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I really have to wonder about some of your purchases M8. Why would you go for a 9600GT when you can get some much better cards for just a little more cash? But it is your business sir. Just don't make sense to me.



BG: I am limited by the computers I am using. My power supply is only 400 watts and it can't be upgraded. It's a proprietary system. Meaning I can only use an HP power supply of the same wattage if I want to replace it. Most of the better video cards require a higher wattage power supply for them to work properly if at all. With this card I get 2 GIG of RAM that Win XP 64 bit can recognize and use, as well as excellent card specs. And it will work with my 400 watt supply.

Sometime better isn't always better

  • 1. DDz Quorum

BG: I am limited by the computers I am using. My power supply is only 400 watts and it can't be upgraded.

You can get separate power supplies now for GPUs, and there is a method for switching a 2nd standard AT/ATX power supply on automatically with the in-built one too.

Just a thought for the future should you need it M8.


I hear you Deputy but when you add up what you have spent on Rambos ram, the 9600Gt and the cost of the two work stations you purchased, you still have a machine that is really quite limited in what it can do. Wouldn't it be prudent to invest in a better build that is upgradeable?


  • 1. DDz Quorum

I like your thinking Deputy. and they are the sort of purchases I would consider too.

Two systems that will game when pressed, but also are excellent work workhorses for earning $$$, and for a decent price too!

When I look at the systems I have running here, which I use for lab scenario purposes and testing, they are all capable of running IL2 (OK so the AMD Barton 3200+ doesn't do it quite as well as the FX60/AMD64 4000/Amd64 3700 systems, or my AMD64 6000 system, but it still serves well :) but my electricity bill is interesting!


I will confess that if I knew what the internals were of the two workstations, plus the surprisingly good performance I get with the dual Xeon xw8200, I probably wouldn't have bought the xw4200. Then again, I haven't really put the Pent 4 3.8 through it's paces yet. The Xeon was a crapshoot, since it's more a business-oriented design for people doing CAD work. If it didn't run the games well, I could use it as a general purpose comp. But the Xeon setup has worked amazingly well with games. The only time I heard the processor and video card fans kick in was during Crysis. And it ran Crysis smooth as silk. I may try upping the settings to see how far I can push it running that game.

B16: Did you run Crysis with everything set to max???

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Yep I ran Crysis maxed out @ 1680 x 1050, until the last mission where it kept crashing. I applied some of the tweaks from the Crysis Modding forum, it looked just as good and got me through the final showdown.

I also got stutters on the Warhead winter map though, and this was under Vista 64 with DX10.

I did get the occasional slow down here and there in both games, but nothing major and it didn't impact on the game play.

This was on my 4Gb 6000+ ATI 4870HD system.


OK Deputy thanks. I am now convinced.


Awww heck BG...I wasn't trying to twist your arm. I kinda like working on these comps. Like hot rodding old cars, only your fingers don't get all greasy

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