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Here's my latest work - finally got my airbrush to cooperate well.

The beginnings...




Finished paint job...on to the Future Floor Wax....


Yes, that's my tail gunner, Daisy, inspecting the finish...








After the Future Wax job....



It'll get a matte finish spray after the decals.....




I can see the images ok.

I know this has been something that has been troubling Enforcer for some time and I have tried to track the problem down.


Main national markings applied - lots of decal solvent required!!!

This is a 43 sqn aircraft stationed in Klagenfurt Austria, June 1945, thus the higher visibilty markings (outlining.)


BTW - it's a second "snow day" in a row, so I'm at home working on the model. I'll be flying later this afternoon - yippee!



Ok this is wierd (something I'm really consistent at)...I turned off my Keiro firewall AGAIN just to see if anything changed, and I can see ONE pic....the second one. The rest still dont show up.

Sheeesh, nothing like scientific and technical consistency.

I blame Bill Gates.....makes me feel better.



Ok, final minor decals placed, and another coat of Future Wax.

Next, the landing gear, prop, exhaust, and canopy. Just about done!




and all that from from a Revell kit...im impressed, very impressed.

Thanks, Knight.

It's a 2005 offering, molded in Japan. It had quite nicely finished sprues with little flash. They seem to have been getting much better than when I was younger.

I hate the boxes though: they only open on the end.....can't store the assemblies in the box nicely that way!


Yea looking at those pictures alone, you wouldnt say its a Revell, im still quite shocked it is a Revell, and you have done a great job with the Decals and the Camo Paint very smooth looking

Also how are the quality of the Decals in the kit? I know from past times they have been sooo thin, if you didnt get it right and tryed to adjust they would just split and ruin a perfectly good aircraft.


They are amazingly tough - some of the details needed ALOT of decal solvent, but none of them tore at all. They went on really smoothly.








Thats really good, good sign of quality right there.

What sort of airbrush and paints are you using by the way?

Airbrush is a Badger Anthem 150, and Tamiya acrylics.


I love the paints - I use rubbing alcohol as thinner, and they spray very well. I use around 25 psi, and have my double action needle set to deliver just a touch of paint flow on pressing down, and then draw the trigger back to full flow.

The nice thing is that the Tamiya acrylic thins very well, and cleans up with water (the paint pots.) I only clean the brush with alcohol.


Ok, pretty much done. Ignore the smudge on the spinner, the unpainted rubber on the tail wheel, and the unpainted exhaust. The canopy also needs work (it's sitting unglued.) I hope you enjoy.




[boy that canopy looks awful! Granted, it has no Future Wax coats, and I have some tape residue on it - next time, I'm using an express mask.)





@Delta - I've seen people do that under the base coat too. I'm just starting at this airbrush thing, and the panel lines look quite nice as is, so I'm leaving it.

@GreyKnight - like I said, I'm a beginner at airbrushing, even though I've made 100's of models. I'm not going to weather this one - it's Painless' Spit in 1945, so it must be in pristine condition, right?

@Tonar - ummmmm, no! Though my boys are tempted!


To say your a beginner at airbrushing, thats simply good work man, ive been at it for 2 years and i struggle sometimes with the paint lol, lost count how many of gone in the bin because ive messed up.

My 109 should of been here yesterday but it hasnt turned up :(

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