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it certainly is interesting

on a side note, it might be quite cool if it was to go the whole hog of user modifications, unflyables flyable with hacked pits etc

luckily too us guys play closed coops

wouldnt fancy a hl df server now


Originally posted by rollnloop.:

BTW, i can reproduce the track by setting everything to easy and 25%fuel (well everything except the collapsed gear, i turned off the "no easy landing" too, so i wouldn't worry too much (yet).

Exactally! I wouldnt get my pantys in a wad just yet.. Probally just some nub that turned all the realism options off and recorded a track.

A simply check some routine of the SFS files fix this.. I wouldnt be suprised if it is not in there allready! As a test I think I do a test, open up a SFS file.. any one and use a HEX editor to change one value. Than see if while the game boots up if it detets it.. If not then go online and see if it detects it.

If neither, than all Oleq would have to do is add a simply check sum of the SFS files at boot up time. If they dont match, you dont boot up. Then as a double check, in that the local could be hacked too, also have the server do a check a check of the users SFS files before they are allowed to log in. In that the hacker can not mess with the servers SFS check sum routine.

All in all it would add more time to the log in online, and put bigger demands on the server.. but beats cheating which will kill this sim in less than a week


http://www.simhq.com/simhq3/sims/boards ... 005391;p=3

Too early to panic.


HA HA! I mean of course it's been cracked...

Originally posted by Kegetys:

I made something like this a while ago, ie. a program that allows extracting everything from the SFS files and then modifying them. I'm not sure if someone else has done the same or if the rumours are just now surfacing about my tool, but doing it was very easy, and I would be surprised if someone else would not have already done the same thing years ago. Upon experimenting with this, I found that the game has absolutely zero cheat protection; You can do whatever changes you want and it will work online, the server doesn't verify anything the clients do which is a disaster, and I would say it might even be quite likely that some people could have been using something like this for a long time already to cheat online.

Since the game is about 95% coded with Java, and the java files are there in the SFS files, they can be decompiled and recompiled to make the game do pretty much whatever you could ever want. For example, I made a little experiment mod that allows you to jump out of the plane, run around on the ground and then go back in and continue flying. I also made the Mörkö Morane and some other planes flyable, with cockpits from other planes... I also added some extra controls like a key that when held down, shows the gunsight view with full zoom. all of these were quite easy to do and are just some examples of what is possible. Here's a video showing some of these.


Anyway I have not released my tool because of the cheating problem, though as I said it wasn't very difficult to do so some other people could have done the same thing. It is, in my opinion, a quite bad and inexcusable mistake from the developers to not include any kind of cheat protection in the game from the start.

What is a bit odd though is that the developers were notified about this somewhere around April/May already (When I made my tool and found out about the lack of cheat protection), and now they're saying that 4.06 was "already released" back then?

From the same thread at SIMHQ.

The Morane video is pretty cool actualy.


Here is the serious stuff...

Aimbots... for FB

I can upload the track if anyone wants, but this copy/paste of the readme should tell you all you need to know:

The file TrueAim_Cheat.ntrk demonstrates how effectively the new TrueAim Cheatcode for IL-2 works.

As you will see, I've started with a single P-40, against two Me 109 F4, three Me 110 G2 and a sixpack of Opel Blitz Trucks.

First of all let me tell you that the TrueAim works best with caliber .50. Get a plane with as much guns as you can. Late P-51, Corsair, F4-U and P-47 are most preferrable.

The amazing thing about TrueAim is that you can configure it IN FLIGHT, selecting your preffered hitzone. In case of an admin showing up, you can even switch it off instantly to avoid unnecesarry trouble.

First victim: 109 #2. Setting: Critical Wing-Hit. First blow misses the nodepoint of the wingstructure for a few inches, but the second one sends the 109 down.

Second victim: Bf109 #1. Setting: Critical Tank-Hit. Right on the first burst, the tank is set on fire, one second later it goes off. This setting is most suitable for guaranteed Pilot kills. So you can whipe away enemy resistance pretty easily.

Coming to the Me 110, you will recognize the only disadvantage of TrueAim: It doesn't work so well in head ons. This is because of the great amounts of lead that you have to pull. So take your time, and cream their asses rather than their heads. ;-)

Third victim: 110 #2. Setting: Critical Wing-Hit plus Anti-Admin. This feature is beta still, so you won't find it on the current releases. It allows you to misfire some shots, so it doesn't look that suspicious. Anyway, the 110 is doomed.

Fourth victim: 110 #3. Setting: TrueAim OFF. Here you can see how easily you can swap off TrueAim in case of an Admin being nearby. The 110 takes major hits, but only loses a landing wheel (LOL!) and some oil. On the next approach, i switch back to TrueAim, selecting Critical Motor hit. The result is quite impressive on the 110, because the motor nodepoints are almost identical with the wing nodepoints, so you get a cut-off wing along with a burning motor pretty often.

Fifth victim: 110 #1. Setting: Critical Fuselage-Hit. Take note that extreme angles between the flight paths are bad for TrueAim. Settle down behind your enemy, before you blow him. Fuselage is a rather longlasting target, especially on bigger planes. They've got plenty of nodepoints, which have to be taken out one by one. Also take note, that you aren't safe from gunners' fire!

Last victims: Ground targets. One thing to remember is, that the tool needs some time to settle on ground targets, because there are so many different types of them. Switch to Critical Ground Hit, wait for TrueAim to settle on the targets and then let them have it! Groups of similar targets are easily destroyed, because TrueAim can jump from one object to the next while you're firing.

Have fun!

Have fun, indeed. Don't know if I much like this.



Some week ago, I was talking with Painless about the other game I play on-line... (Navyfield, shooting ships...1st on-line game ever, IL2 = my 2nd)

It was clear to me, that the Navyfield community was more childish, lot's off em can't stand losing, they mount the heaviest possible guns on their ships and go hunt small ships for example, to be shure of victory.....

The thing I like the most about IL2 is, that due to the big challenge of learning to master it, the true winners rise by their possesion off skill, rather then outfitting their machine with impossible guns and stuff, for some easy kills....

Painless said, that the youth today is looking for instant gratification, and the lack of childish behaviour by IL2-players (on big servers, like hyperlobby) could be, that the game is hard to master, and is timeconsuming before you even can get a kill and walk away with it....

Seems those "losers" found a way to spoil it for the more serious players..........


I'm reasonably certain I've seen something like this TrueAim being used on Hyperlobby: no matter how well I'm shooting I can't bring down an Il-2 with an F-2 in the first few shots with any consistency and I'd need pen and paper to keep track of the number of times PUH=VANYA dropped a 15mm shell in the cockpit before I'd heard anything else and always from at least 500 meters. I'm also really sure that this is old news. Often when a couple ROSS players show up on a server it'll empty in minutes because people don't like playing against players that can't be beaten. I saw that happen over a year ago and many posters on the UBI forum had suggested it was already old news at that time. From what I've seen in the chatbar, I'm fairly certain that there is a political slant to all this: the users of these hacks take particular delight in pissing off Americans. When somebody complains that they're cheating they type "mommeeeee" in the chatbar. Seen it a dozen times at least and always from a player joining from Russia.

I suspect these hacks make the users capable of using any view they want, perhaps making their own planes invisible, moving across the map instantaneously, etc. Like having a "god status" toggle.

It also goes a long way in explaining what I thought was the most impressive display of airmanship I'd ever seen- tightly swirrling dogfights on the deck with the players typing insults at each other. I now realize nobody flies quite that well!

What is amazing to me is that the hacks have been kept low-key for so long and that you CAN find servers where nobody appears to be cheating.

This goes a long way in explaining why Bill and Joe at MagnumPC no longer play Il-2.

HFC Batros is a cheater. I flew on his personal server from a HL slot and when he discovered I was an American all sorts of mysterious accidents started happening to my plane and when I'd be ready to line up a shot I'd be kicked from the server.


they key I suppose is to pick your server with care - one that is well run or simply stick to closed co-ops like we have.

It is all very sad that people cheat to up their stats- I can sometimes get pretty annoyed when on the dogfight servers with shoulder shooting and kill stealing but thats only cause Im not that good and it takes me a long time to get kills- but Id never resort to cheating.

Iv only seen 2 instances where Iv suspected cheating on all the times Iv played on warclouds and UKDED - in both the bandit did a mysterious warp just as I went to fire- the only instance of it all night :( - couldnt prove anything and it could have been accidental so I left it alone.

If I think cheating is going to be prevelent on the major servers then Ill just give them up. Our co-ops are more friendly and Im beginning to edge towards just sticking with the guys I know to fly with anyway- summer is here, the kids are off school and I dont have the hours to do both -so Im going to save myself some aggro that way.


The only incidents where I was 90% sure there was cheating involved the "print-screen" cheat. One particular guy, always in a Japanese plane, would do the "warp dance"... but only when I was on his six. Still got him with a nice spray and pray action tho :wink:

Haven't been on HL in a loooong time tho.


Any time you have a server that keeps stats, you are going to have unscrupulous (can we install a spell check in the forum, please) players looking for an 'edge'. Human nature.

I can assure you that if if the kennel started saving points, there would be the same thing happening here. One of the reasons I enjoy this squad and the mighty 58th with whom I also fly is this very thing. No stats means no need to look good on the leader board. No worrying about K/D ratios, Hit %ages, etc means no need for most of the common cheats (speed hacks, lag cheats) or unsportsman like behavior (kill stealing, shoulder shooting). People will start to 'lone wolf' if there is a stat page. Co-ops will not be so co-operative then:-(

It's nice to play on a server with people I've come to have some respect for. If I see a UFO, I can be sure it's just lag and if I'm being shoulder shot I can be sure it's prolly my AI wingman.

So, I propose that any future thoughts of having a stats page be quickly quashed so that we can keep this a gentlemans squad. Problem solved before it starts.

Freelancer out.


A nice server I found on HL and grew quiet fond off is the 85th server, 10 players max, dogfighting with a mission, destroy the other camp's groundtargets.....

Have seen some warping on servers, but I think it's lag causing this...another thing, on those public servers, if I get killed a few times in a row (which they call strafing, I call it vulching) I quit the server.....I want a fair fight, ya know.....

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