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~S~ all,

I have downloaded a utility program I created and call "Mission Tweeker" to the site. It allows quick changes to A/C type, #, Skill, and Fuel loads for Coop missions. More information is available in the download description, and in the included documentation.

Let me know what you think.


  • 1. DDz Quorum

Hi Shayd,

Welcome to the pound.

Well done on the utility, but you may have re-invented the wheel.

There are already a few excellent just so utilities that have been around for a while, "MissionMate" being one which does just how you describe.

Its a nice feeling anyway knowing what you are capable of.



I have Mission Mate as well, but to be honest, without using it all the time I forget where all the adjustments are. This was a nice clean way to just adjust plane types originally when I was flying with mates in JO and they all had a different one they liked to fly. 5 seconds and the change is made and saved.

Don't get me wrong, MM is a great tool with ALOT more then this offers. This is a specifically targeted tool, and of course if you don't want to use it you sure don't have too! :)

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Good work anyway m8 and well done. I'm sure you will prove to be an asset to the dogz.




I'll give it a try, sounds like a nice "quick 'n dirty" tweaker tool. Some of the others give me a headache.


Give me some feedback BA as I'm interested in what you think.


I'll give it a try, sounds like a nice "quick 'n dirty" tweaker tool. Some of the others give me a headache.

  • 3 weeks later...

Ok, in working on some stuff for Beebop I found a bug...imagine that :-X...in that if you selected a mission that as non-flyable aircraft and then selected that group it crashed the program. I have fixed it and have also added in the ability to edit the Briefing. I have added MRUs under Files as well.

Will upload it shortly.



If you lazy F-ers would learn how to use the FMB, you wouldn't have to be "tweaking" anything.......cept maybe some chix posterior.

I'll go back under my rock now before I get lynched.


Silently slithers away......... :whistle:


Perhaps the FMB Snob's need to learn that you don't have to dig thru layer after layer of waypoints to find the group that you want to increase or decease the number of planes in the flight.



lol...to each their own I suppose, I going back to


I'm not sure aboot the upload thing, but I like the Idea of being able to change the mission briefing.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

I have now copied it into the "utils" section of the vault.

It should be ok for people to get from there now.




New version available 0.4

http://www.theflighthangar.com//Portals ... %200.4.zip

Expanded functionality includes:

  • [*:2qx7i19p]Edit briefing sections
    [*:2qx7i19p]Winter/Summer map change if available
    [*:2qx7i19p]Update Cloud Type and Height
    [*:2qx7i19p]Adjust Time

These were added to:

Select Wing

  • [*:2qx7i19p]Change AC Class of flight (includes non-flyable AC for AI selection)
    [*:2qx7i19p]Change # of AC in a flight
    [*:2qx7i19p]Adjust Fuel Load
    [*:2qx7i19p]Change AI Skill level


I have updated the file to handle missing .properties files in a more consistant manner. :P

I have tweeked the permission settings a bit and will have to see if the XP install functions ok now. :-X

I have added the Text of the different cloud types instead of just an index number.

Updated the install so that under the start menu it goes under "Mission Tweeker" Instead of "Microsoft"

If you have installed Mission Tweeker before, be sure to remove the old install using the control panel.

last updated 8-19-08 @ 7:50pm pdt

http://www.theflighthangar.com//Portals ... 0small.zip


Ok it now opens last opened folder, and it saves to the same folder, but it does not save a properties, even if you fill in the boxes.

Do you need to ad a save button, for the breif box?

I've clicked the floppy icon for save but it doesn't.


Hi Toad,

I'm check it and see what is happening to the properties file. I'll assume that the file is there, or that the file is missing and needs to be created.



I have tested it both with a .properties and with a missing .properties and it works creates or updates the file just fine.

I need more details of what your doing, and if any messages are showing.

Try to catch me on TS.


Ok, turns out Toads problem was he loaded the oringal mission instead of the "Tweeked" mission, hence not seeing his change


I think its finally up to par for a initial version 1.0 release and the link is below:

http://www.theflighthangar.com//Portals ... 0small.zip

Here is a bit from the readme.txt file:


You can edit the mission brief's Name, Short description, and long Description. You can also

add in the Army tags if you want, if they do not exist in the long description section. Just

place the cursor in the text box where you want the tags to be placed.

** TIP **********************************

Add [MT] or "- MT" to the briefs mission name, that way when you select it ingame

you can tell which mission it was you modified, otherwise the game just shows you two

missions with the same name.


Summer / Winter Map toggle. If the mission has a map that has a know winter/summer version,

a button will display allowing you to shift the map.

You can adjust the mission time.

You can adjust the cloud type, and height.

You can select a Wing that you want to modify (eg. usa0100)

Change the values to what you want (Planes, Class, Fuel, Skill), selecting each wing as needed.

Click Save under File, or the disk in the toolbar. This will save the file defaulting to the

original mission name PLUS _MT added. You can change this if you wish, but be careful not to

overwrite your original file unless you really mean too!

Now, just load up the mission and your set to go!

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