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Well done Glen and all on both sides

that was about the quickest 3 hours of my life.

There was some lag in second and third mission but nothing that you couldnt expect with such high numbers and AA

I hope we can do it again some time - a desert map might be fun - hint hint for anyone with balls and knowhow to do this.

~S~ to all who flew -both Red and Blue and especially Glen for all the work he done.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

I second Dave's thanks. Excellent work Glenn.

Lag was an issue, but could have as likely been caused by over ambitious settings on client PC's, lowering the resolution may well help for future events.

Flak is a major contributor......

A great night, time passed amazingly quickly and great to see the event so well supported by both the DD's and the HH's.

~S!~ to all!


I'd like to third that

i had a brilliant time, nice to play with so many folks from over the pond.

the teamwork was excellent

so thanks Glen for your hard work and thanks canines for being the best damn squad :twisted:


21 Players! New record for me.


Thanks everyone. Too bad I had to leave after the first mission. I hate just showeing up for an hour or so, are never come out to play unless I can devote several hours to it. But for this event I just had to come if only for an hour.

What was the outcome? I think the reds lost the first one, and the second one but picked up the third. Is this right? Was the first one even close?


Reds won 1 & 3, and the war! We pulled out #1 with literally seconds to spare, thanks to a quick strafe from Painless on some trains.

Glenn, I had a great time, despite some of the bitching I did. I know you put hour upon hour into this, and it was well thought out, and put together. I just wish that some people had taken the time to read the excellent mission briefs that you put together, and read the boards (especially concerning the rules of war, ahem). I think this is the first time we've had this many people on one server ever, so I can understand that lag was an unforseen problem, though it seemed to get better on the last mission. for me anyway.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

wow you guys are quick. i thought that i would post early this morining (9:40) uk time and get in first, how wrong was I!

I too endorse the congratulations to Doubletap, well done mate.

At times the battle was intense. I could really imagine what it would of been like for real. Pilots screaming for help, confusing messages comming in and all without the benifit of an instant/easy grid reference. I would have lasted about 30 seconds, infact thats about how long I did last in contacts last night!

Well done to every one on both the Red and Blue teams.

Congratulations to Delta7 for handling his role not as Blue Leader but "Blue Team Battle Co-ordinator" so well, another great job. :salute:


Best one man killing machine: Psycho

Worst use of Luftwaffe equipment and resourses: frior-one

Favourite quote of the night: "So tell me, why do they call you Psycho?"

Where do I sign up for the next one please.........?


First class evening with a great bunch of guys, i know some people had issuse's and i was down to single figure fps over caen but shit who cares it was great :D .I think the red plan of organized chaos was spot on and after 3 missions it was a close run thing.

I think we should all chip in and send Glenn to bangkok for a week for all his hard work.Can't wait for the next, maybe the Battle of Britian :wink:



I am about to go away for most of the weekend and can only dash off a quick note for now.

Thanks to all who took part and who were troopers when it came to various issues that came up. Considering how many things could have gone wrong, it did seem to come together well. I did enjoy myself and it looks most everyone did too.

I will write an after action report monday to go over what happened and how I might improve things. Enjoy your weekend!




Said in another post, but will say again:

Thanks Glenn.

Well done.

Was a fast, fast 3 hours.

waldo "how much time to we have"

kelly "plenty - only half way there"

seconds later:

glenn "only seconds left guys"

Great for a first time effort as a pure human vs human structured fight.

By the end, good TS coordination, better teamwork.

Bloody Dave killed me about 20 times, but what the heck? All in good fun.


waldo "how much time to we have"

kelly "plenty - only half way there"

seconds later:

glenn "only seconds left guys"

:laughing5: I remember that was priceless!

Getting hammered/run over on take off had me get out the swear bag and wearing it out - but that's my Canadian prerogative! :D

From the hour I was able to participate it was excellent!

I managed to bomb an ordinary bridge - properly shoot down a D9 and get run over 3.5 times (twice by Germans in the air!) All in a hour!

Too much fun! Thanks Glenn!


Well done all!!!, well done Glenn!!! Only one other place to have nearly as much fun (and you guys aren't invited) :D


Woo Hoo....I had a great F-ing time! I really appreciate all the great, realistic, and imaginative

work doubletap and you guys put into this, and im greatful as hell you let this refugee from

the backwoods of Ga. fly with youse guys.

I had to fly as "Boxer" most of the time due to some odd server issues i guess, and I changed

pilots in such a hurry that i didnt realize i forgot to map my controls till the last misn.....so

i was blazing away at guys point blank with 2 mgs.....i kept wondering where the hell the

bam bam of the 30mm was on my 109. Whoever was in that bombed up P47 I shot up is really lucky.

And I had a great time running the guantlet of naval AA to try and back up Psycho as he pissed off the

entire allied air force by attacking thier base-repeatedly (i wish someone had recorded the radio traffic, or that there was a track of this).

That was just Klingonish enough to encourage me to tag along. only thing, I usually got over the red base about the time everyone was clawing skyward in a

blind rage to get at him.

It was pointed out that My 6 computer crashes realistically simulated luftwaffe parts shortages.

Flying with so many pilots and from 2 seperate radio rooms really added some realixm to this.

and like all real combat, it showed that no battle plan survives the opening moments of contact.

Maybe a little less AA or different types next time, though i never got touched by it. :?

And I have no comment on the fact that most of the hellhounds were stashed in a motel

room.....together.......somewhere. Nope , dont know nothing about that.......... :roll:



just got registered, and wanted to this first.

Thanks for inviting me Friday night. Great missions, superb fun.

Good job DoubleTap for organising it, Blair, Jensen, Arsenal and Delta

for taking up leadership role - tough to do with your buddies !

Cant wait till the next one.


  • 1. DDz Quorum

~S~ K9's, Agree with everything said !!


Thanks for a superb evening chaps,

~S~ ( rather glad he joined DD's ! ) Painless :D


Had an absolute blast Friday night! All in all I thought it went off very well for our first event of that magnitude. Big :thumbright: to Glenn and everyone that helped make it a success. Can't wait 'til the next one!

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