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Alright, I'll admit it. Psycho is my nemesis.

You know how in comic books, every superhero has his arch-nemesis? The one with whom the hero has some sort of metaphysical karmic co-dependency.

He is Green Goblin to my Spiderman. Lex Luthor to my Superman. Joker to my Batman. Darth Vader to my Luke. Sybil Fawlty to my Basil.

Psycho is Ying to my Yang, and I want to blow his goddam Ying off.

We are flying last night, and I endure being shot down by Psycho several times. Hohkay, no prob.

Finally, last mission of the night and we square off; I in a Mig 3, Psycho in his typical fascist mobile, the 109. Well, we merge, and Psycho tries his typical "Snap shoot you on the fly at a ridiculous angle and blow your face off" and for a change, it does not work.


Well, then begins a beautiful dance on wing-tips and the edge of stall speed as we circle and turn and viciously claw at one another, trying to get the angle. We turn, then dive, then roll and its a near thing for several minutes. Is he getting the angle? SHit, yes! No, No. He's trying the over and under, but oh, two can play that game. I can see the white streams pour from his wings even as I hear the wind buffeting my own. Who will break first?

We are both near blacking out as we continue to chase each other, but a bit of flap on my part and the deadlock breaks. He's got nothing left on the turn and I see him break away.

Finally, FINALLY!

You are mine. I chase him down, and I fire off my weapons in short bursts. He dances around them, but although the cannon fails to connect much, I do score hits. He starts to stream fuel but the more encouraging sign is his inability to get out from under me. He doesn't have the energy anymore. Now all I need to do is not f*** up. I nearly do several times as he tries to evade, and even get around on me, but oh no, NOT today. I go vertical when needed to keep behind, and dive down for another attack.

My firing needs goddamn work because otherwise he would be freakin' dead by now, but its only a matter of time. Keep cool, keep cool. I move in for the kill as he tries to run again and this time I will make sure the cannon-


I explode in a huge fireball as an AI snaps shots me into oblivion. I did not even hear the guns or bullets.


Wha- WTF?!? WTF!?! NO!


"I'm choking on my own rage, here..." - Moe the Bartender

Until we meet again, Psycho, you fascist bastich!



mwaahahahaha..................lol.........missed out on some fun obviously!

I'm not very well healthwise, it's too hot, not much sleep............pfff......maybe.....yer....shall I host one sunday?

got track ?

:toothy7: :laughing8::laughing8::laughing8::laughing8: :toothy7:

No, I don't, which I both regret and I don't. Anyone else? I think it was only 3-4 pilots by that time.




YEAH, this time he REEEEEEALLLY HAD ME......

Beautiful description of the battle Glenn... we truly were flying on the knife's edge....

Just as I thought I was going to be able to get around on him, I pulled just a weeee fraction too much elevator and stalled briefly...CRAP!!!

I was in the death dance of my VERY LIFE...NOOOOOO..... I CAN'T LET GLENN TAKE THE DAY!!! OH THE HORROR!!!

Just as I thought my dance card was punched for good as a weaved and bobbed for my life..

KAAAAAABLAAAAAMMMMMMM..... I look over my shoulder and there is a MASSIVE FURBALL....


Glenn you poor bastard.....you WERE SOOOOOOO CLOSE....

I must admit...... I DO love how it drives you nuts LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

Excellent flying my friend!!!!

Until we dance again...

forever your NEMESIS...

PSYCHO.... (jimbo)


Yeah, I flew with this wackjob back in the D-day tournament....he's merrily shooting up

the allied field, yelling for help etc, and i make the bizarre mistake of joining him.

He kinda forgot to tell me about the hideous flak trap, and I got there about the time

all the allied pilots that he'd pissed were gettting airborne-so naturally they jump MY ass.

He makes it but i keep getting blown outta the air by pissed off allied flyers. Man this guy

has some luck. :shock:

I hear you man.

I always root for you, but it's like chearing for the Washington Generals against the Harlem Globetrotters.

Ouch, that hurt, but thanks for the sentiment...

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