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Yesterday, it occured to me once again, how great of a game IL2 actually is!

I popped on ts knowing Sunflower would be there, to ask for help on the 408 issue....

Bbloke who was there to, took matters in his own hands, got on my pc and sorted things out....(he had to do the same with Palava a while after...we both couldn't get on HL at first)


We started flying on HL, Zeke's vs Wildcats...

What I first thought that would be a massacre on my end, by getting shot down before I even could take off, it turned out to be a great time, flying formation, and getting the targets down for our team!

It was a great experience getting formed up after take of from carriers (A6M2)/ground (betty's), and fly towards the target..

Offcourse there where casualty's on the way in, and without trying to use the word "great" again and to often, I think you catch my drift, that flying together with friends, giving pointers on position and stuff is just priceless....

My last flight was around 5h30 AM! (that's how much fun I had) with a Val on the Pearl Harbor map.....

Flying i formation to the target, we were attacked by a fighter, who managed to cripple my elevators, forcing me to leave formation and head for home...

After a while it seemed Sunflower was the one who shot down the fighter (back gunners did the job), prooving how important formation flying is, even on HL...

Anyway, I managed to get back to the carrier, did a first attempt on landing, bounced a bit on deck, hook was not capable to connect with a deckcable..

Did a second turn, aproached again, made contact with the deck again, but another no go on the cable....instead of pulling up again, I let the plane slide in the water (was really tired actually), and got out safe and sound...

I recorded this aproach, and would like to share, but don't know how....

Anyway, I'm planning on doing this a lot more, so I propose to those who would like to fly formation and have fun to join us on another date!

It's nothing compared to flying alone on HL......

Btw, settings where full real, with not even tags over the planes....you needed to get real close to see if it's was enemy or not :), which made it as real as it could get.....


Last night was the most fun I've ever had with the game, easily.

What we didn't get to do, and what a bummer, was fly up high and drop bombs in formation....Some of the maps encourage this.

Next time!

At one point we had BBloke, Drinksky, Palava, Sged, VT, myself and FA_Hat in reasonably tight formation thundering in towards the carrriers at 30m with a furball traveling along over our heads as fighters slashed from every direction.


Sounds like fun..........

I'd like to join in when ever the opportunity arises......

I'll keep my eye on our TS comms in the evenings and hope to bump into you......

What time EST do you all get together?

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