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The name is Blade, as you can see. I am squandron-less and I like it like that :drunken_smilie:

The reason for my post? I saw that you guys are involved in a SEOW campaign against 69GIAP. I would like to see what SEOW is like. I also saw on their stats pages that you guys are loosing much more planes than them and I always like to be part of the underdog.

My question, can I join you guys as a mercenary pilot? I don't promise to stick around for ever but maybe I do. You guys know how we merc's are.


uhh, if i would know English any better then i am now i would write my resume just like u did now.


~S~ Blade and welcome to our Forum.

I personally don't have an issue with you flying in our SEOW as a guest and appreciate you being up front with us. However, it would be up to the SEOW commander to decide if and where you could fly and I think any Danger Dogz would hold a seating preference over you. Hopefully you will decide to join the group when you get to know how we fly and how we interact with each other. By the same token, while we are on probation so to speak, you will be too.

You are correct in your assessment of the La5FN performance and I think that is all that should be said right now.

I encourage any of the other Dogz to chime in and have their say.



Thanks for the answers. It is entirely up to how you guys want to handle it. I won't take offense in any way. If you are willing to let me have a spot on a Sunday night, I will stand back immediately should enough DD's show up to take all the spots, without any bad feelings. I am also 100% OK with the command structure and whatever disciplines you have.

I'm not sure what the go-ahead is I need from the SEOW commander? Will he let me know? Who is it exactly, one of your guys? If access is limited for me on the confidential forums, that's also no problem. I don't know if that will limit my understanding of the mission, but if I can fly with somebody else that can inform me on the way to the target, it's fine. I don't want to be suspected of leaking flight plans to the opposition.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

I'm not for mercenaries, sorry - flying in an SEOW with the Dogz is one part of what we do and involves a level of commitment to teamwork and the command structure and the Dogz. 


come on guys. i can bet that there was many people coming here with who know what ideas and were accepted just 4 saying "accept me please". nobody knows what will happen after one signs up. if we r good to hem and he is good to us, one will stay.

and regarding "mercenaries", we all ready had them in our SEOW in the form of DD and HH friend showed up two or three missions ago. and nobody got hurt. we all had a good time.

just my 2 cc

  • 1. DDz Quorum

I would more than like to welcome Blade to come along to our Dogz nights on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. He could also fly as part of BG's UB Forum session on saturday.

Then, if he likes us and fits in he could join the dogz and if slots are available then be a welcome member of the seow team.




I would more than like to welcome Blade to come along to our Dogz nights on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. He could also fly as part of BG's UB Forum session on saturday.

Then, if he likes us and fits in he could join the dogz and if slots are available then be a welcome member of the seow team.



Yeah that sounds like a fair request. Where do I get hold of you guys on Sundays? Weekdays doesn't always work out but should I be available, I can also check it out then. BTW I operate at

GMT+1 or +2, not excatly sure, but can find out easily enough. Don't know how that fits in with your flying times?


Salute Blade

I appreciate that you are honest with us and you tell exactly what your intentions are. You got my respect because of that and I'll be more then happy to fly with you mate. Hopefully you'll decide that this is great place for you to stop for little longer and you'll become full member.

Salute and see you in skies.


~S~ Blade. Welcome here!

I say give the m8 a warm DDogz welcome and hope he can make it to a co-op or practice session or Ubizoo on Saturday. If not, he should still show up Sunday, if he wants, and see if a seat is available. Let him know that nothing depends on any quota of showing up, be here when you want to.

He showed a lot of balls by posting in an honest sense in the 1st place, a characteristic I thought the Dogz like to see. If he's a spy, we won't tell him about our three plants. Shhh!

It's up to the Admin but that's my 2c.



~S~ Blade. Welcome here!

If he's a spy, we won't tell him about our three plants. Shhh!

:drunken_smilie: Just a comment on the possibility of being a spy or a mole, as pointed out by Strider and C_G, very valid points. However, from what I have seen of the GIAP crowd, I doubt if they will risk their reputation by doing something like this. They seem professional enough. And as C_G pointed out, I don't think they currently need one

  • 1. DDz Quorum

4.09 is the patch level for all Dogz sorties, so you would need to apply this in any event.

When you do assist in the SEOW I can if required, and requested by the commanders, grant you access to whichever part of the forums that will work best for both parties.

I have a gut feeling that once you do fly with the Dogz it won't be very long before you realise that you have found yourself a permanent home in our Pound!


Thx, I'll get myself the 4.09 patch. Could be that I only get to join you guys after the New Year though. I am running out of time before my holidays start. I am leaving town on the 23rd and the next 10 days is hectic for me at work and at home.

Don't know how long you still have to go before the end of the campaign with the GIAP guys. Maybe it's over by the time I get to join you on SEOW. That will also eliminate any worries regarding spying or moling, so to speak

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