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I propose that we start a "junkyard/flea-market" of goodies that are left over from upgrading, for those of us who don't do Ebay and have items sitting around collecting dust and rapidly becoming obsolete.

The only condition I propose is for the donors/sellers and receivers/buyers to make arrangements via PM. This thread would function basically as a classified ad.


I'll start the ball rolling:

2 sticks of PC2700 DDR 184-pin (same manufacturer) - Emann, I'm thinking you could use this- IL2 is much happier with 1 gig of RAM

Powercolour 9600XT - bit of an old nag at this point but it does overclock fairly well, don't remember how well anymore.

Items are free but receiver pays shipping .

PM if interested :)

EDIT: These items are NOT AVAILABLE any longer.

  • 4 months later...

Anyone interested in a eVga 7800 GS CO Superclock in AGP? I can't give it away, but if anyone is going to stay with AGP for at least another 6 months to a year, or more, I can sure cut one of my K9 m8s a deal. If you already have a 6800GT or Ultra, or an X800\X850 Pro, XT, or XTPE, it wouldn't be worth the upgrade, unless you are into FPS games that take advantage of the newer shader techology. But if you are in anything less than those cards mentioned, and have a CPU speed equivalent of at least an Intel 2.6GHz, or AMD 64 3000 (1.8GHz), it would be a tremendous upgrade. If you are running an X800\850 and are curious to the performance differences, the main difference I saw was being able to run the water on 2 without affecting fr's hardly any, and seeing alot higher fr's when around alot of ships letting loose. My BD scores were a little over 2fps faster in the Avg FR's and the Minimum FR's were up a little. It is also very condusive to running the resolutions higher than the X850\800's are without taking a huge hit in FR's.

This is short notice, as I will be listing it along with my MSI K8N Neo2 Platinum 939-pin mobo on eBay this evening. But if you read this today and have questions, ask away. It is an awesome card and performed flawlessly while I had it. The only difference between this card and the fastest most technogically advanced AGP card on the market, which is the eVga 7800 GS KO Superclock, are clock speeds. And this card runs those speeds comfortably, well under its max capable overclocked speeds.

Just wanted to make the offer to you m8s first. I'd much rather save any of you guys alot of $$$ rather than a stranger on eBay. Plus, I know it is a good card, already proven in this sim and a couple other titles.

  • 4 weeks later...

Anyone interested in my Track IR 3 with vector expansion? It doesn't suit my desk setup sitting on top of the LCD screen away above my head.

I will ship it to you for trial and if you like using it you can then send me a cheque for $50 US or send it on to another Danger Dogz or Hellhound.


Quazi, Is that grafics card still around? I have been mulling the Idea over to upgrade my card. I currently have a VisionTek Xtasy 9600 256MB DDR AGP running on an AMD 3000 2.1 GHZ. will your card be an upgrade? I think so. I get so cornfused with trying to compair cards.

BG- I am about to get a LCD monitor. Are you saying I will no longer be able to use my TrackIR3? That would really suck!!!!

Quazi, Is that grafics card still around? I have been mulling the Idea over to upgrade my card. I currently have a VisionTek Xtasy 9600 256MB DDR AGP running on an AMD 3000 2.1 GHZ. will your card be an upgrade? I think so. I get so cornfused with trying to compair cards.

BG- I am about to get a LCD monitor. Are you saying I will no longer be able to use my TrackIR3? That would really suck!!!!

I forwarded your message to Quazi in case he doesn't see it here soon.

As far as an LCD screen is concerned for TIR 3 Pro, you can either get a clip from Natural Point for LCD's or use a CD cover with double sided tape and the camera sits on the CD cover. With a bit of plastic putty to secure each leg it should work fine.

My problem is that I play from a big red leather sofa and the camera is more than a foot higher than my eye level.

The Tir 4 has a completely different camera and was designed for LCD use.

Quazi, Is that grafics card still around? I have been mulling the Idea over to upgrade my card. I currently have a VisionTek Xtasy 9600 256MB DDR AGP running on an AMD 3000 2.1 GHZ. will your card be an upgrade? I think so. I get so cornfused with trying to compair cards.

BG- I am about to get a LCD monitor. Are you saying I will no longer be able to use my TrackIR3? That would really suck!!!!

No m8. I sold it a while back But you do have some options. If the 9600 you had was adequate, meaning you were half-asses pleased with the graphics and performance, then a 9800Pro or 9800XT would be a good bump for you. These cards can be had really cheap on eBay, say $50 to $60 for the Pro and a little more for the XT. For another $100 you could put yourself in an X800Pro. Now this would be a massive bump for you. It seems that AGP cars are really holding their value these days as there are alot of people still using AGP and taking advantage of those changing over to PCI-E by picking up their old AGP cards. But since no manufacturer is hardly releasing AGP cards, their prices on eBay seem to run a bit higher than their PCI-E counter-parts. nVidia is releasing the AGP card I ran, the 7800GS, and the manufacturers are all releasing their overclocked versions of it. But you will pay a premium for a retail overclocked 7800GS in AGP. And for the same $300 plus, you could put yourself in a 939-pin mobo, a 3200+\3500+, and an X850XT in PCI-E:

http://www.monarchcomputer.com/Merchant ... ode=AMD939

http://www.monarchcomputer.com/Merchant ... Code=AMD64

http://www.monarchcomputer.com/Merchant ... =ATI-PCI-E

Those three components there total to around $340. You can use your current memory(because it is DDR), HD's, cd-rom, case, sound card (if you have one). Plus take into consideration what you can resell the parts you have. So it looks like you could have a $200 dollars invested and have up to datre hardware and a video card that kicks ass. Instead of spending the same amount or more on just an AGP video card. Just something to mull over. I will be glad to help facillitate to upgrade by offering to resell your current components through my eBay account. I will be gald to help you in any way you need me to m8.



thanks for the kind offer- might be best to see if anyone else local to you is interested first

shipping might be expensive and a pain, and i feel like i was just fortunate to be bored at work and first in

then again, tir would be cool!

anyone canucks/ yanks want to jump in? if not then il definately be interested

other brits can naff off!



Oh yeah, before my crash (think my soundblaster has packed in.... too tired to start fixing it), doubletap mentioned using the tir behind you and reversing that

if you want to try that before i rip you off then no worries mate!



Thanks Quazi,

I like my card mostly because I know no better and have never seen a better one in person. but I have seen some sweet screen shots. I've had this card for almost 2 years and it was worth every penny. but now i am becoming an addict and I want more.I'm still searching around. ATI will allow me to trade in my card and get $50 towards a new one. so I'm thinking about that. I have a love hate relationship with Ebay. and I have no tolrance for difficulties :x I am also searching for the largest display I can purchase for $500-$700 for when my new computer/Fly tying room is complete and I have my new desk. I think I have found a 36" LCD TV with VGA input for $690, but I have yet to figure out what the res is when operated through that input.

I'll keep hitting you up for opinions before I make any purchases.

Thanks Quazi :salute:


Fair enough mate

that seems more sensible

and i dont need any more encouragement to fly

also my girlfriend might finally wise up if i got tir :fart:

Dazza lad. I may send it off to Cold_Gambler to let him test it out to make sure it is not the camera that is wonky.

It might tempt him to come back and fly with us. :lol:

I'm sure I'd find it to be "defective"... :wink:

I'm tempted to slip some barbitol into my wife and child's drink just to get three-hours uninterrupted flying time in :shock: :)

  • 2 months later...

No problem M8, just thought I'd offer. :)

I have 3-5 old vid cards if anyone needs something with less horse power. I have an old TNT also I think, a Vodoo 3, and old generic PCI card, and it seems like something else. I have quite the computer graveyard going on with cases, CPU's and the like, Patty is always after me to "get rid of the junk". I always say it's going to go towrds my retirement, have you looked at what some people pay for some obsolete computer parts?

  • 1 month later...

I have a entire metal shelf unit full of legacy parts

literally 100s of ISA cards, NICs, Sound Cards, 6 AT PSUs, Cases with MOBOs installed (not tested) several Pentium, Pentium Pro, 486 era CPUs, 100s of 30 and 72-pin memory sticks (must be installed in matching pairs) and a few small hard drives. I may put them on Ebay, but if anyone wants em...pay the shipping, and its yours.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

i am currently planning to put a decent nic into my dell deimension 4500, where do you reside? , i am in the uk (welcome to the boards by the way)


These cards are all ISA network cards...some Token Ring, most 10BaseT...all of this stuff is kinda obsolete, but if anyone wants it feel free...I live in Evansville, Indiana, USA.

  • 2 months later...

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