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~S~ Gentlemen,

Has anybody thought about establishing an virtual acrobatic section? We could practice formation flying, attractive stunts, etc... We could make different moovies and post them on the internet for public view. We could also perform on special occasions when possible.

I would like to hear your thoughts about this matter.


  • 1. DDz Quorum

~S~ Bojan M8,

I am up for forming an aerobatic section , always have been :)

I know OB1 is very keen on the idea and possibly Funflak.

We would need to practice for around 4-6 hours a week working on one element at a time of a pre planned "routine" which all concerned must learn upsidedown and backwards !

It is hard work and very REPETATIVE involving all formation members turning up for practice sessions regularly. First thing to do is choose an aircraft and write a routine. I have a program for this with all the appropriate symbols for the various manoeuvres.

With this in mind I would like to take this opportunity to ask any DD or HH who feels they can commit to such a long term project :)

It will improve anyone's aircraft control massively :)

The end goal would be to be able to put on a "show" for the K9s LIVE !!!


Ah, Mr. Painless; you read my mind - I completely agree with you.

Flying in an acrobatic group needs a lot of hard work and practice => I love it. Everybody can gain a lot.

About the aircraft: we could leave our sentimentality aside and choose something practical => easy to trim, maneuverable, good view, adequate power.

Since most of people you mentioned are also JO distinguished members, we could also perform something special for new BFS students... well, there are many possibilities for promotion, if we think out of the box.

And about flight leader, I honestly think that you are the most qualified person Mr. Painless. Your flight skill is awesome, your communication great. On the other hand I would gladly coordinate work.

Let's keep this thread rolling gentlemen!

~S~ Bojan


Yup, it certainly requires commitment. After the third session I was ready to say 'fekkit'. Got to say its a good feeling when

we finally got a difficult move right. By 'difficult' I mean a loop or a roll. :)

If you want to learn the finer points of throttle, trim, prop pitch, flaps and rudder control give it a go.

Flight leader does not have to 'formate' as such, but he does need to be smooooth and consistant. (Nice work on that Mick.)

I dont know how the Blue Eagles and Fighting Woodpeckers do it. Clever editing? (cynic. :))

Cheers Bojan, I'd like to join you guys, give me a shout when you're ready.



A few points for you to meditate:

- Who wants to participate? Because we are all best of the best, everybody is welcome.

- Training hours. Due to work, family and other obligations I suggest that we meet once per week for 2 hours. The best hour could be 8 p.m. London time (weekends excluded).

From my personal experience 2 ours per week is barely enough, so we will have to compensate with a good training program and personal practice. Of course we could always organize something extra. Any ideas?

- Training program (group and individual) - we need something to work on. If I have judged Mr. 69 correctly, he has already sketched something.

- What type of aircraft do you prefer? Please think about trim, maneuverability, outside view,…

- Do we need a name? We should use DD, HH or K9 alike. Here is one example “K9 mating packâ€


Well, it looks like its a weekday at 8pm gmt then I'll have to bow out. That is 12noon here and no way during the week.

Good luck gents and have fun!

  • 1. DDz Quorum

~S~ Bojan M8,

I love your enthusiasm !! LOL

Will be happy to fly in the soon to be famous "Bojan's Bananas" Aerobatic team !

What do you think about using a P40M ? ;)

First things first, you have to get a team together.... a bit like Ghost Busters !! LOL

One thing though, we are not going to be able to do what the Flying Woodpeckers do overnight chaps. !!

~S~ Painless


Merdog, Shayd, Sitngray. Right because of time issue and similar points we are talking about this matter. Speak your mind and then we will put together what we have.

I believe that there are ways for Euro and American members to participate.


Teaming up with a buddy is a very good idea. We could always have regular meetings to check the progress and practice larger formation flying.

We could run some sort of competition like which pair can best perform certain stunts. This could give use solid fundament for future development.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

~S~ Chaps,

I would like to help Bojan come up with a training plan, that can be performed by large or small groups.....

I would suggest that just flying straight and level in a Delta 5 or Diamond 4 at no more than 0.03 km separation will take a while to get right to start with.

After that maybe attempting a

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