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would a laptop with an AMD duel core run IL2 at medium,low settings maybe?

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Im gonna have to get a laptop i think since I am gonna have to divide my time between my mothers house where Im staying and my house in town htat Im working on and have my studio. Im gonna use it for photography work, but I want it to be able to run IL2 stuff good enough for me to make misns and test them etc.

I was doing that on the rather old AMD processor computer at the location I was working at for the previous yr (lots of spare time) and it actually ran it good enough to do that.

I found htat circuit city has somel Compaq laptops wiht amd 64 something x2 dual core job, though Ive lost the paper I wrote down the exact type-duh. It has vista of course, which I understand has problems wiht IL2, and I could find nothing about the type of video card it has. They are suposed to be display or returns that have been reconditioned, and are small enough for me to carry around for photographic work as well.

It was 450 bucks, and it had the same guarentee as the new ones. I know I need to get more info (I will tomorow), but I keep seeing guys say that they fly on a laptop online even. I know next to nothing about these things, but wondered if there was at least a good chance that such a computer would be equipped to run this thing at reduced settings with vista.

I assume it would, but I always make an ass outta me when I assume such. That is all.


Psycho flies on a laptop, but it has pretty good specs.

I have made missions on my laptop (including the DF campaigns), have watched smaller tracks and have even flown a couple of times on it in small fights.


OK, ill check on that today when I go to work, as it's right across the hwy where I work.

My budget is limited to about what the cost on this is, but I can always get a better vid card later on of course......or so I assume.

I wouldn't worry about this except that I had to put myself into hock for another 5 grand this week, as I HAD to order a new insulin pump since the outfit that supports (recalibrates every two yrs) the type Ive had for 15 yrs decided to stop supporting it and force everyone to sell thier first born to get another one if they don't have insurance (5 grand is discounted 20%-oooh, how nice of them).


Well anyway, that's another 103 bucks a month for the next four yrs, and as usual, I go off on a GD rant. Sheeeesh.

Ill see what the card is and report back.


I should think that will be more than fine for mission building and you should be able to fly with it too.....you won't be setting any records, but the price sounds (very) right. I would expect it to be capable at photo work as well and more than up to whatever paper shuffling you might throw at it. I think the only problem with the memory is that that the video probably doesn't have it's own memory, and so will eat heavily into system RAM, so my only caveat is to make sure you have some expansion room just in case you get a bottleneck with that.


Ok, I intend on getting it first thing tomorow morning, and Ill probably look into getting some more ram after I run it a bit. It has no software other than the vista thing, so I have plenty of room to put stuff on it that I need. The guy there i talked to said it had room to expand that.

I also get to use it to put my portfolio on it and wonder around trying to recruit subject matter .......as well as try and convince people to let me do their wedding (ick) pictures. Lots of chicks at weddings btw.

I dont think im gonna use it for any internet stuff though, since Ill keep it at my own house in town and my main computer is at my mother's house. Gotta get me a saitek twist stick to I recon, for testing stuff.


Ok, I got it. works great, but I can tell that I don't like that damn vista too much, not yet anyway. Took me a half hr to figure out how to turn it off. STarted loading the software I want, and I can tell it's noticably slower than my desktop, of course.

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