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I recall someone (BG?) posting a program that limits the amount of processes running (in Windows Task Manager)

when I look, I have about 50 running.

I google the various .exe things running and they are all legit (stuff for my Ipod, stuff for ATI etc) but really - how much of all this needs to be running?

I understand that with so many running, it drags 'puter performance down?

any suggestions guys?


Microsoft have a free program you can download and run called Process Explorer.

http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysi ... 96653.aspx

It's more like a beefed up version of Task Manager. You don't have to install anything, it's just an executable that you save somewhere and run it from that directory. But it'll show you what processes are 'hiding' under other processes, like the generic svchost.exe (you can see this by moving your mouse cursor over any process in the list.)


Good to 'see' you.

And how do I know what of these billions of tasks running can be safely stopped?

Look at Blackviper's site for the answer to that question :) JP

  • 2. Administrators

I've just worked through BlackViper's list of services, and I whole-heartedly concur with Stingray - It's a really good comprehensive list. I'm running my machine now in 'Tweaked' mode and it seems fine. Bear in mind though that if you do use this list you must have a) Windows XP

  • 2. Administrators

blackvipers guide is the best one out there, I've been using it for years.


Thanks Sting,

BlackViper's list is awesome.It totally explains what all these "services" are.Now I know what the heck I'm doing to tweak some more performance out of my rig.I've seen a considerable improve ment now.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

This utility looks neat:


Uses very few resources, and you can configure it to ignore (say) IL2*.exe and it will automatically lower the priority of any other process.

And it's free :)

All said the first link I posted above is a great utility, and would be the one I choose.


I'ved used FS autostart, and Black vipers, but I eventually elected to do dual Boot. I have one side for regular PC stuff, and another for Flying,tweaked via what fs autostart tought me and BV did, my flying OS looks like this, when running. I may have something extra going on there, last I rememberd I had it down to 27 processes.

I have it ghosted to a disk, so if I get to running too much as in spyware and such, I just ghost it back to new, with all my flyingperifials rady to roll.


  • 2. Administrators

Currently on 40, but about 10 of those are due to my HP OfficeJet and Mcafee, and there's others too for iPods and Nero and stuff, most of which are turned off when I go flying, so I think I usually have about 20 running when I'm in game.

~S~ Jabo


Looking at that screenshot TOAD, is there room for more trimming?

jusched.exe - Is a java updater program, I think. I'm sure that can go.

spoolsv.exe - Is the Print Service. You can disable that service from running at startup.

VACSystem.exe - What is that? Needed?

tso.exe - What is that? Needed?

  • 1. DDz Quorum

although mine is an oldr machine with a small hd, I have mine down to 26


Looking at that screenshot TOAD, is there room for more trimming?

jusched.exe - Is a java updater program, I think. I'm sure that can go.

spoolsv.exe - Is the Print Service. You can disable that service from running at startup.

VACSystem.exe - What is that? Needed?

tso.exe - What is that? Needed?

VAC is Voice activated controls. I use it to control odd and end things, like multy engines, gunner positions, navlights, smoke, center tack Ir, and many more. I started using it back in Beta, and have since then payed the lifetime subscription of $10.00,


TSO is Teamspeak Overlay, I use it to see who is talking.


The other two can be turned off as you say,I'm not sure why I had left java on, but it isn't on today, from a fresh start,

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Looking at that screenshot TOAD, is there room for more trimming?

VACSystem.exe - What is that? Needed? Voice Activated Control - needed ;)

tso.exe - What is that? Needed? Team Speak Overlay - needed ;)


I'ved used FS autostart, and Black vipers, but I eventually elected to do dual Boot. I have one side for regular PC stuff, and another for Flying

Yo, dual booting seems like a great way to have a very clean install of XP with all the services stopped, no extra drivers or software just for flying or games, and having another installation where everything is installed and on (printing, file sharing, yada yada yada)

I've never done this, is it just as straight forward as making another partition for the second windows XP to reside, and it will automatically find both and put a menu for you to select which one to boot from when the computer starts?




Yep that simple.

If all is fresh I install on first partition, activate it,set up all my gaming perifials. Then ghost it, then use ghost to install the same OS on the next partions.

That way Bill thinks I only have one install.

Then once that is done I add all my normal PC stuff to the first partion, and then Ghost it.

Now I have a ghost for both partions, and in a pinch I can fly on both.

I used to be in an International compition, and my PC died 15 minutes before a match.

I vowed never again will I not compete, due to O/S problems.

Hardware may get me some day, but no longer will software.

Unless the game itself dies.

Now I also have a third and forth partition/drive.

One is My Documents, and I have both O/S directing to it, via the My Document icons.

Next partion is all my Games. Most like IL2 do not require a registry key. So it works quite well. Even if bot O/S die, I still have al my games and settings.

Short games like Lockon that require registry keys. I then have to ghost the drive,or reload O/S and install Lockon again. in default location. Once its installed. I delete the stock location folders, and my origional in the seperate drive works again as if nothing ever happend.


I'll have to try this out I think, and try ghosting out, I've only ever done it for computers in offices, never my personal one.

Do you play LOMAC? I just bought Flaming Cliffs with the digital download from lockon.co.uk, but wow, do I ever suck, I can take off if the engine is already running, take off and fly around a bit, but that is about it, hoping to get into this game a little bit, but wow, lots to learn



Well it sounds like you have played it as much as I have.

I bought Flaming Cliffs too, but after a few weeks, I got really bored with it, and frustrated all at the same time.

Jets have no real intrest to me, and I know nothing of modern armaments, and really don't care too.

But if I want, I fire it up and fly around really fast looking at stuff.

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