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I was just wondering what other games are played by the Dogs?

Judging by the standard of flying during Co-ops my guess is that most of you must fly all the time?

The subject of S.T.A.L.K.E.R came up last week. Anyone finished it? and what ending did you get?

Anyone played silent hunter3 ? anyone got silent hunter4? whats it like?

I still play DOD , Battlefield2 and americas army from time to time. Anyone else?


~S~ C F mate

I was in an Unreal 2004 clan before getting obsessed with IL2 1946. We specialized in Last Man Standing mode of play online. Oh wait, that was before I got obsessed with Battlefield 2 online. I played that about two years and got tired of the freakin' jet jockies bombing my armored vehicles to pieces. That's when I got the idea to get the JOYSTICK and get even with those stinkin' pilots.

The CH Combatstick came with a copy of IL2 in it and that led me eventually to the Dogz. I also played FEAR, Doom 3, Pain Killer, Halo, and a few other shooters. Oh yeah, I have a crush on Lara Croft too Bbloke. I think I finished the first two episodes and got side tracked some where in the third. I would like to pick up Tomb Raider where I left off some time. Great adventure and puzzle solving involved. Not to mention that girl has a killer virtual bod ! Woo Woo !!! Far Cry was an awesome game. Beatiful graphics in the south Pacific and great game play as well.

Right now I have only one focus and that is to innialte the inferior Red forces and completely rid the planet of their inferior genetic supply. Nothing but total slaughter of their race will do.

Thanks for bringing up the subject mate. Have a nice day.

Logos :Thin5: :plz_die::death: Red Forces


On PC I liked the fps games, favourites were Operation Flashpoint, UT2004 and call of duty seriese. I have lost many days in civ2 and Im a big fan of the tombraider games.

On console any mario games are fantastically well done for nintendo while Pro Evolution Soccer, Colin Mcrae rally and Grand Theft Auto on Ps2 were well done.

nowadays its just il2 with some tombraiding thrown in and some DS, especially mario cart, when on the move.


Mmmmm Lara.. I managed to get a hold of all the incarnations a little while back and TR1 can run on XP.

How could I forget Colin McRae.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

I finished Stalker twice, got the wish maker ending first.

Second time around I found the secret lab, and the level(s) that follow.

Awesome game.

Far Cry...well that is awesome too, as is F.E.A.R.

Call of Duty...yawn...1 was OK but 2 is just 1 with better graphics.

Deus Ex was great, V2 never tried as it got panned.

System shock was excellent, a good thinking game too.


I started playing Call of Duty, United Offensive and then COD2 since the outset, I guess approx 4 years now. In that time I was a founding member in both "The Old Breed" & the =[1st]=Brigade Sniper Clans.

I also enjoy COD2 Capture the Flag, Search & Destroy and Base Assault servers too.

I recently found a few COD2 Tactical Realisim servers that I find very trying if you are up to the challange. If someone is intrested, email me @ yogi@telus.net and I'll pass on those IP#'s.

I purchased COD4 and played for 3-4 days and got bored of the R&G game play of modern warefare.

A copy of Battlefield 2 / 2142 with a ranking system, better graphics and some more weapons (Yawn). As I see now alot of players that left to play their new COD4 two weeks ago are starting to trickle back to the COD2 servers and are feeling the same way.

I'm sure COD2 will continue to be popular.

I hope if there is a COD5, that it returns to WWII.



I've been flying the glider sim Condor most recently. It really is quite challenging. I thought it would be a bit boring at first but once you get dialed in with the reality of just how difficult it really is to stay in the air without a propeller your hooked. The challenge of hunting thermals or soaring along cliffs is very rewarding. I would recommend to anyone who is a flight sim enthusiast!

Check it out............ ;)



Currently playing:


Freelancer (various mods)

Oblivion (modded and expansions)

Eve Online

Hellgate London

Star Wars Battlefront 2

Diablo 2 Lord of Destruction

See a trend there?


Currently playing...

Myst Revelation.....

Stronghold 2 (an AWSOME 3D medievel castle sim)

Children of the nile (egyptian civilization sim, very cool)

and last but not least.....

Rosetta Stone....

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