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hi all,

Just installed 1946 & i was wondering how to find online games. Having a search for servers din't yield any results, are there any lists of server names, or do you guys meet on msn first?

Any help would be appreciated.




ok, got Hyperlobby to work :D got into my first game, though i didn't get to shoot anyone do to lack of spotting abilities. Extremely fluent though :D


Hi Badger,

You can fly on HL all you want but I suspect you will hanker for something a little more friendly. The Danger Dozg don't fly on HL but connect direct to whoever is hosting. A friendlier, screwed up group you won't find anywhere.

Would you consider joining our group? You will get all the help and guidance you will ever need. We have a Chief Flying Instructor and some very gifted people who can help you out. With a name like Badger, you must be from the UK? Our flying times are perfect for you.



Thx for the advice Klinger, i'll read throught that guide. Been a while since i played flight sims, but i can still get a plane off & back on the ground, so thats an ok start right?

@Blairgowrie How do you know server names etc? I'd like to try out online flight, as to become member of a group, sure, if you'll have me :D. I'll most likely need a lot of practice though. Do you ppl fly coop or dogfight or a bit of everything?

I'm from Belgium, but thats close enough i guess? Whats times (GMT) does your group fly?




Hi Badger,

I'll send you an email with some of the information you need but in the meantime you might want read our Squadron Standing Orders: http://www.dangerdogz.com/forums/index. ... 091.0.html

Have you ever used Teamspeak and do you have a headset with a mic?

Look forward to flying with you. Once you have flown a couple of times I will officially make you a Danger Dogz if you like.



Hi there,

Had some fun last night, read the orders now, (what exactly is vulching?).

I'll post a proper intro on the propaganda forum later today, thx for all the help so far.



  • 1. DDz Quorum

Vulching (vul-ching) To Vulch. The act of attacking by means of strafing and or rockets enemy aircraft parked or attempting to take off from an airfield. Players that "Vulch" are known as "Vulchers". On a friendly dog fight map, this is considered bad sportsmanship.

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