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  • 1. DDz Quorum


Didn't know which one to put this in but I am having to get my fix just by looking around the forums instead of getting stick time...I am missing the flying. It took a (long) while to find a bunch of like-minded flyers and I am missing the banter etc....I've ordered a new rig - is there a special place to discuss it as I have the opportunity still to change things.....

Happy New Year all




post here mate and Ill have a look - have you ordered it yet or are you just looking ?

if you have not ordered have a look at this shop - I bought mine from here and its excellent value


this is the same as I bought

http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Intel-Core2-E6750 ... dZViewItem

note this is just the box - no monitor/keyboard etc also no windows

only weak point is the graphics card

  • 1. DDz Quorum

I've ordered one from here http://www.pcspecialist.co.uk/ - it isn't built yet so has some scope for change as they allow amendments through the process. The idea is to be as future-proof as I can get in one hit so I have gone for:

Asus Striker Extreme mobo

800w quad rail psu

Intel Core 2 Duo E6850 with Silent Knight cooling with an additional 120mm case fan

2gig Corsair XMS2 800mhz

2 x 512mb 8800GT - going to give SLi a try

XFi Audio Extreme soundcard

150gb Raptor hd with partitions

LG 226 22" monitor

I'm staying with XP as I'm giving Vista a while longer to settle in.

From what I've gathered on forums and reviews etc. the issues I may come across for IL2 are driver issues with the 8 - series cards and the game .dlls (but it looks like 4.09/4.09b may have addressed that) and setting up the cpu by altering some text in the config. Not sure about SLi, some peeps say it's ok but I haven't discussed it anywhere.

I would be grateful for views, particularly on the SLi aspect.


nice spec.

honestly dont know much about sli - feeling is that it is overkill for this version but who knows for BOB.

I am running a 512 mb 8600 and have tried both the latest nvidea and the ngo drivers and have had no problems- however I dont think that the iq is as good as ATI and have more trouble spotting objects with this card than my 850 ATI. BBloke was calling out objects last night in a mission and I just couldnt see them.

IMHO a single 1950xt ATI is the optimum card for this game or a 1950 pro for bang for bucks but this is a personal thing- pm quazi mate for better info before doing anything on graphics front

  • 1. DDz Quorum

I haven't tried ATI but my lad has a PCIe X1300 in his - we have played around with that and it runs fine in excellent on his LCDs native res. of 1280 x 1024. I suppose the choice is personal and I tend to stick with what I am familiar with.

Sli probably is overkill for this but I want to achieve smoothness with as much detail and at as higher res. as I can, not just with IL2 but with CoD2 aswell - the Dx9 is a killer with my older AGP 6600GT.

Quazi posts some really good stuff on the forums and he would be my first call.

Are you running a dual core processor?


yeah - inverterate tinkerer that I am - Iv tried

excellent and perfect

mucked around with aa and af

screen resolutions


everything looks ok on my standard tracks but in game I get a bit of shimmering , especially on water, so makes it hard to spot objects

might try perfect again with the ngo drivers

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Cheers BB, I'm hoping it will see me through a few games and any changes that come along.

Thanks for the link....that affinity stuff looks a bit daunting. I don't mind furtling around with settings but perhaps I will stick with altering the conf.ini and leave it to Windows to start with and see how it goes.


If you find the affinity link a little overbearing then there is a program that may make it easier to deal with.


Ah Yes, building the ultimate gaming rig. I am certain we all dream of compiling all the top of the line components for the gamer rig of the future. It tends to drive me bonkers sorting through the countless choices of hardware and "opinions" about what set up is best for a particular game.

Sid, it looks like you have quite the beast system in mind. You have come to the right place to bounce ideas around. Many guys around here know about this tech stuff, unlike myself. I am also about ready to jump into the building of a super gamer system. Future proofing it is a good way of putting it mate.

SLI MoBo is a for certain as BG mentioned. I too am thinking of getting only one extremely good Vid Card to start with and if needed a second for SLI in the future when their prices have gone down some too.

There is so much stuff to chose from it can get overwhelming for a non technical guy like me to figure this stuff out. I have been checking out newegg and reading reviews on hardware I am considering. I think I will be patient and chose the best value deals on combos or rebates when the parts I want are the cheapest. This top end stuff is expensive ya' know.

Good luck and it sounds like you will have one hell of a rig that should provide years of gaming enjoyment with room to grow if need be.

Logos :blind: Love the three blind mice. They are my navigators for the SEOW match.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

I appreciate this m8s, there is so much out there and the permutations are manyfold. I love the blind mice Logos, so appropriate.....

I started off with a budget in mind and went a little above it with what I ordered. I am comfortable with a change from 2 8800GTs to a single GTX/Ultra BG, but if I went to 2 x top end cards later the case and cooling may be restrictive. However, the 8800GTs cooling, on review, hasn't got the larger number of outlets as the larger-in-physical-size GTXs so may be an issue - perhaps they haven't been out long enough for substantial testing. I will run the cooling issue past the builders. 


Just wanted to add my $.02. The 8800GT is a G90 card and for half the price offers 85-90% of the performance of a GTX (it actually outperforms both of the GTS's), it is really the only Nvidia card to buy at this time. I aggree with Jim though in that for this game, the sli will probably be overkill. On the other hand, for $250, if you play other gimes, you should really Frag some alien ass with 2 GT's.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

I am coming around to BGs logic in that 1 Ultra now is a great start and would give even more upgradeability when Ultras come down in price in the future. 1 Ultra now would more than cope with IL2 and CoD2 as that is what I spend my time on. If SoWBoB isn't playable on 2 x Ultras then surely we are looking at exclusivity on a grand scale....

The Asus Striker mobo looks like it will cope with things for a long while as it will go up to quad core too


I see that some of the 768 Ultras are watercooled. I assume this means the watercooling is fully enclosed in the card and not plugged in to a water cooling system. This may solve any cooling issues with the Ultras. Needs some research maybe.

I buy into Bad Aim's logic too but we are talking bragging rights here M8.

I am going to Florida on February 18

  • 1. DDz Quorum

My wife knows all about my diabolical plan...

Thanks for all the info m8s

Happy New Year to all - just finished watching the New Year in and enjoying Jools Holland and his party on the Beeb....great stuff


:k9lmao: Damn straight compadre. Who's rig has biggest cahonies. Anyone ever use a Foxconn MoBo? I am looking at the Foxconn Mars MoBo. It has some good reviews and is lower priced than some equally equipped P35 boards from Asus and other big name companies. It has solid state capacitors which is a good thing I hear for longevity. Can be over clocked, not that I will be pushing my system to extreme limits. I prefer stability and longevity to flat out screaming and steaming performance.

Any how, I am still drooling about all the cool stuff they got out there for computer geeks to build rigs with. Ya'll have a happy new year and talk at ya' later.

Logos :occasion14::have_a_beer::santa: Acapulco Gold, eh. Drop a kilo over my trailer court on the way home Jim and I will watch the neighbors beat the piss out of each other to get a few doobies worth.

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