1. DDz Quorum DD_Fenrir Posted August 24, 2022 1. DDz Quorum Posted August 24, 2022 Quote DCS DCS World The extended cooling physics and additional damages are added to Mosquito, P-47D, P-51D, FW 190A-8, and FW 190D-9 Weapons. Corrected R-60 exhaust plume. Weapons. CBU-97 some bomblets not detonating - fixed. ME. P-51D Added the intercept task. Weapons. R-40 AA missile. Corrected FM and DLZ. F10 map. All Directional Beacons have a null angle in F10 view - fixed. Weapons. AGM-84A incorrect glide height randomization - fixed. Input. Added possibility to assign keyboard or joystick combo for Camera transpose mode (cells in INPUT are inactive). AI aircraft. MQ-9 Reaper armed with Hellfire missiles would miss sometimes. Adjusted AGM-144K and launch conditions. AI aircraft. F/A-18C. Hornets would fall from the sky if arriving before a tanker - fixed. AI aircraft. AI flights would perform a random S pattern after a certain length of flight - fixed. AI Submarine. Weapon Type 'Torpedo' is now available in ME under the 'Attack Group' action. Voice Chat. Mic mode button disabled after slot changing - fixed. Voice Chat. Added voice level normalisation Ground AI. SON-9 arty radar will be able to be detected on the RWR and HARM. ME. Trigger event set to ON MISSION START doesn't work - fixed. Weapon. Corrected AGM-84E guidance at terminal stage. ME. late activation SAM with set option ALARM STATE RED - fixed. Weapons. Kh-31 missile explodes short of target - fixed. AI aircraft. Planes fails to A-A refuelling - fixed. Sounds. Fixed a bug with the rain sounds in the helicopter's cockpit. Fixed some bugs that can cause CTD in certain conditions. Static objects. Added 2 containers 20ft and 40ft. Descent. Infantry told to embark in 'ALL' vehicles won't embark in ground vehicles - fixed. DCS: F/A-18C Hornet by Eagle Dynamics Fixed: Crash when trying to drop GBU-38 JDAM, from a severed wing. Fixed: AGM-84E has a huge undershoot Fixed: Slant range cue should not be fixed at 5500 Fixed: Marking an offset places a markpoint on at the original designation Fixed: User track shows TWS contacts jumping around wildly Fixed: Check TACAN CPL behaviour when using Magnetic heading Fixed: TACAN CSEL with true/magnetic heading Fixed: ASL and DIL flash logic error Fixed: "CPL SEQ" message displays incorrect number Fixed: User track shows free fall bombs colliding and exploding Fixed: Updates to Lessons 24 & 25 - TOO and WPDSG Fixed: PPLI symbol missing from AZ/EL page Fixed: Harpoon guides to OAP instead of O/S in R/BL Fixed: Upon STT donor target data is lost Fixed: Incorrect offset bearing set by UFC Fixed: Investigate Gun being fired with JDAM selected Fixed: Rearmed JDAM is already aligned DCS: F-16C Viper by Eagle Dynamics Fixed Possible crash in avionics and weapons Added FLCS BIT (work in progress to be further adjusted) Added ALT Release button functional Added SIM indication on HUD Added DTE static page Added ECM centerline adapter for ALQ-131 Added TGP Attitude Advisory Function (AAF) Added Gun Gas Purge Door animation Added Gun barrels rotation AoA bracket and VV adjustment Refined flight model for STR and ITR Fixed: TGP not working after cursor zero Fixed: Second Detent on trigger does not fire laser Fixed: Incorrect DTOS Solution Cue Fixed: Max Toss Anticipation Cue Errors Fixed: Missing CCRP Loft Scale Fixed: Incomplete LASER DED Page Fixed: TMS Forward hold not working for Mavericks Fixed: Broken ASL Fixed: Depressible Reticle Switch not affecting HUD Fixed: Incorrect type of fire for LAU-3 after rearming(unlimited weapons). Fixed: Wing pylons not jettisoning with wing external fuel tanks. Fixed: RWR Priority mode with search reverts to open mode Fixed: IFF LOS does not interrogate until release of TMS Up Long Fixed: SMS page doesn't show gun, if Mode changed to another page Fixed: EMER Jettison not functioning with only EPU running Fixed: General HOTAS Short and Long Press behaviour Fixed:Magnetic heading not showing in DED only true heading Fixed: AIM-9 Sound during startup and NAV mode if ACM switch toggled before startup Fixed: Odd canopy texture with wing vapour Fixed: Spotlight Search mode Fixed: "Ghost bomb" remain on TER when selective jettison Fixed: Stores drag excessive on takeoff Fixed: Selective jettison not working with ground jet enabled Fixed: Selective jettison works with Master Arm set to safe Fixed: Tail light is different on left and right, only one shows the bloom Fixed: Radar AGR (CZ added if cursor is moved) Fixed: Target found via LSS doesn't cue sensors as SPI Fixed: Specific Mach number for endurance does not display in HUD Fixed: INV option in MFD Fixed: CBU-97 in CCIP isn't dropping cue within parameters Fixed: GBU-12 fails to release in CCRP if released after GBU-38 Fixed: Bombing Mode HOTAS Selection Remove redundant modes Fixed: GBU-12. Incorrect MLE Fixed: Steerpoint data not updated until cycling steerpoints Fixed: Unable to carry weapon pylons in stations 4 and 6 from ME Fixed: TMS-Right for Radar CRM mode Fixed: ECM containers appears on INV - S-J page Fixed: HMCS Sensor not seen in external view Fixed: Japanese fuel tank not correct on livery Fixed: Gaps on fuselage near gear doors Fixed: Gaps in the canopy when open Fixed: Threat ring turns red, number in ring should also turn red DCS: AH-64D by Eagle Dynamics Fixed: glitches and double switches Refined Lod 0 and added Lod 1 and Lod 2. Fixed: RAD and BAR ALTITUDE HOLD signals Fixed: Damaged engine 2 will not work even after a repair Fixed: AIrcraft “ORIGINATOR” PAGE behaviour Fixed: TADS Shut Down Errors Fixed: Bezel Button Options and Sub-Pages Fixed: FREEZE TEDAC/TDU Function Fixed: Viewport error - pilot seat Fixed: Cued LOS dot in the Field-Of-Regard box should always be visible on the TADS Fixed: Stored point is slightly offset when slaving back to the point. Fixed: Multi monitor setup - AH-64D Displays remain active even after full shut down Fixed: Can slave to deleted target point Fixed: BRU’s should not function If the IHADSS is turned off Fixed: Underlay selection should remain when returning to the VID page Fixed: No radio presets Fixed: Friendly Patriot site showing as threat on TSD even when hidden on MFD selected Fixed: Desync Between Pilot and Gunner in the Ah-64 on the Engine Page Fixed: Some training missions load in gamemode when launched from training menu Fixed: M Button functionality for XPDR, COM and COM PRESET Fixed: Wrong vertical speed reading (all displays) Fixed: COORD page behaviour when expanded ACQ source is selected Fixed: TGT/THRT points added during mission are missing threat rings Fixed: ENG page issues Fixed: DTV WFOV Slew rate too high Fixed: Crosshairs on TADS don't align with units when George points Fixed: Tbilisi Guard mission wingman will not engage Fixed: REMOTE logic/messages in High Action Display Fixed: Desync issue between server missile and client (Hellfire) Fixed: SA-19 Grison/Tunguska is shown as "GU" in TSD Fixed: When using PAN on TSD, ASE deltas hover almost above targets Fixed: Altitude fluctuations when turning on Alt Hold at speeds above 100 knots Fixed: Flashing icons and black square of ASE threats in TSD Fixed: WPN-MSL-UTIL Page TADS STOW Barrier Error Fixed: TEDAC Grayscale (G/S) Button Errors Fixed: TADS: Limit Indication Error Fixed: Screen Save Mode Fixed: Discrepancy in cockpit temperature status Fixed: Maximum digital readout of Engine Torques should be 255%. Fixed: The windshield wiper knob behaves incorrectly with no generator power DCS: Mi-24P by Eagle Dynamics Added. First wave of voice-overs for Petrovich AI. Same amount as in AH-64D, more coming with future updates. Added. New ATGM sight texturing and FOV changes, adjusting it closer to real specs. Added. New routine for Petrovich AI, when S-5 rockets used with bombs Petrovich will choose appropriate mode with bomb/pods switch (for this system to work bombs should be on racks 1 and 4) Added. Kord gun iron sights deployed Added. New ATGM and empty rack icon for weapon payload manager Fixed. Weapon Selector control mapping duplicates Fixed. R-60 missile panel hints and control buttons remain when R-60 equipment is disabled Fixed. Client camera not moving to Kord gun place if Kord is added after rearm Fixed. Petrovich AI "Designate target/open fire" button function bugged Fixed. Petrovich AI NATO AI target list color scheme works as Coalition AI color scheme DCS: P-47D Thunderbolt by Eagle Dynamics Fixed. Engine: too easy main bearing damage Fixed. Water Injection is not filled on Rearm/Refuel DCS: Mosquito FB Mk VI by Eagle Dynamics Engine failures are completed DCS: AV-8B N/A by RAZBAM Fixed: TPOD relative position indicator not accurate. Fixed: CTD caused by misclicking on button when entering Waypoint coordinates. DCS: M-2000C by RAZBAM Fixed : PCA ordering Fixed : MISSION ACCOMPLIE livery mipmap Fixed : Radalt 3pos bind Fixed : PCA jettison issues Fixed : hot start VTB startup animation Fixed : FPM with crosswinds in A/A or high alt NAV modes Fixed : MGRS first in TAF Kneeboard channel names Updated : increased engine smoke DCS: MiG-19P by RAZBAM Fixed: Engines now are unable to start at the same time Improved: Pitch damping dynamics and pitch control feel behaviour Improved: Aileron failure due to excessive roll rate enhanced behaviour Fixed: Afterburner texture bug DCS: JF-17 by Deka Ironwork Simulations Improved: AA radar look-down penalty model Adjusted: LS6-500 code in SMS changed to 650 (by following IRL rule for rocket/bomb codes). Prepared for LS6-250 (625) and LS6-100 (610) Fixed: DGFT STT not return to prev mode after losing track Fixed: ghost hpt symbol when STT spt from DTT mode Fixed: AA radar antenna will not follow TDC after losing track due to out of limitation DCS: Mirage F1 by Aerges Input and cockpit controls fixes: Fixed keyboard/joystick operation for the following cockpit clickable axes and multi-position switches: Chaff and flares dispenser ALE 40 control unit: Program selector switch Sight system and recording camera: Reticle intensity rheostat Moving and Target Reticles intensity rheostat Attitude Reticle intensity rheostat Exposure time repeater Overrun select thumbwheel IFF: All "Mode 1A..." selectors All "Mode 3A ..." selectors Mode 4 selector switch Function selector switch IFF fault light Radar indicator scope control box: Indicator lights brightness Strobe brightness Distance markers brightness Horizon and radial velocity marker brightness Horizon symbol vertical position Radar detector indicator: Indicator lights intensity adjusting switch Cabin lighting: Map light rheostat Miscellaneous instrument integral lighting rheostat Lighting control unit: Light and panel lighting rheostat Ultraviolet lighting rheostat Dual instrument panel lighting rheostat (Floodlights) Dual instrument panel lighting rheostat (Integral) Dual console and pedestal lighting rheostat (Floodlights) Dual console and pedestal lighting rheostat (Integral) TACAN control box: TACAN mode selector Omnibearing and VOR/ILS-TAC selector box: VOR/ILS-OFF-TACAN selector Air conditioning system: Temperature control rheostat Warning lights intensity: Combat flaps light Nose wheel steering light Airbrake light Standby receptacle light Jammer detection light (animation is absent now) (C + M or SW) R light Cannons too hot light Incidence indicator lighting rheostat Air data instrument controls: Mach/Airspeed indicator reference airspeed knob Slaved altimeter barometric pressure setting knob Standby altimeter barometric pressure setting knob Heading control unit: Heading and vertical reference system control switch Radio selector unit: MISS potentiometer TAC potentiometer VOR potentiometer U + V potentiometer U potentiometer RAP + CME potentiometer MKR + TP potentiometer V/UHF control unit - TRAP 136: All "Frequency select thumbwheel" Frequency selector switch Channel selector Fixed clickability of the following clickable controls: IFF: All "Mode 1A..." selectors All "Mode 3A ..." selectors Pedal toe brakes now animated. Keyboard/joystick controlled independent left and right toe brakes now operational. TRAP136 KHz can now be set correctly Fixed flaps input commands toggle option (F key). Removed radar control stick keyboard default assignments. Fixed “U/C light” that was erroneously named as “Combat flaps light” in inputs. “Horizon framing” command was renamed to “Horizon symbol vertical position” (to make it consistent with the name of the clickable control). Fixed RWR “Indicator lights intensity adjusting switch” spelling. Fixed seat height adjustment controls that were reversed. Removed delay in the preset channels counter animation of both radios. Fixed TACAN and VOR/ILS channel selectors animation direction when set with keyboard/joystick. Changed cannon 300-600 m and missile lock/unlock button default binding. Armament panel buttons operate now as on/off buttons when using keyboard/joystick bindings. Added VOIP PTT ("custom") keyboard command, as an alternative for standard VOIP commands. Flight model, aircraft systems and weapons: Adjusted engine thrust with AB on. Added an option (Special Options menu) to automatically reset the countermeasures and fuel (detotalizer) counters upon rearm or refuel. Fixed alternator failing outside intended failure regimes. Alternator failures are now recoverable, adjustments are still being made. Permanent destruction of the alternators is possible again. BIP trim directions switched. Brake light now on when the brakes activate during retraction of the gear. Adjusted oil failure, warning doesn’t appear so easily with negative G forces. Corrected problems with the calculation of weight of the CLB4. It is now possible to load the Mk-83 bomb. Pylons damage is WIP. Сommunications: TRAP-137B radio is now functional in the radio menu. Volume controls are now enabled on the Radio Selector Unit panel. Radio Selector Unit panel “Green” and “Red” lights are functional now. “Alternate PTT” now serves as the ‘VOIP PTT’ button. Missions: Fixed typo in startup mission (Sdes should read Sdef Fs). Fixed Marianas landing single mission briefing, should read ILS RWY 06L instead of 06R. Added Quick Start Caucasus dogfight practice mission. Textures: Cockpit dark panel is being worked on, there is a provisional fix for now. Fixed Iran and Iraq Liveries. Deleted Libyan old skin version. Some fixes made to the cockpit textures. Updated texture of French liveries. Other fixes: Corrected AI thrust tables. The engine now uses the correct ATAR sound again, instead of Su-25 and Su-27 engine sounds. Added padlock controls. Special options tooltips added. Warning: due to changes in input commands some user local assignments may have disappeared. South Atlantic Map by RAZBAM New - Added Animated Nodding Donkey Static object. New - Added SkiRamp 01 (less angled version for hornets) New - Ski Ramps can be found in Airfield Deck Equipment Category (missions that did include the first iteration will require adjustment) New - Sounds enabled for all Frigates & invincible New - added Launchers with New weapon number for torpedo Fixed - Added Both Ski Ramps; Ski Ramp 01 Rotated thru 180 Degrees in Model Fixed - Ski Ramps can be found in Airfield Deck Equipment Category Fixed - Adjusted position of Offshore Wind Turbines to now sit at their Pivot Point on the surface of water Fixed - Standardised naming convention Fixed - Swapped Achilles LOD Commented out error Fixed - removed the "common" from the ships all individual entities. Fixed - Landing point on Invincible - AV-8B NA now lands on the flight deck instead of in the sea. Set landing runway as per value recommended by ED. Terrain Changes New - Added Airfield Aeropuerto Internacional Comandante Armando (El Calafate Airport) New - Added Airfield Aeropuerto de Santa Cruz New - Added Airfield Aeropuerto Guardiamarina Zanartu(Puerto Williams) New - Added Aerodromo Guardiamarina Zanartu (Puerto Williams) New - El Calafate Fixed - Collision with Hanger R04 with some plains Added - development of new ground detail textures (WIP) Campaigns Mi-8MTV2 and Ka-50: Memory of a Hero Campaign by Stone Sky Mission 10 - First target kill triggers fixed Mission 5 - triggers checked fixed Mission 11 - bug fixed Mission failed DCS: Mi-8MTV2 Crew Part 1 Campaign by Stone Sky Mission 3 Old friends - IL-76 landing trigger now works correctly, the mission continues DCS: MAD Campaign by Stone Sky Mission 7 Battle for Lar - target destruction triggers fixed for two helicopters DCS: F-14A Zone 5 Campaign by Reflected Simulations Shamrock gets shot down prematurely - fixed DCS: F-14A Fear the Bones Campaign by Reflected Simulations Tanker TACANs fixed The Museum Relic Campaign by Apache600 Adjusted weather in missions 4 and 8.1 for both campaigns. Corrected Text which doesn't match V.O.'s in many of the missions. Corrected a number of spelling errors found in mission briefings. Corrected a few cases, in briefings, of incorrect aircraft named for F-86 version. Adjusted various triggers in certain missions to help prevent V.O.s from stepping on each other. 3 Quote
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