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Introduced a new terrain module: DCS: East Afghanistan Map by Eagle Dynamics

DCS Core

  • Added method for IR missiles seekers to react on flares before missile launch (from cockpit). Each module needs to add usage of this functionality separately.
  • AI Aircraft. Aircraft without RWR will be able to detect incoming missiles only visually at close distance, not BVR.
  • AI Aircraft. AI rejoin lead pursuit rules and timings were adjusted for better experience.
  • AI Aircraft. AIs anti-ship aircraft with Kh-35 missiles do not attack - fixed.
  • AI Aircraft. AIs can't launch AGM-84E in some cases - fixed.
  • AI Aircraft. B-52H has random landing gear failure on runway 21L NTTR for both air start and ground start aircraft - fixed.
  • AI Aircraft. Mi-28 explodes during start from a small little helipad - fixed.
  • AI Aircraft. MiG-31 cannot be destroyed if shot from directly behind - fixed.
  • AI Aircraft. Parked AIs switch from normal position to upside down (dedicated server only) - fixed.
  • AI Aircraft. S-3B refuelling pod lights texture correction was done.
  • AI Aircraft. S-3B tanker has issues refuelling some AI aircraft in certain conditions - fixed.
  • AI Aircraft. Sometimes AI aircraft park into space of not fitting size after landing - fixed.
  • AI Aircraft - Added Tactical Turns. When flying as a 2 ship, with human lead AI is now able to perform on command tactical turn, Use radio menu to command.
  • AI Ground. Artillery doesn't shoot at the second target - fixed.
  • AI Ground. China Asset Pack: HQ-7B radar and launcher units revised (Thanks to currenthill).
  • AI Ground. CIWS shoots above the target- fixed.
  • AI Ground. Scout HL with DShK gun traversal angles adjusted.
  • AI Navy. "Moscow" cruiser can't fire all 16 P-500 missiles - fixed.
  • AI Navy. China Asset Pack: 052B, 052C, and 054A revised (Thanks to currenthill).
  • AI Navy. Fixed the lack of smoke on the Kuznetsov 2017 aircraft carrier.
  • Graphics. Added two options for SSAO effect - "Low" and "High".
  • Graphics. Adjusted IR appearance of clouds; reduced cloud temperature for FLIR devices.
  • Graphics. Raindrops functionality changes when different aircraft cockpits entered in MP - fixed.
  • Graphics. Several shaders compilation errors - fixed.
  • ME. A fog/haze can appear in a new unsaved mission - fixed. Fog setting will not be inherited from a previously launched mission.
  • ME. Anti air ground units can’t be set to attack specific air units - fixed.
  • ME. Briefing pictures change issues - fixed.
  • ME. GUI Error when deleting a waypoint with a task - fixed.
  • ME. Sometimes unit heading value can become "-1" - fixed.
  • ME. Static units could not be rotated via widget buttons - fixed.
  • MP. Dedicated server can start from random mission in shuffle mode now.
  • MP. Dedicated server keeps fog setting from previous mission - fixed.
  • MP. On dedicated server AI helicopters sling load rope glitching and extending - fixed.
  • MP. Random camera rotation at spawn on client - fixed.
  • MP. Server crash when cargo destroy() whilst hooked - fixed.
  • Radio transmission leaves constant static noise - fixed.
  • Scripting API. Added possibility to pass args and return values from mission scripting a_do_script() and a_do_file() APIs.
  • Triggers. 'Missile In Zone' Trigger doesn't work for Kh-41 missile - fixed.
  • Weapon. AIM-9P3, AIM-9P5, AIM-9JULI. The low-smoke motors of these missiles will produce denser smoke as altitude increases and temperatures decrease. AIM-9M and AIM-9X already do so.
  • Weapon. BGM-109 Tomahawk will no longer perform cruise fly at high altitude, only at low altitude.
  • Weapon. China Asset Pack: HQ-7B, HQ-16, and HHQ-9 missiles revised (Thanks to currenthill).
  • Weapon. China Asset Pack: YJ-12 missile switch to ED’s edition.
  • Weapon. SA-3 5V27 missile will not guide during booster stage.
  • Weapon. SA-5, 5М28 missile. Engine smoke of second stage tuned. Added inversion contrail at low temperatures.
  • Weapon. SAM SA-2/3. Added realistic missile trajectory fluctuations due to older generation radar angular inaccuracy.
  • Weapon. Several negative drag errors in logs - fixed.
  • World. AI Helicopter cannot land if in the range to 400 m placed Comm Tower due to oversize of bounding box - corrected.
  • World. US National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency released the WMM update, 2025-2030 data. Its data has been integrated into the DCS magnetic variation interface.
  • 3D models. Fixed season textures for HEMTT tanker trucks.
  • 3D models. Fixed the disappearance of TLC fragments in some camera positions.

DCS: F-16C Viper by Eagle Dynamics

  • Added AIM-9 seekers tracking flares prior to the missile being launched.
  • Added Throttle OFF/IDLE Mouse Click on the throttle (key command/binding no longer required).
  • Fixed: PDLT cycle with EXP causes freeze/crash.
  • Fixed: Using GMT causes a game crash.
  • Fixed: Special key bind for parking brake / antiskid not working.
  • Fixed: Damage model - Pilot cannot survive any explosive hit.
  • Fixed: Dogfight mode gets stuck in NO RAD.

DCS: F/A-18C by Eagle Dynamics

  • Added AIM-9 seekers tracking flares prior to the missile being launched.
  • Fixed: AIM-9X doesn't track at the edge of seeker gimbal.
  • Fixed: EXP modes slew range.
  • Fixed: Datalink AWW-13 got stuck after firing AGM-84.
  • Fixed: AUTO release cues don't obey OAP's.
  • Fixed: Wrong IFF Code rejection behaviour.
  • Fixed: Damage model - Pilot cannot survive any explosive hit.

DCS: AH-64D by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed: Freeze when player crashes.

DCS: Mi-24P Hind by Eagle Dynamics

DCS: Supercarrier by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed: Collision when parking F/A-18C on Supercarrier Deck Population mission.
  • Fixed: Client is ignored by taxi director when trying to move from a parking slot.
  • Fixed: Carrier deck crew rejects helicopter payload change.
  • Fixed: AI aircraft's launch bar cannot catch catapult shooter correctly.
  • Fixed: "Waiting for ATC Status" Message displayed in campaigns.

DCS: F-5E  by Eagle Dynamics

  • Added AIM-9 seekers tracking flares prior to the missile being launched.
  • Adjusted: M-39 guns mounted on F-5E dispersion adjustment, other aircraft with the same gun can have different dispersion due to other factors like mounting points etc.
  • Fixed: Radar grid is displayed after complete power off - some fixes for radar scale brightness.
  • Fixed IRIAF skins for F-5E Remastered being not localized correctly.
  • Fixed: Damage model - Pilot cannot survive any explosive hit - Pilot hitbox FAR too large.

DCS: L-39 by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed: Gunsight Target Distance buttons don't work.
  • Fixed: Some errors in the cockpit clickable.

DCS: Yak-52 by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed. Engine Start Button Cover bindings don't work.
  • Fixed. Chronometer stopwatch minute hand show number of passed hours instead of minutes.
  • Fixed. Smoke apparatus toggle control fails to cycle.
  • Fixed. Cockpit visual recon not functioning.
  • Fixed. Trim Tabs in the Special Menu doesn't affect the plane.
  • Added. Moving throttle now updates the throttle position in the exterior model.
  • Improved. Automatic start-up procedures.

DCS: P-47D Thunderbolt by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed. 'Engine Degraded' with WEP usage.

DCS: P-51 Mustang by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed. Landing lamp is covered with non-transparent material.

DCS: WWII Assets pack by Eagle Dynamics

  • Ju-88A-4 Fixed. Wrong damage visualisation on distanced LODs.

DCS:Black Shark 3 by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed ATGM suspension in 2011 version
  • Added Afghanistan instant action missions

DCS: Flaming Cliffs 2024 by Eagle Dynamics

  • Su-27. Added Afghanistan instant action missions
  • Su-33. Added Afghanistan instant action missions

DCS: Afghanistan by Eagle Dynamics

  • Improved ground noise and vegetation distribution textures for the entire Afghanistan map
  • Improved mid- and far-range ground noise quality for the entire Afghanistan map
  • Improved Normal Map surface textures for the entire Afghanistan map
  • Improved surface textures of settlements and fields
  • Fixed visual errors on small vegetation with SSS shadows enabled
  • Fixed many bugs in incorrect build of geometry of roads, rivers and lakes
  • Improved road network - multiple gaps in major highways removed
  • Improved road network - roads in the terrain are more consistent with the roads on the map in ME
  • Ground vehicles no longer fall through bitumen slab bridges
  • Cars and small objects in static scenes are now aligned with the slopes of the ground
  • Improved unique scenes of the city of Herat
  • Optimized unique airfield scenes
  • Added FLIR textures for civilian traffic models
  • Tarinkot airfield: the size of ground mounds along the runway has been reduced
  • Tarinkot airfield: fixed a bug where the airfield heading and the airfield heading name did not match
  • Tarinkot airfield: fixed helicopter explosion when entering the runway
  • Camp Bastion airfield: the road network, settlements and fields in the vicinity of the airfield have been improved
  • Camp Bastion airfield: ground mounds along the runway no longer obscure the PAPI view
  • Camp Bastion airfield: added night lighting of the airfield
  • Camp Bastion heliport: added night lighting of the airfield
  • Kandahar airfield: added night lighting of the airfield
  • Kandahar airfield: fixed errors in taxiing
  • Kandahar heliport: added night lighting of the airfield
  • Qala i Naw airfield: sharp changes in runway altitude have been corrected

DCS Mirage F1 by Aerges


  • Fixed the low fps problem in intensive missions with triggers.


  • AP disconnect/disengage in F1 BE now occurs if pilot's stick 'Autopilot disconnect trigger' or 'Autopilot disengage lever' are activated at any seat. Previously the same switches at different seats were conflicting with each other.
  • Restored INS drift in F1 EE.
  • Fixed small control stick oscillations in pitch with autopilot engaged.
  • Fixed autopilot unable to intercept radials and ILS localizers when in close proximity, but flying with low relative angles.
  • Fixed F1 BE standby horizon roll jitter at forward seat.
  • The F1 BE TO-FROM indicator is functional now at the rear seat.
  • Modified F1 EE IDN logic when no Tacan signal is received and RNAV modes are selected.


  • 'Request AWACS Declare' quick access radio command was added to input.
  • Restored missing trim hat sounds of rear seat pilot's stick in F1 BE.
  • Fixed mixed up animation of 'Autopilot disconnect trigger' and 'Autopilot disengage lever' switches of the pilot's stick.
  • F1 BE rear cockpit stick PTT button is animated now.
  • Fixed stick PTT button animation not releasing with comms menu in certain cases.
  • 'Stick Push-to-talk button' command now moves the stick Push-to-talk button. The command activates Voice Chat communication.
  • 'Alternative Push-to-talk button' clickable control doesn't affect the pilot's stick PTT button animation anymore.
  • Stick and alternative push-to-talk buttons input commands now include 'Voice Chat' in their names for clarity.
  • Pilot's stick 'Search light' (Police light) button is animated now.
  • 'Search light' (Police light) button can't be activated from the rear cockpit of F1 BE anymore.
  • 'Combat flap retract lever' ('Palette volets de combat') is now purely mechanical. I.e. it can be moved without electric power available.
  • Added 'Cycle combat flaps' input command.
  • 'Cannon 300-600m and missile lock/unlock button' input command (forward seat throttle button) can't be activated from F1 BE rear seat anymore.
  • 'Heading selection knob - Clockwise/Counterclockwise' input commands can't be activated from F1 BE rear seat anymore.
  • Heading selector and Omnibearing selector knobs now can be controlled by joystick axes.
  • Fixed Air Conditioning System 'Master valve control switch' keybindings being reverted.
  • All control stick buttons and levers are now under the same category ('Control stick') in DCS Controls Options.


  • Modified refuelling instant action mission after latest AI changes. The tanker now enters directly into the racetrack pattern, without performing a re-entering maneuver.

DCS: C-101 Aviojet by AvioDev

  • Minor changes in input commands naming: 'VOIP' -> 'Voice Chat'.

DCS: MiG-21bis by Magnitude 3

  • Fixed SPO-10’s light operation

DCS: MB-339A/PAN by IndiaFoxtEcho Visual Simulations

  • Added: Generator 1 and 2 Reset (clickable and keybindings)
  • Fixed: ADI does not move when mission starts in cold & dark
  • Fixed: Gunsight 100mls wrong setting
  • Fixed: Gunsight brightness
  • Fixed: Background luminosity at night too high
  • Update: Collision model

DCS: JF-17 by Deka Ironwork Simulations

  • Update. Now use ME loadout panel to edit GBU and BRM-1 laser code (not applied for LS-6-100)
  • Update. Control indicator
  • Fixed. ME freeze caused by changing laser code of dual GBU loadout on right wing
  • Fixed. Abnormal TACAN program behavior after quit APR TCN mode
  • Fixed. Datalink pod text overlay

DCS: F-4E Phantom II by Heatblur Simulations

  • JESTER: Fixed Jester Wheel Radar Target Lock/Focus not using proper icons
  • JESTER: Tweaked Jester to allow locking targets that are not quite dead yet (life <10% instead of 20%)
  • Systems: Updated RWR database (Mirage F-1AX, F-1CX, Aegis search radar, Atlantic Conveyor ship)
  • Systems: Fixed internal wing tanks not feeding when selecting an inexistent external tank
  • Systems: Fixed Pave Spike continuing to rotate with a target after commanding STOW
  • Flight Model: Fixed a bug causing incorrect changes to the total moment of inertia from fuel
  • Inputs: Added self-accelerating INC/DEC binds for Bomb Interval Knob
  • Missions: Frog-7 campaign:
    • Fixed AI taxi crashes and some other AI issues
  • Missions: Training Lesson 1a Startup:
    • Added text to remind to not move the landing gear lever
    • Bugfix with cockpit highlights sometimes not disappearing
  • Missions: Training Lesson 1b Startup:
    • Updated instructions
    • Bugfix with cockpit highlights sometimes not disappearing
    • Re-recorded voiceover for improved quality
  • Missions: Training Lesson 2 Taxi:
    • Updated instructions
    • Bugfix with cockpit highlights sometimes not disappearing
    • Improved trigger conditions for roll checks
  • Missions: Training Lesson 3 Normal Takeoff:
    • Bugfix with cockpit highlights sometimes not disappearing
    • Bugfix to allow users to enable/disable cockpit highlights
  • Missions: Training Lesson 4 Visual Landing:
    • Updated instructions
    • Added Kobuleti landing clearance triggers
    • Ground crew now waits with shutdown request until previous task is done
    • Bugfix with cockpit highlights sometimes not disappearing
  • Missions: Fixed HOBOS missing in related Instant Action Missions
  • Missions: Several Fixes to Instant Action Missions
  • Updated Chinese localization

DCS: F-14 Tomcat by Heatblur Simulations

  • Updated Chinese localization and encyclopaedia entries
  • Livery: VF-33 Starfighters AB201 updated - Thanks Yae Sakura!

DCS: AJS37 Viggen by Heatblur Simulations

  • Fixed CTD on third spawn in certain missions
  • Fixed a bug with no shadows when mirrors were on
  • Updated the manual


DCS: AH-64D The Four Horsemen Campaign by Fight's On Simulations

  • M2. Possible loss of LOS on ground troops, causing trigger to not fire - FIXED
  • M6. Gunslinger landing spot too close to Ugly 5-1, preventing take off - FIXED

DCS: F/A-18C Rising Squall Campaign by INVERTED

  • Custom Liveries - Due to the previous version's modification of the priority rules for liveries files, there should no longer be a situation where the ranking of campaign liveries files is superior to the default liveries files. If you find that this situation still exists, please manually remove the excess files in the 'liveries' folder. The correct liveries files will be named with the prefix [RS1].
  • M00 - This mission will disable the latest "Super Carrier Deck Taxi Guidance" to avoid any issues.
  • M04 - This mission will disable the latest "Super Carrier Deck Taxi Guidance" to avoid any issues.
  • M10 - This mission will disable the latest "Super Carrier Deck Taxi Guidance" to avoid any issues.
  • M11 - Fixed audio and BGM loss and confusion caused by string stream errors.

DCS: P-51D High Stakes Campaign by Dmitry Koshelev

  • All missions received some additional static units for key air bases.
  • All missions have updated weather.

DCS: Mi-8MTV2 Oilfield Campaign by Dmitry Koshelev

  • Updated subbase and Maykop airfield objects.
  • Updated weather (added haze for more realistic visibility).
  • Added client CH-47F in to MP mission

DCS: Mi-8MTV2 Spring Tension

DCS: F-5E Aggressors Air Combat Maneuver Campaign by Maple Flag Missions

  • Added an F-5E FC version of the campaign to the package.

DCS: F-5E Aggressors Basic Fighter Maneuvers Campaign by Maple Flag Missions

  • Added an F-5E FC version of the campaign to the package.

DCS: F/A-18C Operation Mountain Breeze Campaign by Sandman Simulations

  • All missions with AAR – a safeguard added to prevent AI stuck with the tanker

DCS: F-16C Last Out Weasels Over Syria 2 Campaign by Ground Pounder Sims

  • Mission 9 - Incorrect takeoff time in briefing - fixed.
  • Mission 10 - Rotor TACAN not working - fixed.
  • Mission 12 - Boomer TACAN not working - fixed. Adjusted altitude check trigger during departure phase.
  • Mission 13 - Adjusted altitude check trigger during departure phase.

DCS: F-16C First In Weasels Over Syria Campaign by Ground Pounder Sims

  • Mission 1 - Adjusted altitude check trigger at H4 to allow more tolerance.
  • Mission 12 - Minor alteration to campaign complete text.

DCS: F/A-18C Operation Cerberus North Campaign by Ground Pounder Sims

  • Mission 4 - Various minor updates and fixes.

DCS: F-5E Black Sea Resolve '79 Campaign by SorelRo

  • Voices redone and more voices added
  • Triggers reworked
  • Navigation aids added, guidance from Overlord when going off-course on long legs.
  • Easier ways to finish a mission
  • Ability of players to select to be Immortal at any time during the missions
  • Ability to report Winchester and Bingo fuel state, this will trigger a win to live and fight another day.
  • Mig-21 and Mig-23 AI flights were tweaked to be more manageable. Pilots fatten up to 1000 kilos in some cases.
  • AI F-4 updated to use the Heatblur F-4E


  • Thanks 1

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