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After a couple of days trying unsuccessfully to create one from scratch. I'm throwing in the towel before I totally lose it & throw the computer.

So now I have to ask.

Does anyone have an X-52 profile for flying bombers & running the bomb-sight, ext. that you'd be willing to send my way?


I still haven't set mine up, if I do before Hell freezes over and we all die from the next plague I will be more than happy to end it too ya.


Yeah, this really seems like it's going to be a PITA. I'm giving-up for now.

If I have an itch to fly a Betty or something, I'll stick thumb out window, check sun-dial & drop em at random.

Just call me Captain Collateral Damage! ;)


I use a bomb release on the throttle on my X45, and the rest of the bomb comtrols are on keyboard.

Sorry for whacking you last night in your P-38: didn't know it was you (and probably wouldn't have stopped anyway!


I could take a crack at it for you, Greenstreaks.

Just let me know what keys you want mapped to what buttons.

Or I could just take the liberty of mapping it the way I would do it.

Up to you, mate :)



Shadow what driver version are you running for your x52 and SST software, your picture of the data view for creating profiles is green mine's a different colour. :)

  guitarman68 said:

Shadow what driver version are you running for your x52 and SST software, your picture of the data view for creating profiles is green mine's a different colour. :)


How do you tell?


I tried and ended up with a few Conflicts trying to have Mode #2 be Bomber. then I got pissed and went back to the keyboard for bombing since I am not flying when I am dropping from 28,000'. :)

  Rattler said:

Sorry for whacking you last night in your P-38: didn't know it was you (and probably wouldn't have stopped anyway!

  Tonar said:

I tried and ended up with a few Conflicts trying to have Mode #2 be Bomber. then I got pissed and went back to the keyboard for bombing since I am not flying when I am dropping from 28,000'. :)

That's the exact problem I ran into.

Think I'll be running my commands from the keyboard too.

BTW. Thanks for the offer Shadow, but I don't want anyone to have to create it just for me. I was just wondering if anyone had already set one up.

  Greenstreaks said:

I really didn't like all the blind spots the 38 has. I never knew I was being engaged until tracers started whizzing past me from behind. Then I just couldn't seem to get the thing to accelerate away like it should be able to & if I tried to turn or maneuver much at all, I'd stall-out or lose airspeed & lift. I really am my worst enemy when trying to shake an enemy plane.

Any suggestions or were you to busy laughing? ;)

#1: I spotted and tracked you first.

#2: We merged (at a great deal of altitude, I might add - not usual territory for an A6M5), and I picked you up on the fly by, and you didn't.

#3: You did not manoeuver afterwards, and I saw you slightly above me. I got into your low 6 o'clock, and slowly snuck up behind to point blank. It was so close, you had no chance.

The only way to avoid those engagements in the future is to have a wingman, or, what I often do is listen for other planes coming in. I can usually hear an enemy plane approaching, unless he's really booming me from on high.

You were by yourself, and I saw you first. I'm also quite used to picking up dots on full real servers now, and that helps. I was so close, you were toast. On the very next sortie, I came across Gryphon in his P-47, and blasted him into bits - 38% bullets hit, and his fuel tank exploded! (I'm normally around 4-5% bullets hitting the target.) If you're that close, there's not much chance.


I worked on my profile some last night but I'm getting a bunch of lag in the button press, so I'm going to try some tricks maybe tonight or tomorrow. I have been meaning to do this anyway so your not putting me out at all, your post actually gave me just the push I needed.


Yep I can pick-up dots fairly well, but have trouble identifying friend or foe until I'm very close (some day I'll upgrade from a laptop with 14" screen) or they start shooting at me. Plus as you said, anyone is usually at a disadvantage flying solo & I didn't immediately recognise anyone to try buddy-up with when I got on last evening.

Oh well, that's also why my pilot is a skeleton. Kill me all you want, but I will keep coming back for more. Enjoy the target practice. :)

  Greenstreaks said:

Oh well, that's also why my pilot is a skeleton. Kill me all you want, but I will keep coming back for more. Enjoy the target practice. :)

It doesn't take long to go from receiver or pain to dealer of death.


I have my x52 profile for IL2 working pretty well, so I uploaded it to the web sight It's in Downloads under Chet's x52 profile. I hope it helps. Enjoy

P.S. don't forget to read the text, you need to assign several keys in game to make this work.


The x52 is almost a blessing and an albatross at the same time.

SO many buttons, so much confusion, yet so many ways to do stuff!

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