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It's not just you Mobius, I found a LOT of warping going on Sunday night. So I couldn't hit a barn door with a blunderbuss last night and gave up in frustration too!

To improve my shooting, I load up a QMB with just me against 16 opponents. I make myself invulnerable and with unlimited ammo. Then I start the mission, record the track and don't stop till I've shot the last one down. Then I replay the mission and watch my shots from each of my opponent's external viewpoint, with time slowed down slightly. You'll soon start to see where you aiming is off.


Hi Mobius:

bigger part of the problem was that we reds were flying Uber planes against you blues.

Now, you the 109g and fw are great planes and can complete in their own way - but probably not the low-altitude, no objective shoot out we did.

I mean, even Psycho and Rattler had some troubles flying blue I think.

My shooting sucked alot Sunday.


Fair point JP, but the reason I choose unlimited ammo is to help you get your deflection aiming better and sooner. When I trained, I'd pick a spot in front of the target and start firing. If I saw no hits land, I'd keep the trigger down and pull back and give more lead. When I saw the hits land I'd make a mental note where I was aiming.

If you try that with limited ammo, you'd be reloading the QMB mission every 5 mins and would lose 'your flow'.

Horses for courses...

p.s. I forgot to mention, it helps if you have Wonder-Woman view on. So you can see your rounds hit below your gunsight.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Hmm lag etc.

Painless has the same ISP as me.

I'm on a 10Mb/512k connection currently getting this:


If it wasn't for the fact they charge stupid per minute rates for faults I'd give them a ring and see what's going on..


~S~ Mobius One

I would swear this is a post from Logos. I am not a tech guru but, I do know that I can't fly the German crap planes worth a hoot. Sorry if I insulted any of you who happen to like the 109 or 190. I have a hard time trying to line up shots with those weird sights they have. Also not much viewing area in the FW. Big honking dash right in front of my face and can't see over it. I switched over to the Russian planes and things improved almost immediately. I really like the I 185. That thing is a freakin' tank. It handles well, goes fast as heck, and has some bad azz guns as well.

So maybe you should give yourself a break buddy. I know all about frustration. That's why I switched to Commie planes. The mates have given you some good suggestions. A little practice and perhaps you will see some improvements. I have all my graphics settings on perfect also. I figure why buy a beast computer with killer graphics and not use them to their peak. I reckon I will compromise a little frame rate to see myself going down in a beautiful flaming ball of glory.

Keep a stiff upper lip mate. Nice to see you at least made it to the furball.

DD_Logos :supporter:


Fair point JP, but the reason I choose unlimited ammo is to help you get your deflection aiming better and sooner. When I trained, I'd pick a spot in front of the target and start firing. If I saw no hits land, I'd keep the trigger down and pull back and give more lead. When I saw the hits land I'd make a mental note where I was aiming.

good point GK...


... I really like the I 185. That thing is a freakin' tank. It handles well, goes fast as heck, and has some bad azz guns as well...

OH NO, another I-185 convert! Damn you BG for digging that plane up, damn you to hell!

  • 1. DDz Quorum

~S~ Chaps, Last Sunday was just a short notice fill in and my first real go at hosting.

I would have to agree that the reds did have an advantage in plane set.

This was greatly exaggerated by the fact that ALL of the fighting was low level Turn and Burn !!

As you know I put in the warclouds icon settings just for a change .I am really sorry for those who did not enjoy them :(

As far as the lag and warp is concerned, GK sent me a message saying that he noticed that all of the Euro pilots had good pings but some of our cousins across the pond had massive pings ??

Chaps, if I host again I will try to please the majority as best I can . :)

Ideally, replicating all of the SEOW settings would be great if thats what is requested.

Once again sorry to those who had problems M8s, I'll try and get it right next time.

I noticed that the dogfight map was in use until about 11.45pm GMT so that was over 4 hours of dogfighting !!!

  • 1. DDz Quorum

As the issue of natural internet lag and shooting has come up, would it be possible for 1 of our hosts, say for 15-20 minutes of the dogfight session have the difficulty setting set to invinceable and unlimited ammo so that we could all do some testing.

I too find that my shooting is much better off line.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

no sure if i can make it tonight BG, but great if others find it useful, then perhaps they can relay their expirences through the forum.


How do you mean to test this Frior?

My thought is...

1 person is set as the target plane and flies at a constant speed and height in a long, wide circle. Say around 280Kmh.

Then have 2 attackers in identical A/C. One chap has a low ping and the other has a vastly higher ping. Say 1x N.American and 1x European. They'll also need identical convergence settings I fancy.

Then each attacker takes it in turns to shoot at the invincible target plane at the same distance, say around 200m and with matching airspeed.

Then they can tell us how much lead they had to give. Or all the rest can observe from the external view of the target plane.

Any other ideas?


Oh you mean you want to give gunnery exercises? I thought you meant you wanted to test the different effects of lag on shooting opponents.


No probs, I can fly around as a mobile lead magnet, if others fancy it. As of last Sunday, I'm a gold medal winner in this event!

  • 1. DDz Quorum


Are not the two the same in this instance. it would give a person the chance to find out where to aim to allow for lag.


this is a good idea but the only problem is I dont think you will shoot down any planes with invincibility on - IMHO its better trying something like the tig where the target puts his smoke on and 2 or 3 attack him

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