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Hey mates,

in my never-ending quest for more axes and buttons I bought another joystick.

It's a gameport "CH F-16 flight stick" which I picked up for 0.50cents (!) for the three "adjusters" to use for trimming.


It's possible that the new device has changed how the devices are listed in windows and therefore the game may see the devices in a different order.

I have a Gamepad and all works well until I unplug it then all manner of changes occur.

You can test how IL2 sees your devices by assigning a button to one of the HOTAS controls.


Hmmmm... OK- I'll admit to confusion now. LOL

yeah, the LT is now listed last in the "game controllers" list but why can't IL2 see it? It tests fine for function/calibration but won't effect any assignment change ingame.

Is the 4 game controller limit a XP limitation then?

I just tried MS FS9 but all 5 controllers work fine there?!?


Im pretty sure it's to do with the other controls being usb and the stick being game port. My CH F16 is game port, as are my rudder pedals and throttle, but I cant use my throttle anymore because it just doesn't work right now that I have a computer with win xp (i think).

I would recommend getting a USB f16 stick to match the rest of your controls. I intend to get all three when I can. I miss being able to program all the buttons for a hotas arrangement.

I had to bu;y a soundcard to even have a game port on this computer.


Hey Enforcer,

I found a CH driver for the gameport stick for Win XP and the stick is recognized and works fine. ... EXCEPT in IL2 !%$#^$#^ which is where I want it to work of course @#@!%$#@!!

The driver is difficult to find on the CH Hangar site but if you google "CH analog drivers v. 8.0" you should find it; try it and maybe your throttle can be of use


Under XPs implimentation of USB2.0 you are restricted to 127 devices per Host Controller.

There is no limits to how many of each class you can have on the same bus.

So in therory XP can support 127 joysticks, pedals, yokes and throttles.

Windows does number these devices in some arcane way. (My MSFFB pro always ends up as device 1)

I read some where that IL2 only supports devices 1-4.


Under XPs implimentation of USB2.0 you are restricted to 127 devices per Host Controller.

There is no limits to how many of each class you can have on the same bus.

So in therory XP can support 127 joysticks, pedals, yokes and throttles.

Windows does number these devices in some arcane way. (My MSFFB pro always ends up as device 1)

I read some where that IL2 only supports devices 1-4.

Someone from the Ubi forums has confirmed this for me.

I'm trying to get my pedals and Prothrottle to combine... without any luck so far


I read some where that IL2 only supports devices 1-4.

Someone from the Ubi forums has confirmed this for me.

I'm trying to get my pedals and Prothrottle to combine... without any luck so far

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