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Heya guys,

Just wondering if any of yous guys have any experience with the latest version of Microsofts Flight Simulator X. I loaded up my 2004 copy the other day and flew some ILS landings in the old 737 and thought to myself, I wonder if the new one is any better? It's kind of expensive for the deluxe version so if it's not really that much of an improvement I'll wait for awhile. I'm a bit gun shy of Microsofts offerings every since that episode with there last combat series...whata pile of crap that was. I hate to admit I even bought it :-[

  • 1. DDz Quorum


OK I confess...I have FSX...errr...Deluxe too.

Graphicaly it is better than 2004, which I also have, and runs pretty smoothly too.

Not tried it since I upgraded to FX60 CPU, and haven't tried it under Vista Ultimate (the FSX box says it runs better under Vista but I haven't got around to re-installing Vista to judge).

Training missions seem a lot better, the helicopter one (which is the main reason why I have FSX) is actually quite good.

../Slinks off into the dark corner over yonder


OK I confess...I have FSX...errr...Deluxe too.

Join our MS FSX support group: Roger, pres.; Okie, v.p.

Training missions seem a lot better, the helicopter one (which is the main reason why I have FSX) is actually quite good.

../Slinks off into the dark corner over yonder

So, the helicopter is an Apache Longbow, right? It has guns? Rockets? You can carry a pistol? Drop a grenade? No? Pheh!


I'd rather go back to Jane's Longbow 2...


Thanx Rog,

I think I'll give it a go.

You are a brave man indeed to have opened yourself up to certain scrutiny here. LOL


Heya Leon,

Glad to see you are around! Hope all is well on your end. Have you heard from Duff?

I'm thinkin I will need to try out the some helicopter stuff myself. We need to get together and knock the dust off the old dogfight map. I still make a pretty good moving target if you want some practice!!


Hey Ed,

Kat and I are doing fine - down to two cats now.

I ride over to Duff's house a couple of times during the summer on the way to Leavenworth - nice trip on the Harley.

Give me a holler when you want to fly and we'll put something together.

Steenkin' Germans

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