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NEW DISCORD SERVER DETAILS - SIGN UP NOW - Dogz Members Only Private Thread ×

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Hello, Letum here from battlefields and UKD3.

Just here to let you know that there will be a Bomber Practice on a locked server soon.

Sunday the 16th at 3:00 PM Eastern time (NY) -5:00 GMT (15:00 hours NY time, 20:00 hours UK time)

We take these events seriously, but they are always fun. Everyone is welcome to apply.

There are only 21 places for B25s, so apply soon if you want a place.

You must have Teamspeak and speak English to take part.

For details and to sign up; please post in this topic: LINK

(not here!)

There will also be very limited places for opposition fighters and escorts, however, you must be known to me, Monguse or Thor before we consider you for a fighter place.


Your right!!

Dang time zones, I get them all Mixed up.

I guess I'll have to stop skooting my butt on the rug so the Dogz will let me give this a try


Wow, great pix Letum, thanks for sharing them.

Looks like it was a load of fun. I must bug Tonar to ask him how it went.


It went great,

I was center formation tail end charlie. it doesn't look like I was out of formation much from the screenshots.


Nice one Tonar, I'm glad to hear the DDz honour comes before your bladder! :icon_salut:

I would of been p1ssed though if after flying for 30+ mins, I got shoot down by one of the fighters just minutes away from target.


They were requested not to open up on us until after the drop. at one point they did a fly by before the drop and on of the B25's took friendly fire from all the ai gunners opening up on the bandit. they were then told to hold there distance.


OK after watching my track, I was not as tight in the formation as I had thought :-\

In the right position and holding, but about 1 plane length to far out. really looked closer from where I was sittin. :)

and I forgot to restart my engine for take off LoL. so I was slow to form up.( last one in fact ) .


I had the same experience on Zeke's bomber night. I thought that I was doing great until I looked at the track, and I was 1-2 plane lengths farther out than I though I was!

The other guys were tight as......I'll stop before that thought goes any further.

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