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Tips on Killing Bombers.

I expect that most of you already know most of this already but maybe not. This little post was inspired by this thread on the UBI boards.

http://forums.ubi.com/groupee/forums/a/ ... 9191061414

I am an extremely shallow person, and can enjoy the same mission over and over again. It is for this reason that I like intercepting bombers - lots! I have some tips for anyone who also likes the challenge.

For the purposes of this little effort I am talking about shooting at the following bombers in the game. B-17, B-24, B-29, (maybe Pe-8 ). So this means that you will be flying an Axis plane. Most of what I am describing applies to ANY axis nation equally… but specifically I am dealing with Luftwaffe planes.

I know you think that they are over modelled snipers, and they are. But you can compensate. If you do it right 4-engined heavy bombers are all but helpless in Il2.

Stay Patient.

Attacking bombers is almost unique in Il2. Perhaps with the exception of ground pounding, no other type of combat in YOU decide when, where or whether to attack. The bomber is slow compared to you. For gods sake take your time and choose when to attack. From which direction etc. The bomber is not going anywhere. So take the time to make everything perfect and right for you. If you do attack and you cannot bring your guns to bear during the attack, you will be exposing yourself to danger FOR NO GOOD PURPOSE. There is no point in screaming through the bomber formation at 800 kmph without getting a shot in. It happens and I still do it on occasion, but this is to be avoided at all cost.

OK this should be obvious here but if you get to choose the plane you are flying with pick the "right tool for the right job." For killing bombers, and for my tastes it would either be the suburb Me-262 or the also suburb Fw-190A9 (with the wing cannons). Some of you may be thinking what about a Bf109 of some flavour? I used to think so too a few years ago. But over time I have come to see the merits of the FW. It is tougher and hits harder and faster than the BF series when diving on a bomber box.

When on the attack run - stay fast! Almost always you will want to be going as fast as you can on the attack run. WEP, FULL POWER, RAD CLOSED, TRIMMED! (if you can arrange it, and you can because you should have all the time in the world, in a dive of some degree!) For a plane that has limited performance (F4 G2 earlier FW etc.) You will obviously need to be more patient and build up your speed with the aid of gravity before each pass. The faster you are the safer you will be. You will be exposing yourself to enemy fire for far less time.

Attack ONLY from the side or the front. NEVER NEVER NEVER from the rear. I include topside (as a side) in this but NOT bottom side. (For the B-25 I make an exception!)

Frontal attack is without a doubt the best, as the guns seem (rightly) to damage the bomber more, and you are exposed to enemy fire for less time due to the high relative speed. However, a side attack is easier to time (your trigger pull) due to the reduced relative speed between you and the target bomber, and because of this is generally my preferred attack for this reason.

Get close before you fire.


Get close. Real close! Get stupid close!!! So close that the Bomber fills the forward windscreen. Get a few (heavy bomber) plane lengths away then shoot.!


There are a couple of good reasons for this. Firstly, you will use less ammunition. You will only be able to squeeze off a quick burst if you are THAT close. All you will have time for is to literally squeeze the trigger(s) then release them. A very few rounds will fire. If you use less ammo you can use the rest to kill more bad guys. Secondly, and more importantly you will hit what you are shooting at. A marksman of the most modest ability will hit from this close. Because you can totally control the combat, why wouldn't’t you arrange a sure thing?!

Using the gun site.

Sometimes I don't use the gun site at all. For example in the Me-262 the guns are all on the centreline. (Other planes with this feature He-162, Me-163, Dornier, some Bf series) The non-gun sight view is right along the centreline as well. If I am real close, like I recommend, then I don't really need the gun site, as even with the horrible ballistics of the 30mm cannons rounds, you should hit anyway!


What side should you attack from?

Believe it or not I think it makes a difference. In almost all German planes, the gun site is offset to the right hand side of the cockpit. What this means is that when you are using the gun site your ability to lead a target that is coming from the right is impaired. Especially with the FW/TA-152 series of planes as the window frame does not shift in position when you change from regular to gun site view.



It is for this reason that I favour an attack on the bombers that has them on my left. This gives me a few more vital seconds to line up the target as I close to ludicrously close range.

Furthermore, with the target bombers on my left I can shift from regular to gun site view to ‘move’ the target around the window frame and keep them in view.



Unless I am attacking from the front, I favour a curved approach from the high (right side of the formation) at the highest possible speed. A curved approach seems harder for the enemy gunners to track me as I curl into the bombers.

Targeting Formations.

It is highly likely that I am attacking a formation of bombers rather than a single bomber. In this case, I am the wolf and they are the sheep. Look for the vulnerable plane. The one that is a little out of formation ... kill that one! Even thought they may be sheep they are a formidable force. Four bombers is something like forty .50 cal machine guns. Destroying the formation is important! They are weaker individually. Each bomber I kill reduces their combat effectiveness proportionately. You will notice that if you damage a bomber, sometimes even slightly, over a few minutes it will fall out of formation. You will have manufactured a weakling, a lame sheep to be killed!

Target Prioritization.

1. If the plane has ditched his bombs, go after a better target. You are protecting a city/industrial area. If you get the plane to ditch the bombs prematurely that should be good enough. Especially if there are other bombers with bomb loads still undelivered. If there are no other targets then do kill this plane. No sense in letting it get back to base. Tomorrow it can be back with more bombs.

2. If he is leaking fuel keep attacking. It’s not hurt that badly, it is just a little airplane blood. However, this plane may now be the most attractive target as one or more of the gunners may be dead. This plane is the weak sheep in the flock.

3. Black engine smoke! If there is a lot of thick black smoke, this will often develop into a full fire. Leave this plane alone for a while and wait to see what happens with the smoke. If it is just a stream this plane is still a worthy target. However, I often leave this plane alone (even though it is damaged and may have some dead gunners) as the tiny black stream serves to mark the location of the bomber (and perhaps the remainder of the formation). It makes it easier to find them and to track them. It makes it less likely that I will loose track of it/them if there is a visible trail of black smoke trailing behind the plane.

4. Target plane on fire? This plane is absolutely categorically DEAD already! Let it burn. If you shoot at this plane you are wasting ammo. Ammunition that does not grow on trees. Der Fuhrer does not wish you to spray such a valuable commodity all over Germany. Far better to insert it into the planes of the Amis! More importantly you are needlessly exposing yourself to enemy fire for nothing! Don't do it. Sit back and enjoy the fire. Let the fire satisfy your heart knowing this Terroflieger will soon explode and your loved ones will sleep safely tonight. Maybe (but unlikely) when it explodes it will take out another enemy bomber! Don't deprive yourself of this chance. Watch it and enjoy the show.

5. Target plane circling out of control? This plane is dead and it is a waste of ammo to fire further at it. Go after a better target.

What part of the plane should you shoot at?

Personally I am grateful to hit any part of the plane and get away without getting damaged. But if you are really skillful it seems best to shoot at the wings of the target plane. Especially the outer part of the wing just outboard of the number one or number four engines.


Attacking B-25's.

Well in the game at least B-25's are insane! They are tougher to down that the 4 engined planes. But they have a weakness that is kind of critical, especially when they are flown by the AI. From beneath they have no defencive armament.


No Gun on the bottom. Attack from the bottom if possible. See the results!

And now a couple of track files to help illustrate.

They are both single attackers piloted by yours truly.

All the enemy bombers are Ace, with bombs and full fuel.

The plane I am flying has full fuel.

The Me-262 has the R4m's, and the A9 has the wing cannons installed. The right tool for the right job, again.

http://rapidshare.de/files/14078754/500 ... .ntrk.html

http://rapidshare.de/files/14078888/750 ... .ntrk.html

Hope this has helped somewhat. Feel free to add anything you wish.

Good Hunting.


  • 1. DDz Quorum

Very nice write up m8, and some very good tips there too :)

I'll grab the tracks later and view them.

Again, thanks for the time and effort you have put into this!


Good job Waldo! This must have taken a while to put together. I could have used this last night on a few missions. I see that you forgot to add one of my favorite tactics: ramming! :twisted:


Nice job waldo, im looking for tips to be able to continue to fly a plane when you have had both your wings shot off as this happened to me last night.

Nice shooting BG :D


Stay Patient.

Well, already you lost me...

Seriously, the post looks great and I will have to look at it when I am not at work because looking at something like this makes me want to FLY and not being able do so fills me with angst and tension and ultimately rage which manifests itself in JUST CRASHING INTO THE FREAKIN' BOMBER WHICH GETS IT REAL GOOD, DOESN'T IT? YES, IT DOES!!! OH, WE HATES THE BOMBER, WE HATES IT!!!


Uh, Sorry...

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