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I'm living in one of the Mel Gibson Mad Max movies: society has collapsed here

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Well, almost. Here in Ga. and a few of the SE states in the US, that damn hurricane that clobbered Texas has resulted in there being practically no gas available in any town bigger than a postage stamp. Every place that sells gas has bags over the pumps almost continuously, and you have to play this idiotic shell game of hoping to catch them right after a truck delivers a small amount, wait in line for about an hr (several hrs in Atlanta) and hope that it doesn't run out before it's your turn.

Fortunately I ride a 150 cc scooter, and have a few gallons reserve I'm riding on, but it won't last more than about 8 days. I rode around a bit today with a container attached to my bike, but found nothing. At least traffic is alot less.

I'm down to 4 days a week at the resturant I work at, as bsness is off over 60%. The economy is going all to hell around here as well. However, two states North and gas is plentiful and alot cheaper. Hmmmm.

This is really beginning to remind me of the second Mad Max movie. this is all supposedly due to some of the oil platforms off the coast being clobbered by the hurricane. Nobody knew that we were getting our blasted gas as soon as it was refined and that there was NO reserve or storage for such in the SE. Talk about militarily and economically absurd. They claim it's due to a lack of fuel storage in the SE.


One of the two fuel storage facilities in this state is in my county about 5 miles from here, but it's all going to Atlanta. It's interesting that NONE of our state OR Congressional representatives is asking questions about this dangerous and masochistic state of affairs.

Apparently nobody remembers the Yom Kippur war of 73 and the similar misery nationwide.

I thought we got most of our fuel from the mideast, but not the SE US. There appears to be no action whatsoever to deal with this on the part of the US govt or the oil companies.

This is right outta the X-files. My own theory is that this is being exploited to kill off the last opposition to more drilling off shore, but it was already shouted down as it was.


Wow, tough times indeed Enforcer. We really need some leap in alternative energy or... more oil rigs for you guys as you said.

Or, you could put some blades on your scooter's wheels, get some American Football pads and a helmet and stick loads of spikes through them, and then find yourself a sawn-off shotgun and you'll be all set for the Apocalyptic future. Maybe a metal boomerang too, just for backup.


Yeh its tough, and out of this world sounding.

It's weird here just before IKe the gas was like 3.90 a gallon, and now its down to 3.09 as of yesterday.

It doesn't make sence, if I had a tanker truck I'd go max out my credit cards and resell it in a month, for alot more I'm sure.

Or drive your way and make a profit right up front.


Tee hee. Yeah, I keep looking for a quiet kid with an aluminum boomerang to ride around on the back of my TGB. A combo of the economic results of socialist crap that started under the previous pres (encouraging the lending of huge amounts of money to people and institutions who were unlikely to pay it back) and was allowed to continue under the current one, along with this blasted hurricane, are causing alot of snowballing of the economic crisis in this part of the country.

At least the state govenor convinced the pres to release some oil reserves for refining, but that took a bit too long. The oil companies have managed to get alot of gas transferred by truck from other states, but it's kinda pricey as a result. Nevertheless, I got a bit more reserve as my mother is a real scavenger about finding stuff....of course she IS an 80 yr old aviator and motorcycle enthusiast. And I found ONE store with gas and only a short line at the pumps as they just got it-i have an advantage manuvering into position. Supposedly this has eased somewhat, but I still only saw that one store.

Now I'm down to THREE nights a week working thanks to a lower level manager who is really messsing up the place, but I have secured a couple of new photo assignments and have several prospects that have strangely appeared outta nowhere.

I gotta get my photography bsness promoted a bit better methinks. Time for some innovation it seems.


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