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Hey guys, im not sure if anyone here will know about a sound mod....but FunFlak is using one, and he says its more life like, im very interested in finding the mod hes using, so im wondering if any of you guys know of one?

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You can get the sound mod here plus a while bunch of new flyables here. Suggest you copy your existing game and install the mods to the copy. Please don't use the mod version when you join my server plse. It has caused some people problems.


There has been a fair amount discussion on the mods on these boards and a number of us have opted not to use them.

http://www.dangerdogz.com/component/opt ... pic,2960.0


hmm, i wouldnt of thought sound files would effect anybody else on a network, as sound files are not shared, and as such just the sound files should be fine, but ill make a seperate copy :(

thinking about it...and looking at the mod itself, its the new flyable aircraft that will mess up other people, and as such im trying to work out how not to install the aircraft and just the sound files.


I did have it on my older PC (just copied the IL-2 folder) and the sound of the P-38 is something else!


Im interested in the new maps some guys are making. The malta map is incredible, and they are making the Solomons and a European map that will actually let you make use of drop tanks.

I also saw that somebody made a switch file that would let


I disagree that sound or more specifically the effects of sound is not shared - changes in sound will effect others on the server as it is part of data handled by the players and server


I'm with the no-mod crowd, if only for the simple fact that I pretty much only fly online, either with the Dogz or on Hyperlobby where I wear my uniform proudly. Because of that I would rather not take the chance of causing problems for other guy's or allow even the possibility of the appearance of impropriety. (say that three times fast) I'm not the type to asume that everyone who uses the mods are cheaters, but I just prefer to stay out of that debate. There are other hills much more important to fight for.


rgr guys, ill do some more digging into the file sctructure of the sound mod, see if i can find out what could cause a problem, as i said earlier, i 100% think its the flyable aircraft it adds, which would affect my game on a network, as these files are shared, so ill do some digging around the files and see what i can do.

all of this will done on a seperate install of IL-2 on an External HDD.

my only reason for wanting the sound mod, im sick and tired of the same old buuuuuuur of every plane.


I agree with you both and wouldn't have posted on this thread if I hadn't have come across this the other night on WC.


Funny stuff. I should not be suprised, given what I know about human nature, but i still am. Oh well.


I saw one of the guys from a Brasilian squadron on Spits vs 109's last night doing that little "stutter lag" flying...little pauses in flight as he went along in his 110.

Still blew his a$$ out of the sky - he left right after that...

  • 1. DDz Quorum

are you sure that sound mod is tucked out of the way DT?, coz on sunday a bogie was climbing in front of me then it disappeared and the next thing i know i had shots behids me


Good point Friar, and I think that is the worst part of the whole thing, you see so much of "hey, you can't do that with that plane" or "I hit him with X number of rounds, he should have gone down by now". It's not so much the Mods themseves that are the problem, it's the unease they cause.


are you sure that sound mod is tucked out of the way DT?, coz on sunday a bogie was climbing in front of me then it disappeared and the next thing i know i had shots behids me

  • 1. DDz Quorum

I guess there was more than one of you. but I did see a bogie climb in front of me and then disappear


I guess there was more than one of you. but I did see a bogie climb in front of me and then disappear

Does anyone have a track of that point in the mission?


I remember that you reported that in the dogfight where you were shot down, Colin. What does the track report? I didn't take one.

I know that I've seen things like that in SEOW before, but I've always chalked it up to my poor situational awareness at the time down in the weeds. Man, it's hard to track planes on the Italy map, over that green vegetation....

  • 1. DDz Quorum

i think it was a f6f and i was lower than it so i was looking to the sky, not over the ground

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