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OK, ive finally finished this damn thing that ive worked on so bloody long. I sent this improved version to all the hounds, but I thought id see if any dogz want to this offline in the FMB by just selecting various planes and checking "player". Its got some of hte new planes in it, and some prop jobs to. I need to see if it flies ok on most computers and if i left out something important, like putting toilet paper in the outhouses (I understand our Brit comrades just sit on rocks and use leaves, so this may be confusing......you dont use icecubes either I hear). Anyway, I put way too much work into this thing to release it half-A, so see what you think if you get time. I may make this into a mini cmpn, but need to know if i need to change the primary template or whatever. Let me know if you want this thing and ill email it to you. When i get the series done, ill post the whole thing on here. Im going to bed now. :P


Hey Dazza, are you going somewhere?

@Enforcer: I'll be happy to beta test, when I can get online with you guys!


I emailed you guys thru an old email that had everyone on it (some of you have hidden emails on here (cough-painless-cough) so I just sent it to everyone. If you dont get it, let me know by giving me your email (since my telepathic powers are kinda crappy) and ill send it rt then man.

remember to keep your bursts in the mig 9 under 2 seconds or youll wind up losing an engine, and make your approaches from way out and be down to about 120kts when you cross the threshold.....takes a while to land. If you land at the ruskie base from the east, you can run off the end without exploding, but you may wind up in the water. Kinda fun to park on the edge of the runway and watch everyone else come in.

the single corsair driver should take off rigth out of the revetment, and turn onto the runway or taxi way without running off either. same for landing....ive got invisible runways over those that you can run off of and go boom. the this doesnt affect the runway the F-51s are taking off on.

watch the tail pipe temp on the F-80s, though they are certainly competetive to the rusky jets. You are also gonna need all the performance of the new FM of the F-51s (my dad always called em that after he got out in 49).

the captured arados the VVS are using work ok, but I cant remember how to stabilize those things (hard to fly). The ai ones work ok though. I didnt have any griffin engine spits liek they had at the time, so i used the 25lb jobs, and they are almost as fast as the jets.

Let me know how they work on your cmputers. I recommend flying from all perspectives as its very different from each one.

I put my dad's little radar installation on the tip of the peninsula near the small seaplane and sub base, complete with BOTH .50 cals they had set up. I have a few cameras around to.

Let me know if you have any questions or if you dont recieve it.

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