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I've been flying Warbirds for about three years. Recently I decided to try a few other sims as well. I'm patched up to 4.04, have figured out how HyperLobby works and flown on a couple of dogfight servers. Right now I'm in the process of transitioning from Warbirds to IL2. I've found take-offs and landings especially difficult. Despite several years in Warbirds, my ACM is just "adequate" and I continue to work on that as well. I'm looking for a group to fly with as a guest that can help bring me up to speed. Once I've learned how to fly IL2, I'll start looking at joining a squad. My real passion for flight sims lies with early war scenarios. I like Allied vs. Axis matchups with historical plane sets, full realism and appropriate terrains. Battle of Britain, The North African Campaign and early war Pacific are some of my favorite scenarios. My favorite planes are the P-40, P-38F, early Spits and the Corsair. However, I'll fly just about anything and enjoy a good furball too.


~S~ Mr Trap!

I think it is no problem for joining the occassional coops or dogfights we have with the clan, but you need to speak to BG (blairgowrie) or other senior members about that...

I'm fairly new with this outfit, and definatly new with flightsim's all together...( I bought IL2 like a month ago), and don't worrie about your landings, ain't working for me too once in a while :P

Maybe you should check out Joint-Ops....I'm currently following sessions there for basic flight training....it helps a lot, but you have to take the "military" approach with it.....I was in the Army for 5 years, back in the 80's, and it feels the same all over again lol....

And I play dogfights on Hyperlobby as well, so look out for me there, maybe we can join up...

I hope you'll choose Dangerdogz over any other clan, great guys with a few wacko exceptions :P...j/k

Grtzz Sged


Salute :salute:

Welcome, Good to meet ya, We all have difficulties taking off and Landing(well maybe just some of us) :wink:

I'm sure we will be able to help with the furball enjoyment. we are a loose nit group and not to serious and we sure love new guys to shoot at :twisted: (just kiddin).

Hope to fly with you soon


S Trap and welcome to the forums - please e-mail BG at jsmith@highspeedfx.net and he will let you know about team events and times and Im sure you will be welcomed along.

A little background, we are a squad that flys mainly co-ops but are venturing into hosting our own dogfight nights , we have around 30 members with a wide range of skills and are willing to assist new members in any way we can to help them become part of the squad.

We have regular nights but also informal get togethers through the week so there is usually a time slot to suit

Oh we fly 4.05 so we can discuss this later after you have contacted BG



I only see one problem/pitfall for you trap. You say that you are looking for a group to fly with, and then later move on to a squad. I feel it is necessary to inform you that once you join us, there is no going back. We are the "cosa nostra" of the flight sim community. Every time you try to get out, we pull you right back in!

Seriously though, I think you'll find that once you fly with us, you won't want to go anywhere else. We have a lot of dedicated pilots, and we always have a great time regardless of the situation. You're welcome to fly with us, but I'll warn you....we are like a bad crack habit! :P


Welcome trap. Pleased to see you made it to the Forum and registered. As mentioned in my email to you, you have been given access to the private member so that you can download 4.05m and join us for some flying.

I told you the Danger Dogz were a friendly bunch and always provide a warm welcome to new comers.

If you want to get some help with your flying, I can always fire up a game server and I am sure we can find some others to join in as well. Since we fly almost every type of aircraft in our coops you might want to ensure that you have multi engine starts mapped as well as chocks away for carrier based aircraft.


For a quick start go here


read the faq and the user manual as it has info on all aspects of the game - then check the guides section for more detailed info

a lot of reading but worth while and will save you hours of frustration


  • 1. DDz Quorum

Hi Trap and welocme to the kennels!

I have also updated your profile, you will now see the HH and DD private section where the 4.05 download is linked ;)

Would have been done earlier but BG was more interested in Johnny Walker than letting me know we had a new victim..err...I mean colleague :lol:


Muuaaahahahahahahahaha...........You cannot leeeeeeeeave!!! Muuaaaahahahahahahahahaha :diabloanifire:


jensenpark wrote:

Hey, if we Von Tonar, can we have Von Trapp?

That reminded me of the really cool Frank Sinatra movie "Von Ryan's Express". Thanks for the welcome guys. I look forward to dropping in as the occasional guest. Thanks also for the link to 4.05. One thing though, when I run either batch file the DOS command line opens and closes quickly which would seem to indicate the file is running but the game never launches. Any ideas about this?


Hey Trap:

this just switches the game back and forth between the two.

after you get that funny little dos command-looking screen you just click on your PF/FB icon (like normal) and it starts up as 4.05

this is merely a switch (for lack of better words) and doesn't fire up the game - you still use the normal pf/fb icon.

each time you run the 4.04 or 4.05 - the game start up changes.

neat, eh?


Von Tonar wrote:

Sweet Avitar there trap

That's my good ol' Basset hound Bob. Bob and my English Springer Spaniel Reckless, are the two best dogs I've ever had.


I enjoyed flying with everyone Saturday night. I had to leave early as it was Father's day weekend and the family had some plans. First time I've ever flown custom missions on a private server. Seems like an excellent venue for flying historical mission profiles. Perhaps I'll learn how to build them.

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