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Arggghhhhh.................2 weeks ago, my internet provider warned us that internetconnection could/would suffer from connection issues.....but they didn't say they would cut us off entirely...no internet, no phone, bad receiving on tv....yuck

Well, they couldn't have picked a better day damnit......(Joint-ops & DDay event)

My internet just came back on line, after more then 24 hours! :shock:

I called Robert (Topace) in panic to get in touch with BG, speccially to report to someone on J-O, I would not be able to make it....haven't received any mails yet, so I hope BG got through.... :?

I hope I won't have to change classes to the August sessions.....

Secondly, sorry to hear things were not as smooth then hoped for, but anyways, I'm sorry I missed the event....I know some of you guys were counting on me?......not?....... :P

I tell you this tough....I never thought I would be so addicted to internet 'till yesterday...I was kinda lost.....



My router died on Friday night and by the time I got a new one on Saturday. Your Joint Ops session had finished.

You shoiuld immediately contact Funflack and tell him your connection was down. He will reschedule a make up class for you. No sweat m8. It happens all the time with others and they are used to it.

I wish I could have been more help.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Sged I got a message from TopAce and explained to Funflak of your situation. Like BG said get in touch with either indstructor to make up. We had a test & did the maneuvers. Gosling was having problems with his computer, kids did some spyware work for him. He missed half the test so he may be doing makeup too.

~S~ Pooka


I hope they get things sorted out soon, nothing worse than being grounded with mechanical problems.


Word is, it will go up and down 'till the 12th..

I'm happy they gave us a break for this weekend lol.....called this morning, before it was up, and they said it had to be up for the World cup football......yer, everything for football...gawd, first time I don't hate this game lol....


Well, it seems the net is running smoothly again....

Remember saturday???....the nightflight...all of a sudden, Arsenal was hard to copy on ts, he was breaking up badly....thought it was his connection, but nooooh, every one repliyng to him had the same...then all of a sudden my connection with TS was lost.....typed ingame, bad ping but no lag (ping was above 3000 at that moment)

went on flying for another 2 minutes, then game crashes, no more connection....seems that they pulled the plug on me again...

But disaster, I had an appointment for an extra class next day.....

Guess what, connection re-established only yesterday around 11:30pm GMT +1....jumped right in the classroom, did a test taken by Nightcat, and then jumped into the US class for making up the class just missed....I went to bed around 5:30am yesterday....

One of the instructors thought I was trying to find a way to not follow classes anymore, that I grew tired off it.....well....I think he was mad at me for not showing up sunday (had no means to contact him untill monday around 8pm via a pc at a cybercafe...drove about 20 mins to do so...me bored?....lol)

Anyways, I need some help on executing manuevres.....and some flying time with someone...:)......btw...I've cancelled a gig on wednesday...to afraid to cancel yet another class......I'm covered, so no worries there...

Or, just another story how a provider can change someone's life and screw it up.....

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