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Anyone seen Flags of our fathers/ letters from Iwo Jima?

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Just watched both back to back

pretty good- but i liked Flags better, mainly because of the brief but amazing Corsair shots

very impressive, made me want to fire up il2 again!

can recommend, although i find that a lot of historical films if you know a bit about the period, sometimes the dialogue can be a bit clunking as they spell out the context which most you would already know

like for example the fact that the japanese navy and army didnt get on too well is referenced, but i would have thought that was too obvious to any japanese officer at the time to refer to.

quick question- would the japanese refer to their own planes as Zekes? i though this was an allied call sign?

hope you are all well. still struggling with the cash, but expect to be ready to rock again once BOB comes out!

  • 1. DDz Quorum

~S~ Dazza M8,

so you want to play BOB huh ? Beautifully rendered Spitfires coursing across a virgin blue sky shooting the Hun from our sovereign airspace, ohhhhh suits you sir !! ;)

Yeah quite keen on the idea myself LOL

Also watched "Flags" and "letters" back to back and loved them both.

FLAGS: Found the portrayal of the politicians of the day to be very believable.

LETTERS: Felt sorry for the Japanese foot soldier who was brutalised into subservience.

Nice to hear from you again Dazza :)

Cheers, ~S~ Painless


I like Letters better...

not as much action - but I preferred it as it showed a different POV than what we usually see in a war movie.

not a different political view - but a view of the war from the Japanese conscripts side.

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