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  • 1. DDz Quorum

:-\ Following on from some positive feedback by, I think, badaim, I have just gone ahead and upgraded to the new sd6 drivers and new style sst programming software.

I have not been able to retain the settings (like badaim said) so i am starting to re-program my stick.

My problem is that the new version is all text, not like the old one where you cliked on the button in the graphic and it went to the setting. I suppose this is to make it common to all their sticks.

So I am now confused as to how all the buttons match up to the chart.

Badaim , if your out there (or any one else thats done it), lend us a hand mate(s), pleeeese!

Yours sincerly, disgruntled of Croydon

AkA Friar

or if this was a post from Painless;


  • 1. DDz Quorum

OT I am not doubting the software, my only "erk" was using the new table to assign key commands to. The old one, as I say, you just clicked on the picture of the button you wanted to program.

My issue is, for example,

  • 1. DDz Quorum

I was also disappointed when I found the new software didn't have any 3d piccies to click on when I reprogrammed my X45 recently - once I saw the numbers on the stick referred to the text it all fell into place. The only thing I haven't done is use the software for the Saitek pedals - I decided against because I set up rudder, flaps and brakes via the game HOTAS control section so I only use the driver for those.


Lol, good call Tonar. I got a Pro about a month back to replace my creaky X52.

I loaded it, realized I'd have to re-assign everything, and put it back in the box, where it still sits.

Once I'd cleaned the fag-ash and cake crumbs out of the old 52, it worked fine again. :rolleyes:

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Ok chaps, panic over. After a nice quiet evening in on my own (wife working, kids at guides) I have now re-programmed it.

When I actually looked at it it was not that bad after all. The buttons are all marked, the only thing I had to work out was which hat was 1, 2 and 3. having done that (#3 on the throttle, #2 is top left of the joystick and #1 is in the middle of the joystick)

The only thing I have had to do different is the one for centering track ir.

Tir did not seem to recognise the hat #2 pushed forward, so i have now got "I" as tir centre and mapped that to the hat.

If anyone wants any help I can now say been there, done that..............

Thanks for all the feed back by the way guys,




For those of you who use TrackIR and want an extra set of buttons instead of the mouse....I have figured out how to programming the mini-stick/mouse as a 4-way hat switch. (I use it for my flaps and radiator settings)

  • 1. DDz Quorum

I've not had a chance to test it yet mobius, all being well, I plan to fly Thursday evening and I will let you know after that.


Sorry I didn't get to you quicker M8, I was looking for a minute to sit down with the software myself, glad you finally got it sorted. I think you'll be happy. I had a bit of trouble with the mini stick, as I use it for the mixture and super controls, you used to be able to just set it to a keypress, now you have to set up bands. I also was bummed at first that you can't assign the pinkie switch to a key anymore as I've used it for map toggle for years (all the way back to my x36), but I got over it and have found several cool uses for the shift function.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

No worries Badaim, I am already thinking that now its up and running again I might re-look at building a macro to open the canopy, toggle the gun sight and raise the seat on 1 key click and a seperate one to the reverse.

My problem before I think was the timing, but this version seems to make it easier to alter the time between keypresses.

Hopefully speak to you tomorrow.




Colin the same Joystick button can be used to do the opposite as you are basically just repeating the same key presses to reverse.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Well, I had my first full session with the new drivers and newly configured stick last night.

Now, I dont know if it was "just my night" last night (it was a small group made up of myself, Greyknight, BG, Oldtimer, Kimo, Funflak and OB (I think, sorry if I missed anyone) and forgive me for saying this and I know it not really the done thing to pat oneself on the back, but, "Damm I was hot!". In the 3 or 4 missions we run I scored at least 300 in each I think. BG described me as "being on fire" and greyknight said I was "The Blue Menace tonight".

That being said I did still manage to collide with one of my own planes whilst chasing down a Ki-27 in a P40 doh!

My flying did feel smooth, and I was even hitting things in a 109! I did not stall and firing felt solid. (I have also recently "tweaked" my rudder input settings, so this may have helped as well)

Last nights events could well have been (and most probably were) a fluke, but I would say to those with the x52, ignore the fact that you will not have the GUI for key assigments, it really was not that hard to put them in, a pain in the ass that the old ones ould not be migrated, but still it did give me the chance to review my layout, again!, and make another couple of tweaks.


The pinkie switch is now only for shift function (although I did read a question on the Saitek forum asking about it and a Mod replied that if you delete the Mode x + pinkie setting, it can be used as a key assignment)

Overall, I am pleased that I upgraded.


No, hang on a minute, if all X52 jockeys upgrade, my advantage will be lost....

Don't up grade, it is terrible, dont even think about it................

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