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how to fly the FW 190 or any E fighter - stolen from the zoo

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best piece of writing Iv seen in a long long time

S to Raven for this

FW-190 is not and shouldn't be flown 1v1 without an extreme advantage or surprise.

1. NEVER NEVER NEVER fly without a wingman. Two of you together coordinating can work over just about anything there, 2v1, 2v2 even 2v3.

2. Speed is life, keep it up as THIS dictates a fight and when it's over. Cruising @ 400+ is a must, if you descend to a furball 5km away AND BELOW YOU ~2000m goto 50% throttle but keep speed below 700 or so.

3. Do NOT turn fight AT ALL~!! as you pass through the 'bowl' make slashing attack and pull on the stick ONLY TO GET A SNAPSHOT... DO NOT TRACK SHOT!!

4. Make your pass, your wingman follows you up with the same plan, and EXTEND AWAY FROM THE FIGHT gaining altitude as you go. This is called resetting.

5. Stay outside the bowl and watch the fight. So poor sap will fly out of the bowl - either disengaging or to give chase to a friendly - these are your NUM-NUMS.

6. Position yourself above and behind him and roll over to pull LAG PURSUIT on this guy, as you get closer, wait and wait until that guy fills the screen. I mean it, no kidding. Squeeze MG/CANNON and he will disappear.

When you fly the 190, do EVERYTHING in the third dimension. Split-S, Immelmann, Zoom Climbs (sans NME behind you). Learn energy saving manuevers - these trade speed for altitude and vice versa)

And since you are flying with a wingman, learn the loose deuce and the double attack. Both these require an E-advantage.

You first should be double attack.

1. From an E-advantage

2. Pilot 1 makes a slashing attack on your intended victim and calls, '1 in'

2. Pilot 2 stays above the bandit, watches the sky, the bandit and LISTENS! (Pilot 1 will call directions, 'bandit left turn... now reversing right turn')

3. As Pilot 1 approaches bandit Pilot 2 prepares to start his run.

4. Pilot 1 calls 'off' as he passes the bandit.

5. Pilot 2 calls 'in' and now the rolls have switched.

For a Loose Deuce

Idea is to deplete the bandit of energy allowing high E attacks.

1. From an E-advantage.

2. Pilot 1 gets on the tail of the victim and APPLIES PRESSURE this results in bandit turning. (takes shots if can, but not necessary)

3. Pilot 2 puts himself above and OUTSIDE the turn circle AND LISTENS (1 will call bandit manuevers)

4. As soon as pilot two sees a GOOD opportunity for an attack he calls, '2 attacking'

5. If unsuccessful, 2 climbs again, positions himself and tries 3 & 4 again.

6. When 1 starts bleeding too much energy he will call two to take his position and the roles change. Be careful here as usually bandit is now behind #1's 3-9 line and this can be dangerous for him to disengage.

You time in offensive for both these should be 5 seconds or so. Any more than that and you are wasting E.

also, learn defensive splits, sandwich, and bracketing. Notice these are all wingman tactics.

Don't worry too much about BFM and when and where to use them it'll come to you, fairly naturally - you are more than likely doing them already.

Just remember, wingman and speed are REQUIRED.

Don't turn, if it bleeds speed below 400 UNLOAD YOUR STICK, if you don't start a egg timer, as this is the amount of time it will take until you have to hit refly.

And last, and MOST importantly - if you are in a fair fight, you didn't plan it right.

I have added this and other tips to info file here

http://www.dangerdogz.com/downloads/p13 ... fileid/307

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