the headset mic (possibly because the webcam is USB - I dunno). I have to deselect the webcam mike in TS and in the Windows sound settings too otherwise my headset mike doesn't work

~S~ Jabo


have not tried another mic...this one works on the old system (just tried it)

I cannot get the mic to work period (not even in the windows "sound recorder")

I can open up the audio properties with the little speaker in the systray, but cant get mic to work.

Not sure if this has to do with the new 8.1 HD audio system on this board that I'm not used to compared to the AC'97 software, or its something else (maybe something is checked/unchecked that should/shouldnt be)

No web cams...


u need to make sure that the right input device is selected in TS options. I have Realtek HD and i have 2 HD inpit's. go to TS options and try all of the input devices. Also try switching front and rear connectors. could be that front panel is not working correctly.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

You may have to go into advanced properties in the sound control utility, and select the Mic as the recording device input.

As I am running Vista and Windows 7 now I can't give you screen shots, there are some on the board already that a search may bring up..


it is not just TS that isnt working (I cant even record my own voice using thw windows voice recorder)

I've done some digging on the internet.


Well when ever I have a mic problem I run the wizard first then go from there.

Start/Control Panel/Sounds and Audio Devices/Voice/Voice Recording/Test Hardware

Run the wizard and see what it does for ya, if it doesn't work, hopefully one of the guys above have already lead you in the right direction.

  • 2. Administrators

already ran the wizard....no mic picked up.

gonna try the rear ports and the speaker speaker port as well.

  • 2. Administrators

Top right hand corner of the Realtek HD Audio Manager window - "Device Advanced Settings" - click this and then select the top options for Playback and Recording devices. Do that, then try plugging your headset in at the front, and see if it recognises anything being plugged in.

~S~ Jabo


I'm thinking that our realtek audio managers are different. I cant seem to "see" what you are describing.

mine is version

  • 2. Administrators

Hmm, possibly, can't see a version number for the manager, but my audio driver version is

~S~ Jabo

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