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I made a modest little film (13 Meg) for the benefit of Sged and anyone who does not enjoy the blessing that is TrackIR (in any version) I have a lowly TrackIr2 that I bought from ebay for $30 Canadian about 2 years ago.

This three minute movie should show you how well you can track a maneouvering target with TrackIR.

Our story starts with yours truly harassing an all but helpless Stuka, when Arsenal steps in to save the day, bravely sacrificing himself in an extremely well flown scissors fight.

http://rapidshare.de/files/21733968/Sun ... y.wmv.html


Hey, I remember that one! I was doing all I could to get you to overshoot, all to no avail. Even stalled the ol' A6 there in the beginning. I didn't realize that we came so close to colliding on those occasions though. Twas a good fight indeed.



I would've crashed like three times doing that...but hey..using a mouse while having to fly at the same time is kinda hard to master....

Today I'm going to the pc shop, gonna ask for that thing, looks very handy...

Btw...seeing this, makes me itchy to get in the air again with you guys!


Word of warning, the 6dof thing doesn't work in IL2-PF. Having said that TIR4 is more acurate and has a bigger field of "vision" than the '2 or '3 and Olegs upcoming sim will support 6dof, so you'll be ready. TiR is by all means an excellent tool.

That trackIR 4 looks cool, saw all the clips about the other one too...only thing now is to convince the wife :wink:

If money is an issue, consider getting an older model off eBay as Waldo has done. I use the first model of TrackIR (TIR1), donated to me by Bun-Bun a couple of years ago. It still works very well though I'd recommend bidding on at least a TIR2 or newer as the TIR1 has a more limited range and framerate (still OK for me, mind you- I'll upgrade only when Oleg's BoB is released).

Note: while IL2 doesn't take advantage of TIR3 + Vector's or TIR4's "6DoF" (six degrees of freedom- means not only looking around, but also leaning forward, leaning left and right etc...) the future Battle of Britain sim from Oleg will (and Shockwave's remake of Rowan's Battle of Britain currently does)... so you may want to get one of the more recent models to take advantage of that feature.

TrackIR is, once you have the right settings (lots of people like Charvel's settings, available at airwarfare.com [iIRC] and get used to it (took me about 2 weeks), the most important peripheral after the joystick- it's just incredibly intuitive to use and really boosts the immersion factor.


modesty prevents me from highlighting my most excellent review here

http://www.airwarfare.com/AWX/features/ ... review.htm

chervals guide to setting it all up


I couldnt fly witthout it again - hat or mouse would be horrible

I would recommend either TIR3 +Vector Expansion second hand off e-bay or TIR4 as both track better than older models

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