1. DDz Quorum B16Enk Posted October 3, 2007 1. DDz Quorum Posted October 3, 2007 I just became aware of this little gem: Quote The new measures were implemented after the Home Secretary signed a 'statutory instrument' on July 26. The process allows the Government to alter laws without a full act of Parliament.The move was nodded through the House of Lords two days earlier without a debate. It puts into UK law a European Directive aimed at the 'investigation, detection and prosecution of serious crime'. But the British law allows the information to be used much more widely to combat all crimes, however minor. From: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/a ... =1770&ct=5 Entitled 'Big Brother Britain'. I think it is gosh (bless me Friar)ing reprehensible that a government can pass an edict that effectively allows it to change any law it sees fit at will. And it will now have full access, and all national and local government departments too, to our 'phone records, both the time date stamp and the content also of any text messages we send. And in 2009 they will have the same access to our internet activities. Such is the 'State of Fear' in which we live, whereby we roll over and let the government do what they wish. On October the 1st they made it illegal for any one under the age of 18 to buy tobacco products. So we now have a rash of frustrated, irate and nicotine deprived 16 and 17 year olds on the street, legally allowed to indulge the day before but now outlawed. Politicians in the UK are stark raving mad, having now also proposed that smoking while driving will be illegal, because it takes two hands to light a cigarette. You can still eat and drink though, and use a hands free mobile. Want a 4x4? That'll cost you £300.00 to 'rent the roads' for a year, until they have phased in the £2000 p.a. rent scheme. Fuel, fine you can have some. We'll take 58p in the litre in tax, thanks. So don't be surprised if it goes up, and we'll increase it another 4p per litre in the next twelve months too. But for gods sake don't stop smoking or driving your gas guzzler, the country relies on you to keep it's managements wheels oiled. Had to rant, the most taxed country in Europe where people will queue at a gas station for an hour in order to deprive the tax man of £3, that being the maximumsaving they would make by filling up an empty tank. Most would have had at least a 1/4 tank or even 1/2. But we sit by mutely otherwise. I want a revolution in the UK and I want it now! :knight: OK nervous break down is out of the way, until next time . Quote
1. DDz Quorum B16Enk Posted October 3, 2007 Author 1. DDz Quorum Posted October 3, 2007 I just became aware of this little gem: Quote The new measures were implemented after the Home Secretary signed a 'statutory instrument' on July 26. The process allows the Government to alter laws without a full act of Parliament.The move was nodded through the House of Lords two days earlier without a debate. It puts into UK law a European Directive aimed at the 'investigation, detection and prosecution of serious crime'. But the British law allows the information to be used much more widely to combat all crimes, however minor. From: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/a ... =1770&ct=5 Entitled 'Big Brother Britain'. I think it is gosh (bless me Friar)ing reprehensible that a government can pass an edict that effectively allows it to change any law it sees fit at will. And it will now have full access, and all national and local government departments too, to our 'phone records, both the time date stamp and the content also of any text messages we send. And in 2009 they will have the same access to our internet activities. Such is the 'State of Fear' in which we live, whereby we roll over and let the government do what they wish. On October the 1st they made it illegal for any one under the age of 18 to buy tobacco products. So we now have a rash of frustrated, irate and nicotine deprived 16 and 17 year olds on the street, legally allowed to indulge the day before but now outlawed. Politicians in the UK are stark raving mad, having now also proposed that smoking while driving will be illegal, because it takes two hands to light a cigarette. You can still eat and drink though, and use a hands free mobile. Want a 4x4? That'll cost you £300.00 to 'rent the roads' for a year, until they have phased in the £2000 p.a. rent scheme. Fuel, fine you can have some. We'll take 58p in the litre in tax, thanks. So don't be surprised if it goes up, and we'll increase it another 4p per litre in the next twelve months too. But for gods sake don't stop smoking or driving your gas guzzler, the country relies on you to keep it's managements wheels oiled. Had to rant, the most taxed country in Europe where people will queue at a gas station for an hour in order to deprive the tax man of £3, that being the maximumsaving they would make by filling up an empty tank. Most would have had at least a 1/4 tank or even 1/2. But we sit by mutely otherwise. I want a revolution in the UK and I want it now! :knight: OK nervous break down is out of the way, until next time . Quote
1. DDz Quorum Painless Posted October 3, 2007 1. DDz Quorum Posted October 3, 2007 ~S~ Rog , its getting worse by the year M8. We already have that bloody "Home buyers pack" which is Quote
1. DDz Quorum Painless Posted October 3, 2007 1. DDz Quorum Posted October 3, 2007 ~S~ Rog , its getting worse by the year M8. We already have that bloody "Home buyers pack" which is Quote
1. DDz Quorum B16Enk Posted October 3, 2007 Author 1. DDz Quorum Posted October 3, 2007 Painless said: Thats what our hero's from the 40s fought for isn't it ??~S~ Restless The self same one's that are now told by some spotty/not spotty jumped up shister that they can no longer smoke,and sup their beer, whilst nestled comfortably against the chimney breast of the fire he fought to keep free 52 years ago....because it is a 'public' place, his favourite pub. The image of which may, or may not, have got him through some desperate times fighting for our freedom. The same freedom we are willing to just continue to give away. It's time we woke up. Quote
1. DDz Quorum B16Enk Posted October 3, 2007 Author 1. DDz Quorum Posted October 3, 2007 Painless said: Thats what our hero's from the 40s fought for isn't it ??~S~ Restless The self same one's that are now told by some spotty/not spotty jumped up shister that they can no longer smoke,and sup their beer, whilst nestled comfortably against the chimney breast of the fire he fought to keep free 52 years ago....because it is a 'public' place, his favourite pub. The image of which may, or may not, have got him through some desperate times fighting for our freedom. The same freedom we are willing to just continue to give away. It's time we woke up. Quote
Rattler Posted October 4, 2007 Posted October 4, 2007 Same thing is happening already here in Alberta. Quote
Rattler Posted October 4, 2007 Posted October 4, 2007 Same thing is happening already here in Alberta. Quote
cannon_fodder Posted October 4, 2007 Posted October 4, 2007 B16Enk said: Fuel, fine you can have some. We'll take 58p in the litre in tax, thanks. So don't be surprised if it goes up, and we'll increase it another 4p per litre in the next twelve months too. I wonder what the average American would say to paying $100 to fill your fuel tank and not the tank of a 500 cubic inch SUV. ...$100 to fill the tank of what they would class as a "compact". Quote
cannon_fodder Posted October 4, 2007 Posted October 4, 2007 B16Enk said: Fuel, fine you can have some. We'll take 58p in the litre in tax, thanks. So don't be surprised if it goes up, and we'll increase it another 4p per litre in the next twelve months too. I wonder what the average American would say to paying $100 to fill your fuel tank and not the tank of a 500 cubic inch SUV. ...$100 to fill the tank of what they would class as a "compact". Quote
1. DDz Quorum B16Enk Posted October 4, 2007 Author 1. DDz Quorum Posted October 4, 2007 Rattler said: It is a new way of doing government business amongst conservative governments. Quote
1. DDz Quorum B16Enk Posted October 4, 2007 Author 1. DDz Quorum Posted October 4, 2007 Rattler said: It is a new way of doing government business amongst conservative governments. Quote
BBloke Posted October 4, 2007 Posted October 4, 2007 I was thinking the same on the Home owners handbook. Quote
BBloke Posted October 4, 2007 Posted October 4, 2007 I was thinking the same on the Home owners handbook. Quote
Tonar Posted October 4, 2007 Posted October 4, 2007 DANG?? Imagine the shit they don't tell you they are doing !! I think there is still some Land availible in Nebraska if your interested? Quote
Tonar Posted October 4, 2007 Posted October 4, 2007 DANG?? Imagine the shit they don't tell you they are doing !! I think there is still some Land availible in Nebraska if your interested? Quote
cannon_fodder Posted October 4, 2007 Posted October 4, 2007 This is a depressing topic......... Ive just found out bristol city council is planning congestion charging for the city centre. We will have to pay to drive into city...... Quote
cannon_fodder Posted October 4, 2007 Posted October 4, 2007 This is a depressing topic......... Ive just found out bristol city council is planning congestion charging for the city centre. We will have to pay to drive into city...... Quote
1. DDz Quorum B16Enk Posted October 4, 2007 Author 1. DDz Quorum Posted October 4, 2007 Cambridge are doing it too. Public transport is near non-existent, making it yet another unavoidable tax. Revolt say I! Quote
1. DDz Quorum B16Enk Posted October 4, 2007 Author 1. DDz Quorum Posted October 4, 2007 Cambridge are doing it too. Public transport is near non-existent, making it yet another unavoidable tax. Revolt say I! Quote
Fireman Posted October 4, 2007 Posted October 4, 2007 very 1984'ish... also reminds me of a good comic book adapation of "V for Vendetta"........ Quote
Fireman Posted October 4, 2007 Posted October 4, 2007 very 1984'ish... also reminds me of a good comic book adapation of "V for Vendetta"........ Quote
DoubleTap Posted October 4, 2007 Posted October 4, 2007 I've avoided this topic so far, because the last thing I need is to get more riled up by the insanity spreading in the world. Quote
DoubleTap Posted October 4, 2007 Posted October 4, 2007 I've avoided this topic so far, because the last thing I need is to get more riled up by the insanity spreading in the world. Quote
Streak Posted October 4, 2007 Posted October 4, 2007 Happen to agree x1000 DT. Although I do maintain a modest arsenal. Quote
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