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I hav ee-mailed the latest mission to you all - anyone who didnt get it please e-mail me and I will send out a copy - hope you enjoy this

A wee taster


Sweet, I promise to put more time into this one. :salute:

you'll need to! those hurricanes have got fecking pea shooters

took me about 10 tries to even get one down


This mission is truly impossible LOL

The hurricane simply does not have the stopping power to take down the he-111.

the SPIT however fair a bit better...

I just don't see finishing this mission with the hurricane...

:twisted: any thoughts?


Yea, it's a tough mother...

I got two smoking bad (not down, just smokin') before I got my engine shot out.

tough to do with those .303 peashooters.

Maybe make it whoever can get the most kills on limited ammo...?


when playtesting I got them all with the spit and the hawk (p-40) - the spit was too easy with the cannon.


I got 3 or 4 with the hurricane so should be possible to get all 8. :wink: The secret I found was to cull them out of the herd. Just get them leaking fuel or smoking on a pass and break and move onto next bandit and repeat. It will take a few passes on each plane. I have never been able to bring one of those SOBs down in a single run. :BangHead:

If it aint possible with the huricane then Ill take the fastest time with the hawk as I know this is definatly possible. but Im sure you can do it with the hurricane psycho :evil4:

I like jensenparks suggestion so a second medel for the most downed on LIMITED ammo with the spitfire


Tough one :shock:

My best was two kills, two down (belly-landed), one prop feathered and another with the engine smoking- with two blissfully flying on undamaged. Out of ~ 30 passes only one resulted in critical damage (burning engine).

  • 1. DDz Quorum

~S~ Chaps, got 3 with Hurricane took ages !! Just sat behind them just on the edge of (effective ?? lol) range and nibbled and nibbled untill one broke formation then top shot to engines . Bloody hard work . How did you do that Mr Gambler ? Awsome !! :shock: Will go for the Spit challenge I think , not enough hours in a day for the Hurricane ! lol ~S~ V131WL_Painless B)

Do you have a time and track mate ?

The carrier pidgeon has just dropped off your e-mail with track - takes time for things to arrive in the old country-thanks Ill watch it later.

Do you have a time and track mate ?

The carrier pidgeon has just dropped off your e-mail with track - takes time for things to arrive in the old country-thanks Ill watch it later.

A confirmed leader in the clubhouse - all destroyed in around 45 mins

good thinking using the accelerated time to get hurricane into position and some excellent shooting

~S~ Chaps, got 3 with Hurricane took ages !! Just sat behind them just on the edge of (effective ?? lol) range and nibbled and nibbled untill one broke formation then top shot to engines . Bloody hard work . How did you do that Mr Gambler ? Awsome !! :shock: Will go for the Spit challenge I think , not enough hours in a day for the Hurricane ! lol ~S~ V131WL_Painless B)

I did head-on after head-on... it helped that the bomber's flew straight 90-180-270 headings so it was relatively easy to fly parallel and then turn back into them. On almost all passes I'd get at least a fuel leak or an engine smoking- I only killed the last one outright (engine fire + boom) all the others crashed on landing. I didn't take much damage doing the head-ons, only towards the end did my engine suffer as a result of parking on the last bombers 6.

I changed my gun convergence to 100m as I typically opened up at about 70 m out.

I can send you the track if you like. :)


Congrats, Coldie,

I tried a bunch of times, and I think the most I downed was 3. While flying it, I figured that the only way to do it was with extreme patience, an attribute I sorely lack. I will give it one more shot and then try it with the P-40, although judging by my ability to B and Z Japanese planes, that may not help much... :oops:

  • 1. DDz Quorum

~S~ Mr Gambler , smart , very smart !! lol. Would love to see the track M8 Yes . ~S~ Painless


I got two down, they sort of landed though. I don't think I have seen any fire except the stuff comming from my plane.

I put 50 rounds in the cockpit and they didn't even flintch! BB proof glass. :D


Interesting, VT- I tried to get the cockpit for a PK on each of my passes but most (all?) of my kills came from destroying the engines. Hm.....

On the other hand, it is kindof difficult (without doing the arcade=1 setting) to know if the bullets are actually going in the 'pit, given that the 8 .303s sort of "shotgun" in a general area.

Doing this mission in the Spit after the Hurri is FUN!


I was exagerating a bit of course, I just rmember flying through the swarm and was amazed when I almost smashed head on that I could pieces fleying off the front and thinking " That got him

  • 1. DDz Quorum

~S~ Chaps Mr frustrated from England here !! Got 7 to crash and the last one smoking and full of holes. Used the Spit on limited but can't bloody prove it cos the track wouldn't save !!! AHHHHHH. Also I've noticed that if you miss a few of the Heinkels and land, they fly to the last wey point and just circle........ forever !! lol . A couple of times, two or three smoking and with one engine do this at the end for 20 mins on 8x speed !!?? Is that supposed to happen or are they meant to crash on landing ? Confused, (easily done) , Painless. :(

~S~ Chaps Mr frustrated from England here !! Got 7 to crash and the last one smoking and full of holes. Used the Spit on limited but can't bloody prove it cos the track wouldn't save !!! AHHHHHH. Also I've noticed that if you miss a few of the Heinkels and land, they fly to the last wey point and just circle........ forever !! lol . A couple of times, two or three smoking and with one engine do this at the end for 20 mins on 8x speed !!?? Is that supposed to happen or are they meant to crash on landing ? Confused, (easily done) , Painless. :(

the hes will circle the last way point until they run out of fuel - which will take some time so the idea is to nail them before this happens- :wink: :lol: - ignore the mission completed message this doesnt count - only the time to down all 8

It is best to assign a key to record a track in the game - this will record as a ntrk file and is better than trying to record afterwards- I use shift+t to record- you will need to assign this under controls-under quick start/save track key- it gets saved as quick0001.ntrk etc

hope this helps

  • 2 weeks later...

OK M8's, I will bw sending Dave my submission for Mission 4... I used the Spit on LIMITED ammo. Killed all and returned to base in 14 Minutes 25 seconds...

I just don't have the patience to use the hurricane, after 25 minutes I wanted to kill myself LOL


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