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Hi all...

This Friday: vulching or no vulching?

Also, seeing as this is a re-spawn d/f server where there is no need to 'sit out' and wait for a re-start or new mission - should we turn off externals? Really, apart from eye candy (or - gasp! - 'cheating') is there a need on a respawn d/f server?

Now, I realize this is DT's show, but what are the preferences?

Mine would be no vulching and no externals...

Oh, and what is everyone drinking that day? Mine will be Glenmorangie Sherry Wood finish.


YOu must be clairvoyant mate I was about to ask the same question about vulching

Im Definatly for no vulching or it will turn into a nightmare trying to get wings together

externals Im ok with - we should have a gentlemans agreement to only use them for takeoff / landings and to check our own damage - NO F6 super aces cheat tho

To stop vulching - no strafing bases and turn nav lights on during take off or landing then rule is no shooting anyone with nav lights on -

again we have to be gentlemen about this and remember to turn nav lights off when we are at cruise speed /altitude after taking off.

Having said this Iv played on all kinds of servers and vultures usually get their just desserts


  • 1. DDz Quorum

I had just posted something similar in the nail your colours post when Glen pointed me here. No vulching and no externals for guidance of other craft in combat are great ideas. please do not turn externals off completly though.


I agree fully, BUT...

Since I'm very fresh and probably be food, I would like the option to stay at the airbase and watch the battle as it's going.

But this is still a game Glenn and we can set the rules.

I agree with the others. No vulching and externals on but no peeking at the enemy.

No, its a simulation, remember? :wink:

Okay, but word of warning: The first time someone with Nav lights on shoots at me, game on!



again we have to be gentlemen about this and remember to turn nav lights off when we are at cruise speed /altitude after taking off.

If someone is at altitude with Nav lights on, they are fair game. If someone has Nav lights on, and expecting not to get shot, they should also be:

1) Below 1000m

2) Heading toward an airfield

3) Not shooting at anything

I also want to state that Nav lights are not a "stop shooting me" ticket in mid-fight. If you have had enough, evade and run or bail. I would support a "no strafing chutes" clause.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

i made my post about vulching for fear of what you describe Glen, however, it was made with a lack of understanding as to how the map would work. If there are more than a few airfields we can fly from, and the method of changing airfield is quick, then fine. (once on our df server I wanted to change home base and to wait what seemed ages for the message "please wait for host to acknowledge change" or something like that. and in the end disconnected. if this is what ill happen on friday night then it will spoil it for me. )

I can understnad your point of view- it was a real war tactic, and Jim's - this is meant to be fun.


again we have to be gentlemen about this and remember to turn nav lights off when we are at cruise speed /altitude after taking off.

If someone is at altitude with Nav lights on, they are fair game. If someone has Nav lights on, and expecting not to get shot, they should also be:

1) Below 1000m

2) Heading toward an airfield

3) Not shooting at anything

I also want to state that Nav lights are not a "stop shooting me" ticket in mid-fight. If you have had enough, evade and run or bail. I would support a "no strafing chutes" clause.

I would add this to the "nav lights" issue: if you enter a dogfight, you may not use the nav lights to disengage at any time, even if you're winchester or bingo fuel, near your base, above or below 1000m. Once you pick a fight, or agree to defend yourself, there's no turning back. You can't start shooting at someone, and then just say "ok, i want to go home now!" That being said, the gentlemanly rule of not blasting away at a flamer or dead-engine plane is still up to the individual. I hope to be available early enough to join you guys Friday!

i made my post about vulching for fear of what you describe Glen, however, it was made with a lack of understanding as to how the map would work. If there are more than a few airfields we can fly from, and the method of changing airfield is quick, then fine. (once on our df server I wanted to change home base and to wait what seemed ages for the message "please wait for host to acknowledge change" or something like that. and in the end disconnected. if this is what ill happen on friday night then it will spoil it for me. )

I can understnad your point of view- it was a real war tactic, and Jim's - this is meant to be fun.


I am not even sure how you would get a server to limit you in that way, but no; there should be no delay. You should be able to bounce from Axis airfield to Axis airfield no problem. In most cases, the airfields will offer identical planes choices.

Can someone come up with a draft of the "Canine Convention", as brief as possible, to cover the ROE? Just so everyone is on the same page?



how about vulching ok (no sissy nav lights)...just put lots of flak around the fields...

You're just as likely to die vulching then...and there would be 'no camping'.


I'm game, Is this not how we normally fly? :?

I'll be a gentelmen, And I will have no hard feeling if someone FILLS ME FULL OF LEAD when I am taking off. But We will Hunt you Blues down!! single you out and turn you into Mulch!!!(eg: 20-30 108 rounds into you smoldering wreckage).

But I'm with what ever the greater good decides :D

I just want to KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL :twisted:


As we ALL know, by the end 1/3 of the WAR (and even before) the Geneva convention was pretty much thrown out the window...

WAR is hell, the trick is to make it more hellacious for the enemy..

I say, HELL YES on vultching!!!

and chutes? hell YES shoot the chutes, 1 less Pilot to climb into and airplane!

well, that's my opinion, and as you probably know, opinions are like assholes, everybody has one...

OOOoop ack pffffftz

  • 1. DDz Quorum

sorry von toner, it must be heat of battle, you are signed up for the blue team, its the reds you want to wipe out....... :oops:

sorry von toner, it must be heat of battle, you are signed up for the blue team, its the reds you want to wipe out....... :oops:

no, he has it correct. He just hates the blues like the rest of us. :lol:


My view:

Ones mans vultching is another mans straffing. I enjoy dodging flack and taking out aircraft on the ground. It also teaches the enemy to fly CAP and cover thier airbase.

As for externals. I never use 'em unless I'm dead and bored. That said, if it's a D/F server you don't need to stay dead so there is no real need for them.


again we have to be gentlemen about this and remember to turn nav lights off when we are at cruise speed /altitude after taking off.

If someone is at altitude with Nav lights on, they are fair game. If someone has Nav lights on, and expecting not to get shot, they should also be:

1) Below 1000m

2) Heading toward an airfield

3) Not shooting at anything

I also want to state that Nav lights are not a "stop shooting me" ticket in mid-fight. If you have had enough, evade and run or bail. I would support a "no strafing chutes" clause.

I would add this to the "nav lights" issue: if you enter a dogfight, you may not use the nav lights to disengage at any time, even if you're winchester or bingo fuel, near your base, above or below 1000m. Once you pick a fight, or agree to defend yourself, there's no turning back. You can't start shooting at someone, and then just say "ok, i want to go home now!" That being said, the gentlemanly rule of not blasting away at a flamer or dead-engine plane is still up to the individual. I hope to be available early enough to join you guys Friday!

Totally agree- using nav lights to exit an engagement or to fool someone and then engage them is ungentilmanly conduct - nav lights only signal your on the landing or takeoff pattern and should not be needed any more than 1km from base

blue dont need to shoot down flamers as they will probably crash in blue terrirory and so count as captured - red might fel different but blue should bail anyway if badly shot up - they over home ground most of the time anyway

I dont like chute shooting but it happens



Canine convention

1) play fair

2) have fun

3) keep your respect for other side team members- do and say unto others as you would do and say unto yourself

4) no vultching

5) no F6


sorry von toner, it must be heat of battle, you are signed up for the blue team, its the reds you want to wipe out....... :oops:

Well, I guess we know who will be the first violator of the Canine Convention will be, don't we? Just didn't expect it would be a violation against his own side...



Just don't get in front of me. I think I will be trigger happy. I become color blind when there is a plane siloette in my cross hairs. Espesially when after I fire a few rounds and they flinch. then I know there scared and are trying to get away. THE CHASE IS ON!!! like a dog going after the friendly fuzzy squirle running. You all Hear my Breathing!! I drule also.

Is it friday yet?


Okay, settings will be as follows: ('1' indicates difficulty setting is active)

difficulty SeparateEStart 1

difficulty ComplexEManagement 1

difficulty EngineOverheat 1

difficulty TorqueGyroEffects 1

difficulty FlutterEffect 1

difficulty WindTurbulence 1

difficulty StallsSpins1

difficulty Vulnerability 1

difficulty BlackoutsRedouts 1

difficulty RealisticGunnery 1

difficulty LimitedAmmo 1

difficulty LimitedFuel 1

difficulty CockpitAlwaysOn 1

difficulty NoOutsideViews 0

difficulty HeadShake 1

difficulty NoIcons 1

difficulty NoPadlock 1

difficulty Clouds 1

difficulty NoInstantSuccess 1

difficulty TakeoffLanding 1

difficulty RealisticLandings 1

difficulty NoMapIcons 1

difficulty NoMinimapPath 0

difficulty NoSpeedBar 0

I believe that the "No Padlock" setting turned on will keep people from using F6, Dave, so need to worry about that. Externals are left on. Do NOT abuse them. I know in normal coops and such we use them to look for enemy planes because we are looking for engagements, but part of these D-Day missions are strategy, surprise and fog of war. You should not be looking at enemy player's planes. Looking at external cameras is ok.

***Also, see private Join Ops Section here for current player list for server....


A question.

As I've remapped all my keys and F6 is now a Fraps control, can someone tell me what F6 is actually used for?

And why it is considered a bad thing?




F6 goes to external view with padlock nearest enemy - by pressing it you have your own radar to prevent anyone from sneaking up on you- not very realistic and totally kills any chance of using proper tactics

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