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Not had this problem and the possible best place to start is post up your DXDIAG info so we can have a look at it.

The DxDiag file is simply a text based list of the hardware and drivers installed on your PC. It allows us to identify possibly problems or find trends in major issues, and should be included in all Technical Help requests.

(Not my instructions - I robbed em off somewhere else :) )

To get your DxDiag file, go through the following steps:

  • 1. DDz Quorum

My experience of TiR is such that I know a USB hard drive (including pen drives) will conflict with TiR, so try to not have one plugged in.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Just to muddy the waters, I run my track ir off a usb hub which is plugged into my keyboard with no problems.. :-\


TIR was plugged into a front USB port - are they any different to those on the back?

X52 Pro is plugged into a hub, but nothing else.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Rear ports are pretty much the same as front, although I heard someone saying different at work the other day...

If you want to try a different port, like a rear one say, then you will have to un-install your TIR first then move it and re-install.

Your symptoms could be your power supply is not up to the job, what make/model is it?

This could be the classic sound loop lockup you are experiencing.


Glad to hear you've had it working OT. How do you like it?

When I first got it, I had to slow it down a bit, and have a generous dead zone.

I tightened up the sensitivity as I got used to it.


I cant make head nor tails of that .xml file he says is his latest profile.......

Looking at his examples, he show two different setups for his Yaw setting, both of which dont match this xml file.....how is this file "interpretted" for use with my trackIR?


these are both usb devices that you are getting problems with

you have a via chipset so make sure you are running the latest drivers e.g.

http://www.viaarena.com/default.aspx?Pa ... bCatID=122

for usb on windows xp.

check with your motherboard manufacturers website or via arena for correct updates for your board

also if possible get a usb card that fits into a pci slot on the motherboard and ditch the hub


Fireman, I think you just drop it into the folder of TrackIR or a subfolder containing other profiles Then you can access it from the drop down selection list.


OK, Im an idiot..........I was confusing my TIR files with my X45 files (which use .dat)....

Now that I've actually taken the time to look in the directory I can see that I am using .xml extensions.........

Idiot :violent1::BangHead::iamwithstupid::tool::sign12:


I have posted my profiles here-

http://www.dangerdogz.com/k9vault/Downl ... rprofiles/

I use charvels profile modded to damp it down, there are also another 2 he sent me one a modded one and one he wrote for 6dof - works for BOB2 WOV - but is ok for use with il2

feel free to try them out- the ones in the backup folder are untouched by me the ones in the main folder may have been tweaked

make a copy of your existing profile folder if you want to use mine as yours will get overwritten.

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