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Howdy m8's !!

Sending this from work..

The last couple of days I have been Missing in Action on Z & W, reason being my P/C @ home is infected with some kind of virus that so far slowed my P/C down terrably, prevents me from playing any games were I have to insert the disc & locks the curser on my son's Battlefield 2 game and now gives him the same disc error too.

With 1946 I get an error message saying I didn't insert the correct disc and yesterday I now recieve a pop up screen to some web site (who's name I forget right now & I won't open) that says it will help me with my disc problem. Grrrrr !!

I will be installing Symantec Antivirus Corporate Edition tonight to hopefully resolve the problem.

Doohh !! That's what I get for only running my Internet suppliers protection and multiple other free spyware ect.on my P/C.

I hope to be disinfected soon!


  • 1. DDz Quorum

Looks like I too will be MIA for a bit.

Our mini US invasion has found some UK allies, my own family have now conspired against me and are having a get together on Sunday.

Considering the last one was 36 years ago I don't think I'm going to be able to wriggle out of it...


Howdy BBloke,

After almost 2 weeks I'm still MIA from playing IL2 1946 in our coops, campaign & Z & W server.

I guess I will have to take you up on your offer m8 !!

After over a week of trying and finally today sucsessfully downloading Symantec Anti Virus protection on my P/C my DVD


gosh (bless me frior)ING PC"S !!!!!!!!

The funny thing is, I am trying to get the no DVD crack to work. I can't find the thread that talked all about it. got the patch from the download section.

don't Panic,


I have moved this topic because we starting to talk about no CD crack in a public area.

Bonger m8. I am a bit confused about your post. Are you trying to get your DVD to work, is the game loaded? or what is the issue?


hey Bonger,

I finally found what I was looking for. I did this this morning and she worked like a charm. just follow the second to last post in the thread.

I know, I know.


Thanks Guys !!

I downloaded the patch, I think???, when it finished I hit run and it vanished.

Now what do I do?

I do not understand what you do after you download to make it work.

I click on my desktop Icon for the game and I still get the "No Disc" error I mentioned previous.

If someone could explain in detail here or walk me through the proceedure on TS that would be great



Right from the horses mouth

"Rename existing il2fb.exe as, say, il2fb.exe.old then copy the patched file in as is.

Job done, DVD in box and enjoy . "

just replace your existing il2fb.exe in the Ubisoft/1946 program folder with the new "Patched" one.


Right from the horses mouth

"Rename existing il2fb.exe as, say, il2fb.exe.old then copy the patched file in as is.

Job done, DVD in box and enjoy . "

just replace your existing il2fb.exe in the Ubisoft/1946 program folder with the new "Patched" one.


Man, I looked in my Ubisoft/1946 program folder until I got tired of looking for the old one and the new one I just downloaded and I can't seem see either anywhere.



~S~ Bonger mate,

Man, I have missed you catching the bullets for me in my Betty on Zeks vs Wildcats. I hope and pray our Tech Guru Dogz will get this snafu figured out soon. I have gone back to flying A6M's to keep from getting my azz fragged in the Betties.

You are missed mate and I wish I had a solution. I ain't worth a hoot with computers. Come on doggies, give a brotha' a hand. I reckon you will get this fixed soon. Your mates got your back and are trying to provide support. Computers are great until SH*T like this happens.

Investing in reliable internet protection is worth it. I am currently giving AVG freeware a trial run. I love it so far. It does it's thing and you don't even know its there. No annoying updates during gameplay or other inconvenient times. I think I will get their Internet Protection Package if things keep working this well.

Godspeed tech supporters. Hope to see you soon on HL mate. To help you through withdraws just drink more alcohol but, try not to beat your wife or children.



Hi Bonger,

Here's a nice way of finding your original il2fb.exe and youre gaming folder.

Right click your Game icon on your desktop and select Properties.


Holy Toledo Bonger! You are flopping around like a gutted fish m8.

Get your arse on TS tomorrow morning and we can sort it out. Put the wife and kids aside and meet me at 1:30pm EST or 11:30am your time.


Amen Brothers, It's 11:52 a.m. & I am good to go !!

:occasion14: :wav2: :occasion14:

Thank you Big Time BBloke for the detailed instuctions !!

Even this



don't feel bad, like I said I couldn't get it figured out for almost a year.

Lazy & I didn't Know what a folder was :)


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