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trak IR shuts down when I start Il-2. The green light goes off. Hotkeys?

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Ok, this happened before, but I fixed it by hitting F9 a couple of times. Now my Track IR 3 shuts down shortly after I start the sim. The red lights are on, but the green one shuts down. I have tried messing with the hotkeys and all sorts of crap, but I cant get it to function any more.

Any suggestions?

No I'm not gonna reformat.


Roger that. Thanx, I'll give it a try. It ran fine for a while, then I stopped flying, then turned everything back on including the sim. Boom...gone. The red lights are still on, but it's actually off. the same thing happens when I click on the internet or another folder when the IR is still on but Im out of hte sim. Sometimes it doesn't.

I just wonder why it starts doing this after nearly two yrs.


Well it didn't work for some reason. I looked in my manual and it mentioned unplugging it for 30 sec for ohter problems, but no mention of htis. So I unplugged it for 30 sec several times, even restarted, did virus scan, spyware etc. Nadda.

So I'll try re-installing. Ive got my software disk.

thanx man.


Ok, after re-installing a couple of times, I called those guys, and was told to dnload the latest software and install that. It was designed for TIR4, but apparently works for 3, so now it works again. Thanx for the suggestions though, but I have a poltergiest living in my cmputer methinks.

And Ive scanned for viruses etc, so Im convince Im a candiate for "Ghost Hunters" on the sci fi channel.


Well GD F-ing SOB......this damn thing is doing it yet AGAIN! Now Im a bit pissed. worked fine for a couple of misns, just like new. Now that I went out to do some other crap, it's doing it again. Just quit on me three times right after I started it with new sofware etc. And i am sure they wont ever have heard of this when I call tech support and that I am the only one who has ever had this poop.gif happen.

I'll probably be the first human male to get pregnant, and it will be without benefit of messing wiht some chick......probably the gd aliens or some such.


I'll bet you dollars to doughnuts that this is some kinda damn windows problem.

Man I get so damn tired of all this tech crap happening to me that never happens to anyone else.

My scooter has also started having fuel feed problems, and nobody in this stupid town can figure why. IM not driving it 60 miles to get it fixed, so Im just having to improvise. Some kinda friggin curse I suppose.


Ill call em again tomorow and see what the hell is going on......im sure htey need the training in impossible situations that only happen to one guy.


Maybe the dieties are punishing me for being so non PC.



Well, before I saw this just now, I actually got it to working again.....for now. I discovered that I still had the software to both the IR3 and 4 versions, despite having removed it (?).

Apparently the TIR had run on the 4 software one time, then ran on the 3 software when I restarted it later. Go figure. So I deleted it again, and this time deleted the folder again. I thought I had done that, but apparently not, or it did a resurrection thing or something.

Now it starts with the 4 software, which has a much more advanced interface (man, those heads are kinda creepy but they work)l. Now it runs fine, turned off and on several times. So maybe it will stick. Im gonna consult the above forum though. tHanx for posting that.

I had no idea you could use the 4 software with the 3. I think its

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